Americans Fed Up with Fringe Funeral Protesters

Take a page, America. Time to shun and rebuke those fringe elements that fail to exhibit decency and respect for our military and their families.

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Posted by Tina

WESTON, MO. — People in Weston, Missouri banded together on Saturday. They wanted to protect loved ones who were saying goodbye to a fallen soldier. They stood up to members of the Westboro Baptist Church who planned to protest at Sgt. First Class C.J. Sadell’s funeral. ** Sadell died October 24 from injuries he suffered in a surprise attack in Afghanistan. On Saturday, there was quite a turnout of people who wanted to keep the protesters away from the funeral. ** “I’d say probably half the people in Weston are here,” said Eric Moser, Marine Corp veteran. ** Weston has less than 2,000 residents, but hundreds of people showed up to support the family of First Sgt. Sadell. ** Sadell was in the Arif Kala region of Afghanistan when his unit was ambushed October 5. Five soldiers died and Sadell was badly injured. **
“If you think about it, they’ve all gone to serve just so we could be able to do this,” said Rebecca Rooney who organized the supporters. “He didn’t die in vain.”

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8 Responses to Americans Fed Up with Fringe Funeral Protesters

  1. Chris says:

    If there’s one thing almost all Americans, conservative or liberal, can agree upon, it’s that Fred Phelps and his ilk are a bunch of sick, demented, traitorous loons.

    God bless the soldiers who have fought and died for our country.

  2. Tina says:

    Absolutely Chris. This group of so-called Christians do not represent the majority (99.999999999) Americans or Christians. It does my heart good that this town is shunning them and protecting this family as they grieve and lay their son to rest.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Ahmen to that Chris…well said!

  4. Toby says:

    I wonder who Fred voted for? LOL

  5. Post Scripts says:

    One other thing, there’s nothing Christian about these wackos. They deserve a good butt kickin, starting with Fred.

  6. Libby says:

    “I wonder who Fred voted for? LOL”

    Do you, really?

    It’s encouraging to see you all, finally, realize that the path to political power does not lie with the Reverend Fred. Took you long enough.

  7. Chris says:

    “I wonder who Fred voted for? LOL”

    I highly doubt he voted for anyone, as he hates all Americans, conservative or liberal, pretty much equally. If you’re trying to imply that he would vote for Obama, then you’re deluded.

  8. Tina says:

    Mean Girl Libby: “It’s encouraging to see you all, finally, realize that the path to political power does not lie with the Reverend Fred. Took you long enough.”

    Smug and wrong. How lame is that!

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