The People Sing…Tomorrow!

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7 Responses to The People Sing…Tomorrow!

  1. Post Scripts says:

    I believe this could have been written for today’s conservatives trying to fight the oppression of radical socialism foisted on us by so-called liberals, who are anything but…

    Yes, this was very appropriate, tomorrow..tomorrow shall be the start of a new begining where we respect the wisdom of our founders – we don’t disgrace it, we embrace it! .

  2. Chris says:

    I’ve always deeply loved this song, and this musical. Even had a solo in the song in high school choir.

    Please don’t ruin it for me by associating it with the Tea Party.


  3. Tina says:

    Chris…Ok…we’ll just go on associating it with conservatism instead ;D

  4. Chris says:

    That’s your right, Jack and Tina, but I’d bet most people would give you a pretty funny look if you told them that a Broadway musical based on a French book promoting social justice, in which the hero is a poor criminal and the villain is an officer of the law, has anything to do with conservatism.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Chris I get the feeling you’re having a bad day. I can’t think of anything else to explain your obstinate, argumentative behavior over minutia while completely ignoring the heart of the story. Hope your day goes better and you can be more pragmatic in the future on topics of actual relevance.

  6. Chris says:

    Jack, sorry if my replies have been a bit pithy lately. My responses to this particular article were mostly meant in jest.

    I have been pretty busy lately and haven’t had the time to formulate my thoughts as well as I usually do, hence my short, somewhat snarky replies as of late. But I do think everything I’ve written is truthful, if not fully formed.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Fair enough. Thank you for your considerate reply.

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