Posted by Tina
Food prices have begun to creep skyward. Even when the price on your favorite product seems to have remained the same a closer inspection reveals a slightly smaller package and fewer ounces. I realized the other day that even the toilet paper I buy has been altered…the roll is about a half inch narrower. Economists tell us it’s going to get worse.
The thing that is most discouraging about this is that it didn’t have to be this way. It is this way because of the policies adopted by the man at the top and his nutty “spread the wealth” and “grow the bureaucracy” friends in the Democrat Party.
As a candidate, the president proudly stated that energy prices would naturally have to go up if he was to accomplish the ambitious goal of cutting green house gases. He has kept his word making sure that oil suppliers in America are blocked from exploring, drilling and producing. Meanwhile, he has spent a big chunk of money on subsidies for green energy that has failed (and will fail) to meet growing energy needs. Higher prices for energy mean greater costs for the production and transportation of goods, including food. Diverting more of the corn crop (40%) to ethanol production also puts pressure on food prices (as well as causing food shortages around the world). The Presidents policy of printing money beyond the value of our economy, and increasing spending based on this borrowed money is always inflationary. The producers of the country are holding back knowing that with cost going up their prospects for the future will be stifled. Can’t you just feel the country chugging to a stop?
I wish I could smile and say, “April Fools!” about now, but sadly, I can’t. As for the toilet paper, I haven’t noticed that a narrower roll makes much difference in the bathroom. Still, every time I sit on the throne I’m reminded that the President’s economic policies should be flushed before we all go down the drain.
Food prices could spike up 35% say experts and currently we see retailers downsizing their products as price edge up. Inflation coming. It’s all about the higher cost of fuel and passing that along to consumers in every way possible.