The 2nd Half of the National Anthem

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3 Responses to The 2nd Half of the National Anthem

  1. Harriet says:

    Thanks for posting this for me Jack.

    I asked Jack to post this for me, I wanted to ask Quentin if these are the Tea Party “Torrie” types he expresses disdain for.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    No problem Harriet. This problem in Wisconsin that Q talks about is only about retraining gov. pensions that have gotten completely out of wack with the private sector and is leaving the state broke. We’ve had the same talks out here- same situation. The Tea Party is merely taking a prudent fiscal view and for that they get reamed by the unions and the people who don’t under whats going on. .

  3. Tina says:

    I think it goes deeper than that Jack (see my recent comment and the Daily Kos link)

    Quentin is aligned with the extreme progressive left whether or not he realizes it.

    The progressive left is…well…full of beans, to put it mildly. All they have is mischaracterization, character assassination, and an incredible inability to comprehend or understand the conservative position and its ideals.

    This is great video…the extreme progressive left denies the Declaration’s salient point…”endowed by their creator”. This Marine reminds us and with such beauty and grace!

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