Assemblyman Kevin De Leon, Throw The Bum Out!

California Legislature Hearing More Anti-Gun Bills Before Its Summer Recess

Contact members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee TODAY!

The California Legislature is trying to get as many anti-gun bills passed before its summer recess starts on July 15. Two more anti-gun bills have been scheduled for a hearing this Wednesday, July 6. We need all NRA members, gun owners and sportsmen across California to call AND e-mail members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee. The Committee is scheduled to hear Senate Bill 427 (local licensing of handgun ammunition sellers and ammunition ban) and Senate Bill 819 (reallocation of Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds).

Anti-gun extremist Senator Kevin De Len has another anti-gun bill, SB 427, which attacks retailers that sell ammunition and purchasers who order ammunition online or via mail order catalogues.

SB 427 grants authority to law enforcement to collect ammo sales records from ammunition retailers, while requiring ammunition vendors to notify local law enforcement of their intention to engage in the business of selling ammunition. However, this was just the start of De Len’s intentions with SB 427. After it passed in the state Senate by a 22 to 14 vote, it was amended in the Assembly to include a list of “calibers” which would have to be registered, including ammunition popular among hunters and collectors that has no association with crime. By amending SB 427 to require registration of ammunition sales, De Len avoided scrutiny by the Senate Appropriations Committee. To be sure, SB 427 will result in significant costs to the state, both in terms of enforcement costs and lost sale tax revenue by driving business out-of-state.

Another bill that will ultimately add more red ink to California’s budget and has already passed in the state Senate by a 22 to 16 vote is SB 819. Introduced by F-rated state Senator Mark Leno, SB 891 would allow Dealer Record of Sales (DROS) funds to go to the Department of Justice (DOJ) to help pay for the enforcement of California firearm possession laws in the Armed & Prohibited Persons Systems (APPS) program. The DROS fund monies were originally collected from every firearm purchaser to pay for the administrative process for background checks.

The Legislature has raided this fund before to help the Department of Justice pay its bills and now they are at it again. This bill could cost the DROS fund everything and that amount is currently over three million dollars. According to a June 16 news release, Attorney General Kamala Harris states that the DROS fund monies will be used to pay for the APPS program, which will hire and train new agents. To hire and train a new special agent for APPS, the cost is around $265,000 and another $207,000 per year. As a result, the DROS fund will certainly run out of money. When it does, what will be their answer to this problem – another increase in the fees for background checks.

Please call AND e-mail members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee TODAY and urge them to OPPOSE SB 427 and SB 819. Let this committee know these bills will do nothing to stop crime and everything to do with imposing ridiculous and unnecessary restrictions on law-abiding Californians. The members of the Assembly Appropriations Committee can be found here.

Please take a moment to forward this alert to your family, friends and fellow gun owners. We need everyone in California to fight against passage of all anti-gun legislation.

Anti-gun extremists are working hard to eliminate gun ownership in California by any possible means. WE need to work harder to remind them that the Constitution still applies to California. Take action today and help save California from destroying what our Founding Fathers established over two centuries ago – FREEDOM.

PS This Yahoo is also trying to force hotels in CA to buy fitted sheets – he wants to make it a law. This bum has to go.,

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One Response to Assemblyman Kevin De Leon, Throw The Bum Out!

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    They don’t need to take our guns away. We are so thoroughly divided there is no way we could rise up against them and win.
    Besides, they have tanks.

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