Tea Party Candidate Rand Paul Wins Big!

Kentucky voters made Rand Paul their next senator Tuesday in a convincing display of tea party strength that defied Democratic hopes and early Republican fears that his ultraconservative views made him unelectable.

Rand Paul joins a growing list of Tea Party candidates from across the nation that won by a landslide and stunned democrats.

In closing seems to me like there was one more thing…. Let’s see…oh yeah, I remember now, it was an election prediction by one Quentin Colgan. He said, “Republicans will pick up less than twenty seats. The TEA party will pick up ZERO seats.” Even if he is the world’s worst election predictor, we still like ol Quentin and we wish him well in his election bid for our city council. We supported Evans, Sorensen and Kromer, but we can still respect and congratulate Quentin for giving it his best shot, no matter how it works out.

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6 Responses to Tea Party Candidate Rand Paul Wins Big!

  1. Mike says:

    Im sure many Republicans were afraid that Rand Paul was unelectable because he was ultraconservative. His big win shows how many voted for him because he believes we should have more personal freedom and less big government. They voted for the Tea Party principles of 1. Limited Constitutional government, 2. Fiscal Responsibility and 3. Free Markets.

    Lets hope that Republican and Democrat Party bosses wake up to the fact that we want all the freedoms that our Constitution intended. We dont want our hard earned money and liberties taken away by government employee unions, big business lobbyists and the useful idiots who vote for more and more government control. Aynn Rand fled Russia and warned us about tyrannical government power in Atlas Shrugged. Rand Paul and the Tea Party can help us regain the liberties that government has been taking away.

  2. Quentin Colgan says:

    Jack, I am deeply touched that you think of me so often.
    Thank you.
    I have to admit, I blew the call the call–BADLY.
    I had WAY more faith in the intelligence of voters!
    I honestly believed they would reject big money and investigate the issues.
    At least Rand Paul can’t screw things up for us here in California.
    Did any baggerz make it in the federal races?
    I see where the big name senate baggerz lost. Looks like a resounding trouncing in Alaska.
    How did the baggerz do in the Congressional races?

  3. Post Scripts says:

    The tea party did well overall, won most, lost some, but overall not bad. Just a thought, but Quentin since you got it really wrong on the election results do you think you might be wrong on the Tea Party movement and what it truly represents? All I see are people united behind the Constitution and a demand for smaller government and economic responsibility. How bad could that be? If you choose to see something else I would remind you how you chose to see the election results.

  4. Toby says:

    Tea Party candidates won 80% or more of the offices they ran for, that is huge. If it were not for the Tea Party the Republicans would not have done as well as they have.

  5. Libby says:

    And he will spend the next several years singing to himself.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Better that Mr. Paul be in the Senators pulpit advocating for freedom than a democrat spouting socialism.

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