Mr. President – Resume Drilling!

by Jack Lee

President Obama’s moratorium on drilling in the gulf is causing many people to lose their jobs and an unnecessary economic hardship. The fact is, we have an abundance of idle labor with fantastic expertise in the oil production sector and we also have costly technology sitting idle too. And all those jobs and all that technology needs a place to go to work. But, thanks to the president’s oil drilling policy it’s all just sitting there in the gulf states waiting on him to lift the restrictions.

The president presumably wants to be sure we won’t have another disaster like the BP spill, but what he’s failing to consider is over 50,000 wells have been drilled successfully and without any major incident. You can’t punish an entire industry over one bad accident.

No great endeavor will ever be risk free, but the track record for off shore drilling has been very good and since the BP spill there has been new technology developed to prevent another blow out. Its much improved over the old technology. There is simply no good reason why we shouldn’t resume drilling.

Consider that in this dark economic time we could almost immediately put 250,000 people to work in good paying jobs and add $550b to the economy, if we resumed exploration and development in the gulf. This is a matter of leadership and good judgment and this president is headed off in the wrong direction. Its another example of a self-inflicted crisis, only this one is causing greater damage than the original BP spill.

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5 Responses to Mr. President – Resume Drilling!

  1. Steve says:

    Jack you’re right on the money.

    A couple years ago CA was looking at allowing more drilling off our coastline. We could have sold drilling rights for $10 to $20 billion plus regular annual revenue to the state, plus putting a whole lot of people back to work. And the oil platforms would have been far enough out to not be seen. Not a bad deal.

    Of course, democrat legislators, bought off by environmental extremists, killed the deal. Until the people learn to stop supporting democrats we will continue to see our gas prices go up, and the working class will suffer.

  2. Peggy says:

    We have enough oil on shore to meet our needs for the next 200 years and we continue to buy it from countries that want to destroy us. Paying $4 a gallon for gas to drive to the grocery store means I buy less food so I can afford to buy more gas at an even higher price the next time I have to fill up.

    This is insane! 200 years is beyond our existance as a nation.

  3. Post Scripts says:

    Peggy you are right, for every dollar spent to buy foreign oil we’re not spending a dollar on our own economy. Economists say that a 10 cent rise in gasoline prices results in $40M taken out of the general economy per day.

  4. Peggy says:

    Where is the breaking point? $4.50 a gallon, $5? We are headed there at high speed. Bankrupt or depression is our nation’s future unless major changes are made and made soon.

    Went to Costco yesterday and stocked up my cupboards and got things for my son’s family too. With everything going up, I’ll save where I can, while I can. Don’t need new clothes. Last years will have to do. And eating out will be done only for special occasions. Sorry restaurant owners.

    God help us. 2012 can not come soon enough.

  5. Tina says:

    Once again where are the headlines and talking heads with their talking points? Remember when gas prices were rising under Bush…NO?

    Try these:

    Democrats blame Bush for high gas prices – USA Today

    High Gas Prices are Bush’s Fault – Salon

    President Uses High Gas Prices to Bushwhack Arctic Refuge – Environmental News Network

    Public Faults Bush for Rising Gas Prices – Gallup

    Drill baby drill has a nice ring to it.

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