Martin Short Sings Osama Memorial Song

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6 Responses to Martin Short Sings Osama Memorial Song

  1. Peggy says:

    Very funny, but what’s with the hands with all the rings at 1:10? Elton John’s?

  2. Tina says:

    Fantastic…Kudos Mr. Short…and thank you…flag in the background…gave the credit to the SEAL’s…no mention of anyone else. Great lyrics.

    Peggy the hands are not the same in all shots…at!:10 it could be Elton Johns…or Liberace’s LOL.

  3. Juanita Sumner says:

    okay Jack, I was really looking forward to “Obama’s” memorial song!

    Maybe we can get Mr. Short to come up with something there!

  4. pal says:

    Clever! What is with Obama memorial in headline? Is this another Freudian slip or just wishful thinking?

  5. Toby says:

    Like I said the last time, it works for me, lol. Great song.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    lol…I swear it must be a Freudian thing!

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