Where’s Al Qaeda When You Need Em?


It didn’t take long…only hours after her not guilty verdict Case Anthony has received a movie offer. As reported on TMZ.Com, Porn movie honcho, Steve Hirsch said, … “Whether you agree with the verdict or not, Casey will want to move forward with her life and has a right to make a living. It’s not going to be easy for her and we believe we can help her make the transition into a new life.” (As a XXX porn star and I’m sure a book deal is in the making too -there’s money to be made from this two year old’s death)

No word on how much Hirsch is willing to pony up … but he thinks there’s a realistic chance … noting, “We’ve all seen the pictures of her partying and having a good time with friends where she definitely looks hot.”

So far, Hirsch has yet to hear back from Anthony’s lawyer … but he says, “I’m sure Baez and Casey are celebrating today, but I’m hoping to connect with him very soon.”

And this folks is yet one more reason why so many people around the world think America is a cesspool of corruption and perversion. Well, to those people, and especially to the most radical members of Al Qaeda, I say if you hate these scummy slime ball people that much and you want to cut their heads off….well, who am I to say no? You gotta do what you gotta do!

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7 Responses to Where’s Al Qaeda When You Need Em?

  1. Quentin Colgan says:

    EVERYbody loves terror!
    When it suits their purpose.
    Does this mean you have taken the time to study where they are coming from? Are you saying you see the legitimacy of their beef with the US?
    That’s sorta unusual for you, isn’t it? I don’t recall it being your habit to look at all sides of an issue . . .

  2. Libby says:

    You don’t wanna pay for public education.
    You don’t wanna pay for day care.
    You don’t wanna subsidize Planned Parenthood.

    But when something like this is waived in your face you go all righteous all over the place.

    There’s a word for that. Several, actually, but the one I’m thinking of begins with an “H”.

  3. Steve says:

    Oh Libby, but we ARE paying for day care and public education. We pay through the nose with our taxes, only to see the lions share of the money go to the excessive salaries and benefits of public employees. Does any of the money ever get to the intended purpose Libby?

    Instead of taxing the rich, why don’t we just cut their state salaries?

    Planned parenthood is not something I’d call moral spending. I find it more hypocritical of liberals who oppose the death penalty for criminals but have no trouble imposing it on the unborn.

  4. Libby says:

    We are talking about a particular situation, are we not? Casey’s?

    If you are going to try and tell me that it was … in any way … right and proper that Caylee should have been born to that flake, I’m going to think you a very harsh person indeed.

    That was a single mother in dire need of public services she did not get.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    Libby are you saying its the governments fault because she didn’t get a free abortion? OMG

  6. Libby says:

    She didn’t want one, did she? (She wants, in fact, to have more. Shuuuudddder.) This would be a thorough-going failure on the education side. Then having committed the offense, there was no place for her to off-load a child she was unfit to care for.

    And on it goes.

  7. anonymous says:

    Every man is this , every woman he can say
    woman needs is a concern for her , love her , she can rely on . Protect her whole life , when she met a man , he would love a very tough battle , vows .

    separated for various reasons , she will not remember him , or do not remember so deep .
    Because when she met a better man , she would take two people to compare , she will feel better that she met the
    but man is not the case , when he fell in love with a woman , really truly love , he will not fall in love with any one person.

    When this relationship failed, the memory in my heart that he would put this woman on the bottom of my heart .
    old woman a man can put a lot in my heart , but life is only a woman can be in his heart .

    whether he would later re- live more of a woman, he will clearly know who their favorite .
    after he met a woman no matter how good he will not change.
    Because his heart is his pillar of the woman beats by dre solo, he would not use her than any one person ,

    He thinks that this comparison is stupid , he will love her a lifetime . On the heart of a woman ,
    scars forever . Men are too proud , perhaps he will usually live very chic .

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