Arab Allies Repeatedly Urged Destruction of Iran’s Nuclear Program

Posted by Tina

One of the first items to be revealed in the latest round of wikiLeaks:

“King Abdullah of Saudi Arabia has repeatedly urged the United States to attack Iran to destroy its nuclear programme, according to leaked US diplomatic cables that describe how other Arab allies have secretly agitated for military action against Tehran. The revelations, in secret memos from US embassies across the Middle East, expose behind-the-scenes pressures in the scramble to contain the Islamic Republic, which the US, Arab states and Israel suspect is close to acquiring nuclear weapons. Bombing Iranian nuclear facilities has hitherto been viewed as a desperate last resort that could ignite a far wider war.” – “Saudi Arabia urges US attack on Iran to stop nuclear programme,” by Ian Black and Simon Tisdall – Guardian (UK)

Who was it that got in trouble for singing “Bomb, Bomb, Bomb…Bomb, Bomb Iran”?

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19 Responses to Arab Allies Repeatedly Urged Destruction of Iran’s Nuclear Program

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    I was just about to submit this as a topic for you to take a look at. Thanks for beating me to it.

    Talk about degenerate, solid gold toilet seat, Islamo-fascist governments. “Do it for us.”

    I don’t see these cowards asking Israel to do the dirty work for them. Funny how that works.

    Can’t Saudi put together a coalition of Muslim countries to mitigate the threat from Iran? It is not like they do not have the resources, money and military.

    Can you imagine the international stink, especially from Islamo-fascist countries like Saudi, if Israel decided to remove the threat for them?

    Can you imagine the (official and unofficial) international stink, especially from Islamo-fascist countries like Saudi and Marxist Eurofools if the US decided to remove the threat for them?

    Allahu Akbar, dude.

  2. Quentin Colgan says:

    One wonders why they couldn’t do their own dirty work themselves.
    Maybe it’s to keep people from noticing the Saudis are the chief finaciers of Al Qaeda!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Colgan’s: One wonders why they couldn’t do their own dirty work themselves.
    Maybe it’s to keep people from noticing the Saudis are the chief finaciers of Al Qaeda!

    Welcome To Planet Colgan! You can check out any time you like, but you can never leave.

    Just for clarity (never one of Mr. Colgan’s strengths) please note that it is not the Saudi Government that is said to be the chief financiers, but Saudis.

    Also note that some of these financiers were recently busted by the Saudi Government —

    Of further note please remember that both of these revelations, the attacking Iran request and Al Qaeda (!) financing come from Wikileaks documents. That the Saudi government asking that the US attack Iran AND that Saudis are major contributors to Al Qaeda would not be known publicly except for Wikileaks.

    So, is Mr. Colgan suggesting that Saudi is behind these two Wikileaks releases? One to draw attention to Saudi citizens financing Al Qaeda and the other “keep people from noticing the Saudis are the chief financiers of Al Qaeda”?

    If so, wow, the Saudi government in its nefarious machinations must be drawing attention and away itself AT THE SAME TIME THROUGH THE SAME ORGAN!

    Dang, those Saudis are ingenious and crafty.

    Or is it just that Mr. Colgan doesn’t spend much time thinking things through. Or thinking at all for that matter?

    Thanks for Quentin being Quentin and Post Scripts for posting his comments. I thoroughly enjoyed it.

  4. Libby says:

    “Maybe it’s to keep people from noticing the Saudis are the chief finaciers of Al Qaeda!”

    Saudi financiers, maybe … their own “right wing”. But the Saudi government has very successfully 1) reabsorbed quantities of AQ foot soldiers back into Wahabi society, and 2) forced the Saudi AQ leadership across the border into Yemen.

    This is all very complicated.

    But now you know. If Israel were to take out Iran’s nuclear capacity, the Saudis would make noises, and that is all. Most, in fact, of the Middle Eastern governments would make noises … but that is all. I think the Iranian government is also well aware of this, which begs the question …

    “What on earth are you fussing about?”

  5. Tina says:

    Pie thanks you saved me the trouble.

    Libby: “the Saudis would make noises, and that is all. Most, in fact, of the Middle Eastern governments would make noises … but that is all.”

    AMAZING!!! We have agreement. I think that’s two recent instances. What these governments say in punblic and what they do and say in private are two very different things. Many people in the ME are fed up with terrorists and trouble makers. But dear heart…who says we’re fussing?

    Only little old you sitting in a smugness stew of your own making!

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby’s: This is all very complicated.

    Uh, no it isn’t. It is, in fact, quite simple and straight forward.

    1) Some wealthy Saudis and (perhaps if not likely) some members of the Saudi government support al-Qaeda in one form or another.

    2) Saudi and several other Islamo-fascist and/or Arab run countries fear Iran.

    3) Saudi and those Muslim countries who fear Iran want the US to do the dirty work and spend the treasure to do it.

    4) The US responds, well, if you are really serious about terrorism and terrorist states, do some house cleaning of your own and then we will talk about it.

    5) Saudi arrests 149 (or more) al-Qaida suspects in a sweep over several months.

    I hope that helps.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby’s: If Israel were to take out Iran’s nuclear capacity, the Saudis would make noises, and that is all. Most, in fact, of the Middle Eastern governments would make noises … but that is all. I think the Iranian government is also well aware of this, which begs the question …

    “What on earth are you fussing about?”

    Dear Libby,

    If the US were to take out Saddam Hussein knowing his use of and his ongoing threat to acquire and use of WMD the Saudis would make noises, and that is all. Most, in fact, of the Middle Eastern governments would make noises (and so would leftists and leftist governments in Marxist Europe and despotic totalitarian governments across the globe) … but that is all. I think the new Iraqi government is also well aware of this, which begs the question …

    “What on earth were you and are you still fussing about?”

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Pie, ironically the evidence to support your bold statement has just arrived today with the release of secret documents by Wikileaks. In those docs it was reported that Arab leaders were far more concerned with Iran than Israel. Most Arab leaders were admitting that they put on the angry face when talking about Israel just to appease their population. This could have dire consequences for them when this is made known to their followers, but it most certainly supports what you said! (Jack)

  9. Jerry says:

    Arab Allies Repeatedly Urged Destruction of Iran’s Nuclear Program

    Any one want to take bets on the fact that they most likely urged a “strike” on Iraq back in 1991 and 2003 also.

  10. Betty says:

    When will you people wake up and realize that Obama is a Muslim and the Saudis did this just to temporarily alleviate him of having to deal with this.

    While they have their man in the WH, they cannot afford to have troubles from the Nazi’s next door.

  11. Quentin Colgan says:

    I never once said it was the Saudi Government–odd that you would. HMMMMmm
    I am NOT suggesting Saudis are beind the leaks–though you’re free to act as loony-tunes paranoid as you see fit.

  12. Pie Guevata says:

    Re Quentin Colgan’s: “I never once said it was the Saudi Government–odd that you would. HMMMMmm
    I am NOT suggesting Saudis are beind the leaks–though you’re free to act as loony-tunes paranoid as you see fit.”

    Of course you were not. Not for a minute did I ever think that you actually thought out the implications of your own postulate. I would never expect you to ever actually think out any statement you make.

    I was being facetious and was taking your statement and what it clearly implies to its only logical conclusion. I am fully aware this is is something you are completely incapable of since it was you who formulated such a completely idiotic postulate to begin with.

    So much for “thinking outside of the box”.

    Quentin postulated that maybe the Saudis were trying to hide behind a Wikileak revelation of another Wikileak revelation. That notion is, of course, utter nonsense (if not completely idiotic).

    Quentin Colgan’s looney-tunes answer to Quentin Colgan’s comment about who is looney-tunes —

    (See comment 2 above repeated here.)

    “One wonders why they couldn’t do their own dirty work themselves.
    Maybe it’s to keep people from noticing the Saudis are the chief finaciers of Al Qaeda!”

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: Jerry | November 29, 2010 9:16 AM

    “Arab Allies Repeatedly Urged Destruction of Iran’s Nuclear Program

    Any one want to take bets on the fact that they most likely urged a “strike” on Iraq back in 1991 and 2003 also.”

    I’ll take that bet too, Jerry. There is no doubt in my mind that is precisely what happened. Including France. Of course there is no proof one way or the other, yet. I just wish I could live another 50 or more years to see it in the history books.

  14. Name: Mark says:

    Who’s the a-hole? Have not read the report, but if I understand correctly, the VIPs are grumbling because they’ve been outbid by the king and moved to coach, from where presumably the plebes have been moved to other areas of the hospital because their standard wards were needed as private rooms for the displaced VIPs. Perhaps at the end of the day some poor people were rolled out into the street. So what? Somewhere in this model, the king has created jobs, I’m sure.

  15. Libby says:

    “I hope that helps.”

    Actually, you said the same thing five times, and this was neither enlightening, nor did it alter me original premise: when Iran becomes a genuine threat, that threat will be irradicated, by everybody’s mutual consent … as the Iranian government knows full well.

    So … what on earth are you fussing about?

  16. Post Scripts says:

    Libs, are you saying and our national security must rely on what a few despotic Arab regimes? Sure sounds like it. Nah, you would never say something that dumb….would you?

  17. Libby says:

    “Libs, are you saying and our national security must rely on what a few despotic Arab regimes? Sure sounds like it. Nah, you would never say something that dumb….would you?”

    So, because the Saudis, Jordanians, Egyptians, Iraqis, Kuwaitis and whoever-the-freak-all-else (Israelis) agree with us, we SHOULD NOT take out the Iranian nuclear threat … when it becomes a threat?

    That’s very kindergarten of you, sort of the “Three Stooges” approach to foriegn policy. I am, alas, not disappointed.

  18. Libby says:

    Betty … you are why, at twelve years old, I announced to the family that I would no longer respond to that name.

    Betty is a name for dimwits. I am not a dimwit. You, alas … would seem to be.

    I know … I know … all shades of opinion should be tolerated. Well, yes, up to a point. But Betty exceeds that point.

    It is, I’m sorry, only the most flaming reactionary of a bigot who will cling to this “Obama is a Muslim” horsepucky, and, for the sake of any hope of continuing human civilization, such flaming reactionary bigots must be told to evolve or die. We will not tolerate them.

  19. Tina says:

    Libby: “It is, I’m sorry, only the most flaming reactionary of a bigot who will cling to this “Obama is a Muslim” horsepucky…”

    So now having an opinion that someone is lying about his religion is automatically translated to bigotry? Wow! You really are way out there on the edge of that bigotry card.

    “We will not tolerate them.”

    Speak for yourself! Your own surly, nasty propensity to personally attack those with a differeing opinion these days is quite mean, you might call it bigoted…and still we indulge your utterances.

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