Coconuts Sacrficed for Obama


The BBC reports that authorities in Mumbai have cut down all of the coconuts surrounding the city’s Gandhi museum, a stop Obama plans to make on Saturday, to ensure the fruits don’t drop on his head.

“We told the authorities to remove the dry coconuts from trees near the building,” the museum’s executive secretary, Meghshyam Ajgaonkar, told the BBC. “Why take a chance?”

Ajgaonkar says the two-story building, a tourist attraction that houses the Gandhi museum and a room where Mahatma Gandhi stayed, also has been painted and renovated for Obama’s visit.

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8 Responses to Coconuts Sacrficed for Obama

  1. Chris says:

    OK, so you were right about this one. Let this be yet another tale of “The Conservative Who Cried Wolf.”

    However, you left an important line out of the article:

    “Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts.”

    I honestly did not know this, but it makes this move sound a lot less ridiculous than it might at first glance.

    Also thought this satirical take on the story from Wonkette was hilarious, thought I’d share:

    India Receives Intel That Terrorist Coconuts Want To Assassinate Obama


    “President Obama will be embarking on a trip tomorrow to visit his real constituency the worlds foreigners to size up, as all American presidents do, potential countries to invade. But recently some local Muslim produce heard about his refusal to wear a Muslim head-covering and became radicalized.

    ‘Officials in the Indian city of Mumbai (Bombay) have taken extraordinary measures to protect US President Barack Obama ahead of his visit.

    In their effort to provide maximum security in the run-up to his visit on Friday, they have removed coconuts which may fall on his head from trees.

    All coconuts around the citys Gandhi museum have now been cut down, an official told the BBC.

    Every year in India people are injured or even killed by falling coconuts.’

    Colonialism is to blame, as usual. And Indians murdering
    and eating these coconuts.”

  2. Libby says:

    Didn’t you hear me say you was a fool? tell us that the doings of a 100-plus thousand fellas in Afghanistan is runninig to $190 million dollars a day. Think of it: a million plus, per soldier, per day. And I know for a fact that most of those soldiers aren’t having any fun at all.

    But back to the subject, you’d have to have the intellect of a proverbial snaildarter to think, even for a second, that Obama’s 2,000 people PR foray to India was going to run to anything like that kind of money.


  3. Post Scripts says:

    Alright Libby, tell me how much all the freeloaders going to India will cost us? You don’t like the numbers being tossed around by the media then what are your numbers so we can be just as mad about that. Because the point that liberals keep side stepping is the president did not have to take 1000, 2000 or 3000 freeloaders with him to India and we are mad as H$# about that and the timing! We’re in a recession! We’re all still tightening our belt and he’s blowing through hundreds of millions on a junket? What an in your face insult to those struggling to make it from one paycheck to the next.

    What possible mission could all those people have? And it is childish to think its only a two day event. The huge deployment of naval ships was done weeks, if not months ahead and causing them to sail from their normal patrol areas thousands of miles was a huge effort that took at least 10 days to be in position. When you stop to think about what it costs to deploy all those people, ships and planes for a short trip then the trip better be damned well worth it. Tell me Libby – is it worth it?

  4. Chris says:

    Jack: “Because the point that liberals keep side stepping is the president did not have to take 1000, 2000 or 3000 freeloaders with him to India and we are mad as H$# about that and the timing! We’re in a recession! We’re all still tightening our belt and he’s blowing through hundreds of millions on a junket?”

    Stop repeating numbers like this as if they are fact when you have no logical reason to think they are true!

    Your lowest guestimate for the number of people Obama is taking with him to India is 1,000. This number is most likely still too high. Yet you are “pissed” about this number, even though you literally JUST MADE IT UP.

    You also say you’re upset about him blowing “hundreds of millions.” This is something that the Pentagon, White House and Secret Service have all denied. You know this. There is no evidence to validate that the administration is spending this much.

    Every time you react to this false story, you embarrass yourself and damage the credibility of your movement even more. All you’re doing is proving right all those who say that conservative journalism is corrupt and devoid of fact.

    You’re better than this.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Chris I am not mnaking this stuff up…I am taking them from all the news sources just like you do most of the time and just like we always do. Well, we shall have more clarity on this as time goes by.

  6. Libby says:

    “I am taking them from all the news sources just like you do most of the time ….”

    No, Honey … you was suckered by no reputable news source at all, whatsoever. Rupert’s Rubes … that’s who you are.

    Prove me wrong and site some non-Rupert affiliated source for all that horsepucky.

  7. Tina says:

    What’s the matter Libby, is the world rejecting the progressive slant on world affairs that your favorite news sources share? Murdock is successful because viewers are capable of naming enemies of humanity and the steps that are necessary to defeat them even when the current President insists on calling THE WAR THAT HE PRESIDES OVER as an “overseas contingency operation”.

    It isn’t that the reporting in Murdock owned news sources is inaccurate; it’s that you don’t like that what is reported doesn’t reflect the official progressive line.

    Tsk tsk!

  8. Libby says:

    Couldn’t do it, could ya!

    Rupert’s Rubes. That’s more that some spiffy alliteration. That’s the republic’s demise, is what that is.

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