Pretty Amazing Stuff….

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22 Responses to Pretty Amazing Stuff….

  1. Tina says:

    Interesting. I read about this but it’s a lot more powerful when it’s illustrated. Good find Jack!

    I also read an article recently about a PI in Hawaii who believes strongly that Obama was not born in Hawaii and that his grandmother registered his birth in Hawaii. If I can find it I’ll post the link.

  2. Chris says:

    Yes, the president of the United States, along with the State of Hawaii, have constructed a conspiracy so elaborate and sinister that it was just dismantled in seven minutes by a kid from Georgia with Adobe Acrobat.

    I like this place, and I like you two. I’ve been here long enough to know that neither of you are this freaking stupid. Stop embarrassing yourselves and this site by pandering to the lowest common denominator.

  3. Toby says:

    If this all really is all about nothing why did he choose to drag it out as long as he did? It is kind of like the administrations handling of the OBL assassination. They go out of their way to make things stink. As always I am sure the usual suspects will say they do not really understand what we are talking about.
    One thing is for sure, if this were the Bush administration the Left would be apoplectic. Those must be some mighty tasty sandwiches.

  4. Harriet says:

    Chris why do you have to be so sarcastic and crass?

    Calling people stupid, accusing them of embarrassing themselves is indeed demeaning but to you not them.

    Stop with the name calling and sarcasm it is childish.

    You are smart enough to give your reasons for disagreement without doing that.

  5. Chris says:


    The president did not drag anything out in this case. He provided legal proof of his citizenship all the way back during the 2008 campaign. This should have been enough for any reasonable person. Unfortunately, so many people kept lying, over and over again, about the Hawaiian COLB not being a valid birth certificate, that the president felt the need to provide even more proof in the form of his original, long-form birth certificate. Of course, nothing will satisfy conspiracy theorists, so now we have people claiming that this certificate is a forgery. Not just that, but a bad forgery; because to them, it’s possible for Obama to be at once a brilliant criminal mastermind and someone who doesn’t know how to hire people who can fool Adobe Acrobat.

    As for your comparison to the left’s reactions toward Bush, the closest analogy to birtherism I can think of is 9/11 trutherism. I can’t think of any liberals who have promoted the fringe theory that Bush caused 9/11 that are still taken seriously, as reliable political watchdogs, by the left. Yet it’s very easy to name prominent conservative voices who has embraced birtherism.

  6. Tina says:

    Chris there is a big difference between expressing absolute certainty and questioning due to a reasonable doubt based on considerable evidence. Your intolerance for mere curiosity expressed on this blog is ridiculous.

    We post articles and information here so we can talk about them. What’s really the problem?

  7. Toby says:

    If I had to eat shit sandwiches day and day out I would be a Grumpy Gus to.
    Obama is a Chicago thug, that is what he is. I have no idea what it would take to fake birth records. I am guessing as President of the United States and head liberal thug it wouldn’t be hard to get things like that taken care of.
    I know I wouldn’t bet money on Obama being born in the USA but the real reason I beat the drum is because it upsets you shit eaters on the Left to no end. Now get back to work carrying that water and eating those shit sandwiches. Your owner/master needs you!

  8. Chris says:

    Tina and Harriet,

    I try to be respectful and open-minded about most topics. I try not to demean others. But there are some topics of discussion which deserve nothing but mockery and ridicule. There are some issues that, when brought up in polite circles, will bring one well-deserved shame and derision. This is one of them.

    Tina, this video clearly is not about “questioning.” The speaker in the video does express “absolute certainty” that the birth certificate is a forgery.

    Now, let’s just use some common sense here, because that’s something that seems to be sorely lacking in the birther debate. If the president of the United States’ birth certificate was truly a forgery, don’t you think actual experts would have figured that out by now? Wouldn’t that news be broken by a legitimate, professional source, and not some kid on YouTube with basic computer skills?

  9. Tina says:

    Chris you have a lot to learn about experts, power, politics and media. I’m happy to let your experience ferment over time and I wish I could be a around to talk with you when you’re 50 or 60. I’ve always thought it would be fun to see all the stuff that’s been hidden and covered up over the years. Like what information did Sandy Berger destroy. What was really behind the assassination of JFK. What did susan McDugal know that was worth all that jail time.

    So no this “news” wouldn’t necessarily be broken by now.

    You’re right about the kid in the video…he is definitely saying the certificate has been altered. He makes a pretty good case. (You didn’t dispute it on the merit of his computer skills…only on the fact that he’s just “some kid” rather than an “expert”)

    And finally…jack posted this as amazing. It is amazing in many ways. it’s amazing that this information is apparent and still the main stream media ignores it. it’s amazing that they ignore anything that might harm their favorite president ever. (I never thought anyone would top JFK/Clinton) It’s amazing that altering a document is so easy to do and to sell to the public.

    I still have questions…so sue me. Will I lead the charge to take this president down over it. No…but I do find it interesting enough to talk about and apparently you do too.

  10. Libby says:

    This is really sad.

    People wasting their lives on this, when they should be trying to figure out how to live life without the internal combustion engine.

    There’s a project to engage a sensible person.

  11. Harriet says:

    Jack Cashill discusses this topic frequently, he is not a birther, he does however think that Obama Sr, is not the birht father of our president. Who knows?
    Actually we know nothing about Barack Obama, nothing.
    We are told many things but nothing documented. He has never shown his college records,Kerry, Bush, and Gore did. Gore did when everyone was saying how stupid Bush was, knowing that his scores were lower than bush’s.
    The media is not going to vent anything when it comes to Obama, remeber when someone made the allegation that Bush wanted to get out of the guard a month early? The media went crazy, Dan Rather was so foaming at the mouth he lost his job.
    Chris, my point is that the media will only tell you what suits their agenda, We have to search further than what they tell us.

    As to your response to me an dTina, Nothing can justify your outburst calling people stupid.

  12. Libby says:

    Oh, Harriet. We know one thing. He’s smarter than you are. When did that get to be detrimental in a President?

    Along about the time that pure-bred Shrub was elected … I think.

  13. Harriet says:

    Miss Libby, dear one, I never held myself out to be smarter or better than anyone else did I?

    Shrub? oh you mean former president Bush, there were many issues I had with him, I wasn’t coming here then so you did not have the opportunity to tell you.

    One more thing, I was not debating issues with Chris, just his calling people out. thats all. If you read up you will see where I said he was smarter than that.

  14. Chris says:

    Harriet: “Jack Cashill discusses this topic frequently, he is not a birther,”

    That’s not true,

    “Actually we know nothing about Barack Obama, nothing.
    We are told many things but nothing documented”

    Neither is this,

    “As to your response to me an dTina, Nothing can justify your outburst calling people stupid.”

    And I never called Tina stupid. In fact, I said the opposite; I know that she and Jack are not as stupid as their birther posts make them out to be.

  15. Chris says:

    Also, Harriet, your reference to Cashill just confirms my concerns over what birtherism is doing to our country. A huge number of conservative Americans are now getting their news directly from crazy people. And proudly displaying this fact all over the Internet.

    Let’s face it: Birtherism is about being unable to accept President Obama as an American. There are serious racist overtones to this irrational belief, and that cannot be denied.

  16. Tina says:

    Chris you continue to misrepresent the purpose of this blog. We discuss issues that make the news. Some of what we post is meant to promote the conservative agenda but we willingly post all opposing comments too. Other stories are simply interesting and are equally open to comments from all points of view.

    Must I remind you that it was you who brought this subject to Post Scripts most recently? Were you “stupid” for having done so? I don’t think so. But if you’re willing to take the risk necessary to have us post a story then you should also accept the resulting counterposts and comments…with grace. That is you do unless you want to appear silly.

  17. Tina says:

    Chris: “your reference to Cashill just confirms my concerns over what birtherism is doing to our country. A huge number of conservative Americans are now getting their news directly from crazy people.”

    What lofty source introduced you to the term “birther”?

  18. Harriet says:

    For the record Chris, Cashill is NOT a birther, he says he believed Obama to have been born in Hawaii.
    He brings up other issues as to what could make Obama keep hidden all documents.

  19. Chris says:


    I would consider a “birther” anyone who expresses doubt about the circumstances surrounding President Obama’s birth. That would include bizarre conspiracy theories such as that his father isn’t the man listed on his birth certificate. Even if you don’t agree with the term, surely you must realize that such theories are not concocted and spread in the pursuit of truth or illumination. They are made up in order to paint Obama as a shadowy, alien “other.” That’s racist.

    Cashill is guilty not only of lying, but of telling embarrassingly stupid lies. He recently claimed on World Nut Daily that a picture showing a young Obama with his grandparents was photoshopped, then published what he said was the “original” picture, which includes Obama’s disembodied knee:

    And yet he’s still considered credible by you and many others. There is simply no “smell test” for the right wing anymore. I feel like you’ve traded it in for the worst sort of partisan game-playing. The motto is, if it makes Obama look bad, spread it like wildfire. No time to verify, to make sure the source is credible.


    As I have said before, I try to be an open-minded guy. But there are some beliefs that are just obviously silly. I feel like to pretend otherwise…to pretend that birtherism is an issue that has not already been thoroughly debunked, that it is worthy of being argued with respect and grace…would be a greater insult toward you and this blog than any of the critiques I have offered so far.

  20. Tina says:

    Oh please!!! The left has no problem at all with painting people or groups as “shadowy”, “alien” or “other”!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Ever heard of Sarah Palin? The Tea Party (baggers)? How about Clarence Thomas or any black person who dares to put an “R” after his name(Uncle Tom…house negro)? If you’re side is going to dish it out…you better be prepared to defend the tactic as righteous and then shut up when we dish it right back.

    In fact this entire line of reasoning of yours has been concocted by the left elite to paint the entire right wing as “racist”. The words you use to describe anyone who thinks these questions are interesting are boilerplate! Might as well go all the way and marginile us as throw backs…ignorant yahoos.

    This is complete popycock anyway!

    I repeat…it was YOU who recently brought this issue to Post Scripts. If the issue is resolved then all that crap about dicussing it with “respect and grace” is just post factum garbage.

    If you’d like to change the subject…I’m game…I think we all are.

  21. Chris says:


    Some of the people and groups you mention have suffered from unfair attacks by many on the left. However, I don’t agree they have been characterized as “alien” or “other.” Palin and the Tea Party are generally viewed by the left as a very domestic sort of stupid.

    The closest thing to Obama birtherism is Trig Palin birtherism…it’s just as irrational and ugly, but there’s really only one person of prominence promoting it these days, and he identifies as a conservative. From what I hear, Andrew Sullivan has lost more fans than he’s gained because of his hateful little crusade, and I count myself as one of those lost fans. I would not call this tactic “righteous” no matter who’s doing it. I consider such conspiracy theories to be below basic standards of common sense and decency.

    But I don’t see how it’s in any way a stretch to say that racism might be a motivating factor for many of those who can’t accept documented proof that the first black president is an American citizen.

    The issue has been resolved. My article, which you graciously posted, was intended to clear up misconceptions that were running wild in the media. I did not expect that it would only provoke others here to fuel even more misconceptions. Never could I have expected that people would still be arguing, even after the long-form birth certificate was released, that it was really just an obvious forgery. Perhaps I need to start expecting less.

  22. Tina says:

    Chris: ” Palin and the Tea Party are generally viewed by the left as a very domestic sort of stupid.”

    Once again…oh please!!! The very purpose of labeling and race bating is to marginalize…to set apart as different and odd. One of “those” people. The left are masters of the game.

    “I don’t see how it’s in any way a stretch to say that racism might be a motivating factor for many of those who can’t accept documented proof that the first black president is an American citizen.

    It might be in a few cases but it isn’t in general and that is always what is asserted. The place of birth of an individual has nothing to do with race. It has a lot to do with eligibility to be president and should be serious enough to look into when anyone with muddy birth history aspires to the office. Had our press shown even the slightest interest in vetting this man as a candidate this might not have happened.

    What you can expect is that the left no longer has ownership of what gets said about whom and when. We now have the ability to discuss all issues openly. I think that’s a good thing and I trust that the majority of the American people can sort it out. If not then our jury system is in big trouble.

    One thing you might consider. Our posting this in no way means that we agree with the conclusion. We have vehemently stated that it is a curiosity and possibly worth filing in the incomplete file. History will eventually reveal some of what is being hidden about this president. There are inconsistancies in his books and there are questions about his school records. Obama created the mystery and the mystery continues.

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