Sen. Rand Paul Balanced Budget Plan

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3 Responses to Sen. Rand Paul Balanced Budget Plan

  1. Peggy says:

    Finally, someone is Washington who makes sense. Hopefully, others will join in supporting his proposal of balancing our budget in 5 years and we can see a better future for our kids again.

    I support all of the cuts he voiced here and want to see the rest of his proposal.

  2. Quentin Colgan says:

    It’s kinda crazy, but if we actually followed The Constitution, we could balance the budget in one year.
    If we actually followed The Constitution we would have always HAD a balanced budget.

  3. Tina says:

    Hindsight..big whoop.

    We stand on the shoulders of all who have come before, like it or don’t. We stand in made a mess. Now, we can begin to clean it up or go under. You stand on the sidelines waving a big sign that speaks the obvious and think you have actually contributed something. What a sanctimonious phony!

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