Iran’s Contribution to the Afghanistan War – IED’s

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3 Responses to Iran’s Contribution to the Afghanistan War – IED’s

  1. Tina says:

    And so few…have there been any?…announcements about the number of American deaths in the media. Where’s the body count?

    In contrast, so few…have there been any?…headlines about the numbers of innocent people that have been killed or villages that have been flatened, other than at HuffPo, Salon, and a few other blogs.

    Last but not least…so few…have there been any?…protests charging Obama with waging an illegal war for OIL!

  2. Quentin Colgan says:

    I see that before we sent our troops there, none were getting killed by IEDs.
    The solution is obvious.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Afghanistan is a pile rocks.

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