Taxing the Rich

Did you know that the top 1% of wage earners in California pay for 25% of the State’s total tax revenue?

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9 Responses to Taxing the Rich

  1. Joe Shaw says:

    Seeing how they probably own 25% of the wealth in the state, I would say that’s more than fair.

  2. Tina says:

    Joe there’s one problem that you have overlooked or just don’t realize.

    Your Democrat buddies love to use that class envy stuff cause it rattles your chain. They’re fooling you when they talk about “taxing the rich”. They know you think the rich don’t deserve to have what they have or they have plenty and “can afford it” so sticking them with high tax rates makes you happy! It also buys your vote.

    Trouble is we do not tax wealth.

    The rich didn’t get wealthy by being stupid. Many of them even write our tax laws which makes this “tax the rich” crap such a sham. there is always a loop hole for those who can afford to avoid paying taxes. When rates are high they just avoid making income! Shall we say it again?

    WE TAX INCOME, NOT WEALTH. What that means is that all of the people in the middle class that are working hard, saving, and investing to build some personal will be taxed at those higher rates (and they will be blocked from accumulating wealth). Retirees on fixed incomes are taxed on investments that could supplement their income.

    THE RICH don’t care what the tax rates are…they know how to avoid having income when rates are high and they are not taxed on the wealth they have so they sit pretty no matter what! Guess what? That means they sit on their wealth instead of investing in ways that create JOBS!!!
    When you take too much money from the producers they refuse to play…wouldn’t you?

    So the greedy, power hungry fat cats in congress talk you into the idea of “taxing the rich” so they have lots of cash to spread around and build their power. Tose who go for this are stupid too because when people sit on their money instead of investing we lose jobs and tax revenue shrinks! They steal the opportunity for fellow Americans to build personal wealth (that would include any poor shlub with a 401K or pension plan) and they squelch employment opportunities. This ultimately hurts the little guy…a lot!

    Conservatives don’t call for eliminating taxes…just keeping them reasonable and making the process simpler. We are looking for a way to fund a more limited government while creating a vibrant economy with plenty of opportunity for americans to work and grow rich!

    Give it some deep thought Joe…I know you have it in you to get this!

  3. Chris says:

    I felt like that statement was leaving some important context out but I couldn’t put my finger on it. Great rebuttal, Joe.

  4. Joe Shaw says:

    When dems these days talk about taxing the rich, we’re not talking about spreading the wealth or going back to the 90% tax brackets of the fifties. Working middle class democrats DO believe that we should all have the opportunity to get rich and if we get it we should be able to keep it or spend it how we like. The welfare class that refuses to try to pull themselves up, along with the lazy good for nothing SSI’s who have finagled lifetime benefits from a mild back injury or substance abuse are the only ones you might hear whining about spreading the wealth, not us working folks. That being said, we’re talking about letting the tax rate on those who make over 250k a year go from 36% back to 39% and leaving the tax rate where it is on everybody else. Does that really sound unreasonable? I can’t believe that a 3% tax hike will stop the rich from doing all they can to keep escalating their income. Give it some deep thought Tina….I know you have it in you to get this!

  5. Peggy says:

    This country needs to stop the “War Against Success.” When did it become bad to be successful in ones chosen profession? Where would this country and the world be without all of those individuals who invented everything from the first cars, industrial machines to computers?

    I do not understand people who think they are entitled to a share of what someone else worked for just because they have more.

    If you want more, work for it. Don’t take it from someone who has more because they worked for it. As a civilized society we are required to take care of those who can not take care of themselves, but we are not required to take care of those who don’t want to work for what they want.

  6. Libby says:

    No, I didn’t know it … cause it’s bullshit. The only people who “know” this are the 1%, and why you stick up for them perpetually baffles me … unless … you are them.

  7. Tina says:

    Joe: “…we’re talking about letting the tax rate on those who make over 250k a year go from 36% back to 39% and leaving the tax rate where it is on everybody else. Does that really sound unreasonable?”

    Ahhh, you do make it sound reasonable…trouble is that isn’t the entire Dem agenda with respect to taxes. Look around, there are taxes and fees on everything and the last Congress was looking for a lot of other taxes to impose on the producers of America. One of their new ideas is finding a way to tax the internet. Value added taxes are another. I’m sure you’re familiar with cap and trade (tax). The right isn’t worried about a 3% increase as much as we are worried about the principle that drives the thinking. Dems will never stop at that 3% increase.

    SPENDING requires them to constantly seek more revenue, period! The size of government means it is managed very poorly so much of it is wasted…or stolen!

    Republicans are drawing a line in the sand; we’re saying enough! You don’t manage what you take well now why should any American turn more of his hard earned cash over to these incompetent, irresponsible, power hungry, jerks?

    Can you guess where that magical number of $250K came from? It just happens to be the top compensation amount for government employees…they didn’t want their most ardent supporters to be effected by a tax hike, even a 3% hike!

    So, Joe, your argument is insufficient! The Dem Party is still the tax and spend party that thinks spreading the wealth around is the right way to go. It isn’t, and as you so eloquently stated:

    The welfare class that refuses to try to pull themselves up, along with the lazy good for nothing SSI’s who have finagled lifetime benefits from a mild back injury or substance abuse are the only ones you might hear whining about spreading the wealth, not us working folks.

    Fair enough, however, I’m not accusing you or anyone else of whining about spreading the wealth to those people. I’m saying that you support people who use spreading the wealth by taking from “the rich” as a tool to gain power…to enrich themselves. I’m saying that greater revenue is always the goal and they will get it whenever and wherever they can and it’s got to stop!

    You should look into the number of ordinary working folk in Hong Kong who were able to become millionaires because a low tax structure and freedom to engage in commerce allowed them to save, invest, and grow personal wealth! America is supposed to be the land of opportunity but the socialist, spread the wealth ideology is killing that dream for the average working stiff in America…that IS YOU, Joe!

    I have given all of this some deep thought, that’s why I now get the BIGGER picture and the incredible LIE. Believe the leftist BS at your own peril.

  8. Tina says:

    Libby: No, I didn’t know it … cause it’s bullshit. The only people who “know” this are the 1%, and why you stick up for them perpetually baffles me … unless … you are them.

    So you think its BS, huh Libby? Shows what you know! The wealthy are basically sitting on their money. They are investing in commodities like gold, silver, and precious metals. They are investing in rare coins, commercial property, wine, and jewels. Long term investments, like municipal bonds, that will not result in immediate returns are also popular.

    The millionaires decline is particularly troubling since it suggests millionaires, typically more sophisticated than the broader affluent population, are reverting to a bearish frame of mind, said George H. Walper Jr., President of Spectrem Group. ** Whats eating the millionaires? ** You guessed it: Washington. ** A quarter of all millionaires cited politics as the news story most affecting their economic outlook. Unemployment was less important, as was the economy and stock market conditions.

    See also here:

    And no, Im not a wealthy personbut I wouldnt mind a shot at becoming one! Being extremely wealthy doesn’t appeal to me because of the great responsibility that comes with it…comfortably wealthy I could handle. I dont think anyone would turn it down if they thought it was possible…even you.

    What would you do if you had several million Libs? (I’ll bet you wouldn’t choose to turn it over to the government. I’ll bet you would rather choose how to spend or invest yourself).

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, the quote about 1% supplorting 25% of the tax revenue of this state is supportable if you care to investigate before you castigate.

    Dan Walters told me that and he writes a column in Sacramento Bee and is considered one of California’s top political commentators. If you think his information is BS…prove it.

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