Posted by Tina
Dear Sirs:
You are about to lose 550 engineering jobs to Oklahoma. This is another in a long list of employers that have chosen to leave California due to a lousy, unfriendly business climate. This is bad for california workers…bad for taxpayers and bad for the states bottom line.
OKLAHOMA CITY — The Boeing Company says it is relocating two programs from Long Beach, Calif., to Oklahoma City, a move expected to bring 550 engineering jobs to the state.
Boeing announced in a news release Monday it is moving its C-130 Avionics Modernization program to Oklahoma City beginning in the first quarter of 2011. The move of the B-1 program is expected toward the end of 2012.
“Part of our decision was affordability,” said Jennifer Hogan with Boeing in Oklahoma City. “Oklahoma City is a great place to do business. We are conscience of the budget cuts Defense is going through and this move will also make us competitive for future work.”
How big does the mass exodus have to get before you bozo’s get a clue?
They will NEVER get a clue, it’s why they keep making the same mistakes over and over, year after year.
However, it all starts with the voter and in this case they have got the government they deserve. Unfortunately the opposition got the same government.
Do you, perchance, have an alternative solution?
Perchance, backed up with numbers we could examine?
There is really nothing here for the voters to examine, is there? Just some words that don’t even tell a fraction of the story.
WHAT was unaffordable?
This cut&paste from FAUX News doesn’t say.
You would be doing the voters–and your State–a HUGE service if you would only point this, and other pertinent facts out. If only so the voters could possibly take the necessary steps to correct the problem.
It IS your goal to correct the problem, isn’t it, Tina?
Or, do you just want to complain?
Feel free to insult.
It’s all you got, now!
Q: “Do you, perchance, have an alternative solution?”
You demand an alternative solution to businesses moving out of California in record numbers? Sure! Our state government must offer businesses incentives to move TO California:
1.Compete with other states. Other states are wise enough to realize that their citizens need jobs. They are enticing companies with lower taxes, reasonable regulation, and an attitude of cooperation and less intrusive government. Find out what those states are doing and duplicate or better them.
2.Drop the excessive green agenda. The science behind it is invented, flawed, incomplete and misleading. Government fixes are expensive and offer little, if any, advantage or improvement. They are particularly insidious during this time of economic distress when companies, like individuals and families are suffering.
Perchance, backed up with numbers we could examine?
As if you had the skill to examine them? You kill me Quentin. Most of the time your only reason for posting here is to attack and criticize others. You offer few solutions or opinions yourself but demand flawless expertise, perfect wisdom, and now, numbers crunching! Tell you what, you show me a time in the history of mankind when incentives didnt play a monumental part in decision making and Ill do my best to find some numbers for you from an expert in the field on such matters. (or you could do it yourself like a big boy). I wont hold my breath.
There is really nothing here for the voters to examine, is there? Just some words that don’t even tell a fraction of the story.
Why, because Q the magnificent has said so?
Voters are not stupid…slow and difficult to arouse at times perhapsbut, not stupid.
Posting this story is another reminder to voters that the jobs situation in California continues to get worse. Its a reminder that our California legislators are NOT doing what will bring jobs to California. In fact they ARE doing the exact opposite; they are running businesses out of the state.
I had no profound or hidden agenda when I posted this. It was just a matter of applying the “squeaky wheel” principle. This is a tiny dot in a very large tapestry, Quentin. Lighten up, man, I wouldnt want you to expire over it.
Affordablility? WHAT was unaffordable?
Try to keep up, I know its tough when you dont run a business and you think profits are unnecessary, but the business climate in California sucks. This tough business climate became impossible when coupled with federal defense spending cuts:
There is a point when the numbers just wont crunch anymore. This business could no longer AFFORD to do business in California, number 49 in terms of business friendliness of states. Had California appeared to be moving in a more positive business direction they might have chosen to stay. As it is, Californians chose to go with the very green Mr. Brown and a Democrat controlled legislature…and the rest, as they say, is history.
COMPETITIONit cant be avoided. Might as well learn how to play the game! The name of the game is GIVE BUSINESSES A REASON TO BECOME CALIFORNIA COMPANIES.
Or do yo prefer the unsustainable course we are on that promises shrinking revenues and even higher numbers of unemployed?
Good post Tina.
The second step is to replace them with anyone who make California a business friendly state again.
But first you have to convince the delusional that there is a problem. They seem to think Jerry is doing a good job while more real jobs flee the state.
Where are the jobs Jerry?
Where’s the hope Obama?
The left has brought nothing but misery to our people. It’s time for a full change of power in this country and this state.
Steve, what amazes me is when we have a statewide poll the approval numbers for the legislators come in well under 10%, thats unbelievably awful. Yet, at the voting booth the democrats keep getting elected???
Unless the elections are fixed you can only have one other conclusion: The people voting for these dems that are ruining the state are complete blithering idiots!
It’s not a matter of the GOP not getting the message out, who doesn’t know this state is broke? So it’s not that people don’t know whats going on – the polling says they do! Unless there is election fraud on a huge scale the only logical answer left is the voters themselves are to blame – they are just idiots, there is no kind way to say it.
Got a call from my daughter in Florida. She is in the yachting business and times are tough. They’ve really had to cut back and they have laid off a lot of people. They are just struggling to..(dare I say it? lol) stay afloat?
So even rich people are feeling this recession? I said and Beck replied, “Yes they really are and we need them because they create the jobs! We need the rich people, I need them!” Ah, truer words were never said. And there it is in one short personal sentence. Rich people create jobs and without them we have no jobs. Poor people do not create jobs – rich people do.
Often people know there is a problem but they don’t put two and two together. While many (most) people hate the legislature, they don’t mind their particular legislator. Even if they don’t like their legislator, when they get to the polls they remember their legislator’s name better than anyone else and check the box.
Governor Brown has also done a pretty good job of pinning the budget on Republicans again, even though Democrats control the entire state. Just read the Chico Snooze n Review for the latest talking points on how everything is the Republicans fault. It shows Brown is good at manipulating the press and the people, but it does nothing to actually solve our budget problems.
Bottom line: Tax increases solve nothing, because high taxes is what got us into this mess. We need tax cuts and we need them now.
Rich people invest their money and that investment is how jobs are created.
There is another way, one that perhaps our friend Q would embrace. I’m forced to speculate because he hasn’t offered an alternative to personal investment by those among us with extra cash to invest. Are you ready?
The government is given permission by “idiot” citizens to do away with property rights. It takes all of the wealth away from the citizens (taxes) and announces a takeover of all private business. Government’s involvement in GM was a toe in the water test.
The people whined a bit but nobody rioted. Were we in shock? Did we not realize the danger? ARE “WE THE PEOPLE” SO DUMBED DOWN WE NO LONGER VALUE PROPERTY RIGHTS? (Are we insane?)
Too many Californians have been infected with the socialist bug. Too many have swallowed the green poison. They have forgotten what made it possible for them to enjoy the California dream even as many of them with the clout to elect Brown live in the most expensive areas and OWN the most expensive properties and have the biggest bank accounts. If they were truly committed to the ideology they tout they would donate their holdings to the state and take up a life of relative poverty, food stamps and all. (BUT THEY DON’T!)
Other peoples money…means your money and my money.
Politicians (Democrats overtly) need other peoples money so they can spend and spend and spend without caution or care about our bottom line. Their SPENDING is the problem…and their ADDICTION to other peoples money (our property).
Steve, I can appreciate your kindness and willingness to be generous with these leftist voters. You still have some hope we can convince them of the error of their ways – I’m way past that now and totally cynical.
I’m not inclined to cut them any slack because they constantly vote for things the founders would have reeled at and despised. They are always seeking what government can do for them. They are members of LaRaza, they are a collection of wackos in Earth First, Code Pink, N.O.W. They’re also in the American Indian Movement (AIM), they’re in the anti-nuclear movement, they are the greenies and global warming movement, they are behind the Fair Trade movement, they are ALF, SDS, and at least a dozen more groups that are all basically communists and socialists and they all vote democrat.
Maybe they are not idiots, idiots don’t know better and that would be forgivable.
These voters have a strong leftist agenda, are highly partisan, self-serving, shortsighted and greedy.
If the voting age was 8 years old I could understand how some of these voters could be misled by Jerry Brown and company, but where I sit they have reached the age where they should know better.
They have an atrocious voting record because their agenda is atrocious.
Yep…thank you Tina.
Great roundup of the fools, dupes and whackos that make up the leftist block.
Are there enough (in numbers) uninformed, newly adult, middle of the road voters to make our efforts worthwhile? (Should I remain in CA?) If so, how long until they wake up or until the state collapses so we can sweep up these crumbbags and dump them into a dustbin for good? One way or the other it has to come to an end.