Posted by Tina…Hat Tip, Pie, RThe American Spectator article
John Boehner, Eric Cantor and Kevin McCarthy have chosen to block a proposal submitted by Reps. Steve King and Michele Bachmann to defund Obamacare. The Tea Party members had hoped to attach their bill to the continuing resolution bill and had been told that under the new House rules they could go forward with this plan.
Funding for healthcare was approved under the last Congress in the amount of $105 billion over three years with $5 billion allocated for fiscal year 2011.
Explanations from the offices of leadership are less than satisfactory:
“There is no way we can include their [Bachmann and King’s] amendment; it would just bog us down and undercut the leadership goal of getting real cutting done through negotiations with Democrats and the White House.” (Cantor aid)
“[McCarthy] is not opposed to finding a way to zero out the implementation funding, but if the majority leader and Speaker don’t want it, the whip isn’t in a position to push too hard. But let’s be clear, there is nothing to all the hooey about how leadership is supporting funding of Obamacare, because we aren’t bending to every whim of King and Queen Michele.” (McCarthy aid)
Apparently House rules would have to be changed before this bill could be attached to the continuing resolution. It could be that Boehner thinks such a move would resemble the Pelosi tactic of changing procedures to muscle bills through to passage. Boehner did promise a vote on the bill as a stand-alone proposal but chances for its passage in the Senate are slim to none.
Meanwhile Obamacare continues to be challenged from a variety pack of lawsuits including the 20 state challenge as to the constitutionality of the mandate to buy insurance. Just last week US District Judge Roger Vinson gave the Obama administration seven days to file an appeal to his ruling placing it, as Politio reports, “on a fast track to the Supreme Court”. The judge’s ruling found the entire healthcare bill unconstitutional. A Supreme Court decision, should the court take up the case, could be a game changer for everyone if they find in favor of the judges ruling. A memoranda on the status of various lawsuits as of Dec 1, 2010 can be foundhere.
Tea Partiers are expressing anger and disappointment over Boehner’s decision to nix the Bachmann and King proposal. The leadership claims to have heard TP voices loud and clear. As the months unfold we will see whether a commitment to defund or reverse this costly healthcare bill materializes…for now it’s dead. November 2012 looms.
Your thoughts Post Scripters…
I’m not sure you want my thoughts Tina. The first thing that comes to mind is “SELL OUT”! For now I’ll go along Ronald Reagan’s 1st Commandment and speak no further about the Republicans involved.
Actually I do Jack. I tried to keep the article toned down just so our readers would have an opportunity to express themselves as they felt necessary.
Like you I am being cautious. I would hope some kind of a well-thought-out plan has been constructed that includes not only the circumstance that we don’t have much power in the Senate but also whatever Democrats will do to try to circumvent our efforts. This is a definite chess game and we are in a difficulot position. Wanting something and getting it are two different things. How skillfully Republicans are able to bring about the demands of the people is yet to be seen. Holding my breath and hoping for the best…low expectations for self preservation? Probably! I’ve been under the weather for weeks and can’t haqndle too much stress for now. I could stand some good news and extended period of sunshine about now…lol.
I found the article interesting to me in that it points out Americas need for immediate results verse the tradition of stalled blather. Now for the first time in my life time we actually have a growing party of power to insert true American needs and wants into a clan of slothful politicians. The new guard themselves are as impatient as the voters who sent them there, and they are doing what is expected of them. This is going to shake things up. Their first attempts are going to be met with a high degree of resistance, if for no other reason to test their backbone and see if they can really effect change. However as we send in more and more people who actually champion our concerns the old guard will take notice. Then there will come a reckoning that they ‘the old guard’ are actually just Representatives of our thoughts and not icons of political privilege. and if they wish to remain they are going to have to work for us for a change, and not just for their political parties advancement of power.
I intend to call Rep. Herger’s office to find out why he voted yes, McClintock did as well, he said something to the effect that they got another 60B in cuts, last time to vote for extension. (I am paraphrasing)
I am disappointed in both of them,
Harold: “This is going to shake things up. Their first attempts are going to be met with a high degree of resistance, if for no other reason to test their backbone…”
Excellent point Harold and a signal to the TPers and anyone else who agrees to call, fax, phone, message or tweet our reps…probably a good idea to hit the speaker as well. send him an email by going to this page:
He obviously wants to hear from outside his district or he wouldn’t have put that option on his webpage. We need to let them know we are still here and still fired up and supportive of needed spending cuts.
Good for you Harriet!