Posted by Tina
The AP reports that a lot of people preferred the FOX News channel for their election coverage:
Fox News Channel more than doubled the audience it had for the 2006 midterm election. The Nielsen Co. said Wednesday that just under 7 million people watched Fox’s election coverage Tuesday night, a rough night for President Barack Obama. In 2006, which was a rough night for President George W. Bush, the network had 3.1 million viewers. CNN had 2.4 million viewers on Tuesday night, while MSNBC had 1.9 million. Nielsen had no immediate estimate of the audience for the broadcast networks, promising it for Thursday.
Six and a half million more viwers than the second most watched news contender is a considerable edge. Does anybody really believe that nearly seven million people are as nutty as the left asserts?
I think you have to be a little batty yourself to think nearly seven million people are part of a “fringe” group of extremists…but that’s just me.
I’m trying to remember if I’ve ever heard anyone say that all people who watch FOX News are “nutjobs,” but I can’t. I watch the network myself sometimes, although I usually don’t like it.
The jargon is quite common…googling Fox news right wing nuts:
Is there anything that President Obama could do that would NOT draw criticism from Right-wing nuts, Tea Baggers, and Fox News??
Taking a break from hate mongers: conserv right wing-nuts and fox news
A parody folk song looking at right-wing propagandists using Fox News to spread their racist hatred through Teaparty members
Protesters held signs reading “Boycott Fox News – Time to flush Fox News extreme right wing-nuts,”
Glenn Beck and Sean Hannity are right wing nuts.
Just more examples showing why Fox Non-News is just a tool for the right-wing, “wing-nuts”
Of course Fox News is going to trumpet the causes of the Far Right Wing Nuts of the Republicrat Party.
Right wing nuts like hank I watch Fox News EVERY DAY are the real problem with this country. He might as well say he drinks the kool aid everyday.
Shuster Frets Over GOP ‘Fear Mongering’ and ‘Wing Nuts’
Amazing how crazy some of you right wing nuts sound…..I think some of you are sufferring from Fox News Dementia!
Everything the right-wing does … Fox News, GOP Obstructionism, Political Attacks, Right Wing Radio Extremism, Tea Party Weirdos, Wing Nuts
I mean, who but a person of very little brain would believe Fox News. But it is rare that the stupidity of the right wing nuts is so clearly illustrated as in a recent
Fox News, Soviet era Pravda for Right Wing nuts and the vulnerable.
The Wing Nuts, Whack Jobs and Whitey-Whiteness of the … more than a bunch of racist crazies whose wild right wing … and outright support from the powerful Fox News network …
I mean, who but a person of very little brain would believe Fox News. But it is rare that the stupidity of the right wing nuts is so clearly illustrated as in a recent …
But those comments are about the talking heads on FOX News, and their devoted fans, not all viewers. Again, I don’t think everyone who watches FOX News is stupid. But I do hope most of them get their news from other, more balanced sources as well.
Fox beat all the other networks for election coverage…I love it.
“Can 7 Million People All Be Radical Right Wing Nuts?”
Oh, yeah. No question.
Chris: “But I do hope most of them get their news from other, more balanced sources as well.”
What do you consider a “balanced source”?
My guess is the communist news network.
I said “more balanced.” All news is written by people, and it is very hard to avoid bias altogether. At least we know MSNBC will let their powerful anchors go if they donate to candidates without the network’s knowledge. FOX News has no such standards. There have also been studies that show the least informed people got most of their news from FOX. I don’t have time to look it up today but a quick google search will bring it up if you want to look.
7 million divided by 300 million works out to 2.3% of Americans.
Yeah, that’s the fringe. The very definition thereof.
Chris is correct.
There are STILL people out there who think Saddam Hussein had something to do with 9/11!
There are people who think Obama has saddled us with a 14 trillion dollar National Debt!
These uninformed–let’s call ’em “stupid,” for they have an avenue to the truth, but refuse to take it–people cite FOX news as their primary source of news.
Giving millions of dollars to the Republicans takes away any semblance of “fair and balanced.” Yet, Fox still tells ttheir listeners they are fair and balanced.
Now, this is an easy one-question way to tet the intelligence of FOX viewers/listeners (or anyone!):
“Can FOX news still be fair and balanced when they give millions of dollars to one side?”
Quentin what was your take on my comments about Wally, do you agree, disagree?
Chris: “At least we know MSNBC will let their powerful anchors go if they donate to candidates without the network’s knowledge. FOX News has no such standards.”
You’ve been very critical of late about sources for information. How did you determine the standards of FOX News?
“There have also been studies that show the least informed people got most of their news from FOX.”
Gee I wonder what left wing supporting group came up with that determination? Actually I’ve seen the study. To counter I can tell you that similar studies have found that those who listen to Rush, all likely FOX supporters, are not only better informed, but also more highly educated and successful. A July 2006 Pew study found the following:
Quentin: “7 million divided by 300 million works out to 2.3% of Americans. Yeah, that’s the fringe. The very definition thereof.”
Well let’s see…you forgot the 74.6 Million who are undeer the age of 18…we can hardly include them. Also a recent gallup poll finds only 20% of Americans are liberal while 48% are conservative and 32% are moderate. Since both conservatives and moderates make up the majority audience that FOX News enjoys it’s pretty safew to say that liberals represent the fringe in American culture and politics.
Now do what you always do; take your stats and go home!