Taliban Drag Allah’s Name into the Mud

by Jack


(Taliban fighter shown on left attending a funeral) The Taliban struck again today in central Pakistan’s Punjab province during a 3 day celebration for a minority sect of Muslims called the Sufi. It’s believed about 100 innocent Muslims were blown up by a suicide bomber in the packed event. A second suicide bomber was captured at the gate by security forces. This is part of a wave of violence by the Taliban that openly revile any other form of Islam but their own. They have launched attacks against the Sufi before, but also against Christians and any religion not of their own variety and ideology.

Bigotry and racism are part of the Taliban culture and it’s becoming a major problem in Pakistan as these bombings become more frequent.

The Taliban are considered to be among the most ruthless and murderous of all Muslim sects, not coincidentally they are also among the most racist and ignorant. Their ideology manifests itself all too frequently in the most grotesque forms of violence.

It’s curious that moderate, educated Muslims in Iran, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon, Egypt, Turkey, etc., have not done more to denounce the Taliban bombing or take some sort military action against them. Clearly their murderous attacks against innocent Muslims are like an attack on the very foundation of Islam. Where are the Fatwah’s against the Taliban? How could faithful Muslims be so loudly critical and intolerant of a simple cartoon and let the Taliban have a free pass for murder of their own? Where’s the big mouth of Iran, President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad on this criminal conduct? Too busy denouncing the West or maybe he’s in hiding fearing a revolt in his own country?

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5 Responses to Taliban Drag Allah’s Name into the Mud

  1. Tina says:

    Jack I detect a certain cynical tone in your remarks and that along with your questions are right on the money.

    The major push to excoriate (judge, prosecute, and penalize) the West over symbolic protests is far greater than any efforts to quell or eliminate the hoards of murdurous “brothers” that go these killing sprees. The harrumphing is wearing thin. Much could be done in Mosques. Instead we find encouragment for continuing slaughter and mayhem. Why is that I wonder (she asked cynically)?

  2. Tina says:

    Some of our readers might also find this related article from “The American Thinker” informative:


  3. Tina says:

    Holy cow…score one for the American Court system:


    In a notable victory for the freedom of speech, a U.S. District Court judge has ruled that Detroit’s SMART bus system must run my religious liberty bus ads offering help to people wishing to leave Islam safely, without having to live in fear.

    This victory has been a long time coming. SMART initially refused to run my ads back in the spring of 2010. Despite the desperate need for resources for Muslims under threat for leaving Islam, the city of Detroit refused to run our freedom campaign on the Dearborn and Detroit buses. In May of that year, my group, the American Freedom Defense Initiative, sued the city of Detroit for refusing our ads — the same ads that were dropped and then allowed on free speech grounds in Miami, and which ran without legal challenge in New York City and San Francisco.

  4. Chris says:

    Pamela Gellar is as much an expert on Islam as David Duke is an expert on African-Americans.

    That said, I think the court made the proper decision in this case.

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