The Idiot Left Strikes Again


Submitted by Pie Guevera

(Yes, I know, “Idiot Left” is redundant.)

A drawing of an American flag by an eleven year old is not allowed to be displayed because it might offend another student. (Allegedly. Given the rash of similar stories in the past I have little doubt this is true.)

Just in case whomever reads this may be an idiot, there is no “right” not to be offended delineated in the Bill Of Rights. Nevertheless, I fully support your right to be offended by any stupid damn thing you choose. (Also not a right in the Bill Of Rights.)

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2 Responses to The Idiot Left Strikes Again

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    “22News tried to contact the Superintendent, Dr. Paul Burnim. He refused to go on camera, but told 22News over the phone that nobody ever told Franklin the drawing was offensive, and said the only reason it wasn’t hung was because Franklin was supposed to be doing other work; not drawing a picture.”
    “The superintendent told 22News that Frankie’s father is ‘going to extremes’ and that the school has always respected the American Flag.”
    The kid was goofing off in class, the father tries to cover it by going uber patriotic, and you fools on the right rally behind some imaginary cause!
    Thanks for the laugh, Pie!!!!!!!

    ps better make sure them idiot leftists ain’t hidin’ under yer bed!

  2. Chris says:

    If the parents are telling the truth, then the teacher is an idiot. I think most liberals would agree with me on that.

    But the superintendent’s version of events sounds more believable to me.

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