Posted by Tina
Soon we’re all going to need a special decoder ring to keep up with this President; the PC vocabulary just keeps growing and growing.
We’ve already been through the reeducation training that removed words like terrorist, war on terror, Islamic terrorist, and Jihad from our vocabulary. Now this:
In the last few days, Obama administration officials have frequently faced the question: Is the fighting in Libya a war? From military officers to White House spokesmen up to the president himself, the answer is no. But that leaves the question: What is it?
In a briefing on board Air Force One Wednesday, deputy national security adviser Ben Rhodes took a crack at an answer. “I think what we are doing is enforcing a resolution that has a very clear set of goals, which is protecting the Libyan people, averting a humanitarian crisis, and setting up a no-fly zone,” Rhodes said. “Obviously that involves kinetic military action, particularly on the front end.”
Some folk are so upset there have even been calls for the President’s impeachment…by DEMOCRATS! YIKES!!!
I confess, I kinda miss the old vocabulary…and having a Commander-in-Chief that says exactly what he means.
Besides, those decoder rings are so hard to come by!
Maybe he should take being locked out of the white house as a sign and leave.
This is very funny on so many levels. Now I think these clowns are a great example of entertainers. Lord knows they are not competent to be called anything else.
Speaking of kinetic …
When Barack Obama is removed from office in the next election cycle that will be kinetic political action, particularly on the front end.
The hypocrisy of Obama, his cabinet and the MSM is unbelievable. Bush went to congress twice, had the support of 34 countries vs. 16 countries for Obama and Biden threatened to impeach Bush.
I can just see all of the campaign aids for the 2012 election, with the huge selection of videos using their own words. Hopefully, enough funds will be raised to air them on the major networks during prime time.
Toby once again your comedic timing is perfect…and pointed…love it!
Pie I’d nominate you to head the official kinetic political action committee in a heart beat if I thought it were necessary. After this maybe not.
Peggy this next election is going to be the biggest circus yet…I too hope we’re ready!
If you liberals are feeling a little down try this. Pretend Obama is a Republican and cut loose. Clearly all that pent up hypocrisy is causing you pain. Don’t think for a second I care about your pain, you deserve it and much more. Seeing you fools flopping around like fish out of water is so satisfying.
Maybe this is the “hope and change” dingus was blathering about. Seeing you in this mess sure makes me hopeful for the huge, huge change coming in 2012. WINNING!
I’ll buy the popcorn. It’s going to be a really big show.
I just saw a story on drudge with pictures of Obama’s own people (Muslims) stomping his picture into the dirt. It just keeps getting better and better.
Toby what you said about liberals imagining Obama is a republican is brilliant and it made my day…I’m still laughing, my sides are hurting….
Toby I think we should hold a candle light vigil downtown and protest this warmonger Obama and his blood lust for power. You could carry an impeach Obama sign and I could carry a no blood for oil sign. Maybe we could pass around fliers with peace signs on them, asking to impeach him and put him on trial for war crimes?
Hey Libby, how do you like your man now?
We could go green if anyone has some old ones with Bush’s name on them we can write over.
Funny how our own group of usual suspects seem to have all gone on vacation at once. Cowards!
Hey…don’t forget the “O as Hitler” sign…gotta have one of those to represent an authentic peace vigil.
The democrats own Obama and Obama owns this whole mess. As republicans and conservatives and Tea party this is what we need to keep hammering home. We as the opposition should be doing a huge media blitz bashing Obama over the head. Pulling into the light what the Left is trying so hard to keep in the dark. They want everyone to forget all the promises that got him elected and all he outright lies he has told his base and the Country. From here to election day we need to keep pounding the drum that screams “Obama Owns This!”
We can call it operation dragnet because it is nothing but the facts. It is nothing but the truth. Most of all we need to be gung ho and pull together!