Chicago Style Politics

by Jack

Six of the last seven governors of Illinois have been charged with corruption while in office, four were convicted. 57% of Illinois top leaders were proven dishonest and 85% were accused of being dishonest. What are we to make of this? Should we conclude that politicians coming from this state are almost certain to end their term in disgrace and failure? A lot has sure changed since the days of Lincoln.

There’s something seriously wrong in a state when so many governors are that corrupt. It’s like the place must be mobbed up! Maybe it’s time for a federal task force to step in and start cleaning house? Something needs to be done and voters need to rethink their role too, they’ve elected these bums.

Illinois is one of 14 states with no term limit on the governor.

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13 Responses to Chicago Style Politics

  1. Libby says:

    It’s not governors, particularly. It was Ryan’s tenure as Secretary of State that he went to prison for. And it’s not Illinois, particularly either. There’s Louisiana, Ohio, South Carolina, Rhode Island, Connecticut, and so on.

    What it is, is greed … power and greed. And how do we contain power and greed?

    Democratically enacted government regulation!

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Libby, I would support regulations if they would check the greed and power thing, but we have to be careful we don’t inadvertently hurt ourselves in the process.

  3. Tina says:

    Power and greed types make a living getting around regulations. You’d just be offering them a challenge!

    This is what the ballot box and the courts are for…but the people must show their displeasure and be more willing to speak up. (I hear that can be dangerous in some places…Chicago, for instance).

  4. Libby says:

    Laws are “government regulation”, aren’t they? … and enforced by the cops and courts.

    And laws we can’t get the Leg to enact are enacted by the ballot.

    So … what is your quarrel with the system, exactly?

    Perhaps it is being the “regulated party”? Well, tough noogies there, I’m afraid.

    You don’t want to be regulated? You go talk to that weasel of a trucking company owner in Nevada, who just pays his fines and sends his drivers out into the world on bald tires … and will be generating mongo fees for mongo law firms for years to come.

    It all does most truly suck. But it’s the best we can do just now.

    Unless, you are thinking that the weasel of a trucking company owner should be able to send his driver out on bald tires, kill the driver and five others … but not pay the fines?

    No, that we’ve got beyond … just.

  5. Tina says:

    Libby: “You don’t want to be regulated?”

    No, as I have said on numurous occassions, I’m in favor of regulations that are simple and easy to follow. I am against complex, overly restrictive regulation that is costly, easy to get around and that stifles business.

    “You go talk to that weasel of a trucking company owner in Nevada, who just pays his fines and sends his drivers out into the world on bald tires … and will be generating mongo fees for mongo law firms for years to come.”

    Colorful Libby. You do go to extremes, don’t you?

    Have you considered that those drivers can get a different job?

    Anyone who conducts business as you describe will have all kinds of trouble of his own making not to mention the regulators so what exactly is your problem? You think more regulation will make someone like that straighten up and fly right? The only thing more regulation will do is pubnish the good business owners who follow safety guidelines and treat their employees fairly. That makes zero sense!

    There are more than enough laws on the books to punish the man you describe. If he’s not being fined it’s only because lazy regulators are too busy sitting around and drinking coffee, or harrassing law abiding companies, instead of doing their jobs…and all the while cashing those big fat taxpayer funded government checks.

  6. Libby says:

    There is nothing “extreme” about the mess been made by that Nevada hoohah.

    Have you ever been in Nevada?

    It is most decidedly a “take what you can get” state … just the sort of state you capitalists admire … right?

    “If he’s not being fined ….”

    Honey, you have got it entirely wrong. He was repeatedly fined … but found it more profitable to pay the fines, than maintain the trucks.

    So? So much for your buggerboo of regulation. Right? Right? Right!?!

  7. Peggy says:

    “It is most decidedly a “take what you can get” state … just the sort of state you capitalists admire … right?”

    Wrong! Last I heard a democrat named Harry Reid got re-elected by those union loving socialist workers doing what their supervisors told them to do and how to vote by putting them on busses, giving them lunch and driving them to the polls.

    Harry sure did take what he could and made sure the voters knew how to vote if they wanted to keep their jobs.

    Capitalists state? Don’t think so. It’s run by thugs and Chicago-style/mob control. Texas is a better example of a state capitalists admire. If Rick Perry does run we’ll hear more about the differences, and be able to compare the two states.

    Nevada has one of the highest unemplyment rates and Texas has the highest employment. Duhhhh, Econ. 101 for dummies anyone? 2012 will determine if the rest of the states want to be like Nevada or Texas. I vote for Texas.

  8. Peggy says:

    Did you guys see this? Its the lowest of lows and ultimate example of Chicago-style union politics at the expense of honoring our heroes for union dues. Shame, shame, shame!

    A Fourth of July parade float honoring firefighters and police killed on Sept. 11 seems like a poignant tribute worth celebrating, no? Well, apparently not for leaders of the Wisconsin firefighters union.

    The float, a re-enactment of a now famous photo depicting three firefighters raising the American flag amid the rubble of the World Trade Center, first paraded the streets of Milwaukee back in 2002 and was met with applauds by an emotional crowd. Milwaukee fire lieutenant Matt Gorniak sought to revive the float for this years Fourth of July parade but soon found out union politics can get in the way of even the most innocent, heartfelt endeavors.

    Full story here:

  9. Tina says:

    Peggy…great reply on the Nevada/Texas contrast!

    I did see that story on the union blocking the 911 float. More and more I have to ask…are these people Americans? Or are they Americas enemies? Sure seems like they want to bring this country down!

  10. Peggy says:

    The only good thing that will come out of this is all the other firefighters, other union workers, their community and the rest of us will see the unions ultimate priority. It’s themselves, their BIG paychecks and the politcal power they buy with the employee dues.

    The sad part is this firefighter still has to pay the national dues and is only giving up paying dues to his local. Therefore, he will not be represented if he has a dispuste with his employer. At least that is the way it was when I worked for a union.

  11. Peggy says:

    Sorry for going off topic, but I find the hypocrisy of the current administration unbelievable. Once again, Nevada is in the headlines when union votes are needed. Worked last time, so why not again. Just another example of Chicago-style politics at work in other states.

    “When times are tough, you tighten your belts. You don’t go buying a boat when you’re trying to pay your mortgage. You don’t blow a bunch of cash on Vegas when you’re trying to save on college. You prioritize, you make tough choices.” Barack Obama…before the, uh, tremendous economic recovery

    Vice President Joe Biden credits organized labor with helping him win a U.S. Senate seat and the vice presidency. Now hes looking for Teamster support to return him and President Barack Obama to the White House in 2012.

    Joe Biden visits Las Vegas looking for Teamster support

  12. Libby says:

    Yes, you have gone off the topic. Anybody have any refutation to the fact that that Nevada trucking company owner would rather pay regulatory fines, than maintain his trucks? and the welfare of his drivers? … not to mention the Amtrak passengers?


    How about any refutation of the implication that “Chicago” style corruption extends far beyond Chicago … permeates the American “heartland” … in fact.


  13. Tina says:

    Libby yiou haven’t presented a case…just wild accusations…to refute. But then that’s what you always do.

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