New York – The education statistics underscored a massive racial education gap that currently afflicts our public education system. While 51 percent of white graduates and 56 percent of Asian graduates were deemed college-ready after four years of high school, only 13 percent of black students and 15 percent of Hispanic students were found to be on track.
Similar results were found in other states – we have a serious problem.
Other than the obvious reasons (poverty, broken homes, language challenges) there are several contributing factors.
Teachers are no longer trained well.
Teachers are no longer permitted to captain their classrooms. Their hands are tied in terms of discipline.
Too much emphasis is placed on social and environmental issues rather than core learning that prepares students for adult employment opportunities and civic participation.
Parents are too often absent and uninvolved. They have not been adequately prepared for adulthood as well.
Too much money spent on bureaucracy and administration…not enough on classrooms and pupils.
Huge influx of illegals cramming schools with kids unprepared for the classes they attend and speaking many languages. Do we need pre-school schools or classrooms for these kids with special teachers that have the skills to bring them up to speed?
I’m sure there are other contributing factors. I hope we hear from a few teachers on this.
You can lead a horse to water but you cant force it to pull up its pants and put down the pipe.