by Jack Lee
Would our local Chico Democrats do something unethical, something is against the law? As hard as it is to believe (said jokingly), that is exactly what they admitted doing in a settlement with the FPPC. That admission got their big fine reduced to $4000, a mere fraction of what it should have been. These politicos put out a smear letter on then Councilman Larry Wahl that was totally false! But, what really got them in big trouble was filing a false report with the FPPC, an organziation that is charged with keeping elections clean. Ah, big mistake! You don’t lie to the FPPC. They get very annoyed when people try to deceive them…its kinda like trying to fool mother nature, ya just don’t do that!.
Chico Democrats 08 and its treasurer Michael Worley were fined Friday by the state Fair Political Practices Commission for including a false committee name on a 2008 hit piece targeting former Chico City Councilor Larry Wahl and failing to properly file campaign expenditure reports with the state.
By a 4-0 vote Friday, the commission approved an agreement in which Worley admitted to the violations and was offered a reduced fine of $4,000 for the two counts.
A full story will appear in tomorrow’s Enterprise-Record and online at
You know, if this were just a reporting/bookkeeping error I could have some sympathy. It’s difficult to meet the requirements of McCain/Feingold restrictions on our freedom of speech. BUT, this is not just a reporting error. This was a corrupt and dirty action taken to try and bring down a local hero who stands up to them. These are people willing to lie in their campaigns in order to secure more power over the American people. Their agenda does not include a betterment of our country or protection of our individual freedoms.
It’s pretty hard for them to deny they lied and played dirty – even though they deny they do such things all the time. But, this time they got caught and there was no way out.
They got too bold and they had to admit the truth.
What an embarassment and humiliation for anyone that belongs to such a dirty organization.
This is just one of the reasons they call themselves “independents”. This way they can donate to the democrats, vote along party lines and then deny any connection when crap like this comes along. As far as getting a apology from elected democrats, good luck with that.