“Socialism is a philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance, and the gospel of envy,
its inherent virtue is the equal sharing of misery..” — Winston Churchill
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Not quite.
This is why people don’t take you Tea Partiers seriously.
In fact, this last week’s numbers are a fair indication that all your snivelling, all those Freshman Repubs, and our Prezzy’s capitulation, have effectively put a stop to what recovery there was.
People? What people?
“last week’s numbers are a fair indication that all your snivelling”
Now that’s rich. Last time I checked sniveling has absolutely zero impact on the economy.
“…all those Freshman Repubs, and our Prezzy’s capitulation, have effectively put a stop to what recovery there was.”
What there was was the illusion of recovery created by the mewling sicophants that support this crew of redistribution artists and spendaholics.
Jack we told them what would happen if they put progressive dems and this inexperienced redistributor in control…but would they listen?
Are they continuing in dimbat denial?
Why yes…yes they are!
They may call it socialism, but National Health Care is just what we need!
–Winston Churchill
“Now that’s rich. Last time I checked sniveling has absolutely zero impact on the economy.”
Please check again. It is called the Consumer Confidence Index. A lack of consumer confidence is being partially blamed for stalling the recovery.
If you knew what you were talking about, you would sound more intelligent when you talked.
Your detractors have you seriously outgunned in IQ points. I love what you are trying to do here, but you sound stupid. That won’t help anybody.
Just imagine what Libby would be saying if Obama were a republican. Whenever the usual suspects speak, that is the only thing you really ever need to think of.
No, no, when I said snivelling, I meant putting a stop to the various stimulous spendings.
People like Nick like to say that it wasn’t FDR’s works programs that put a stop to the depression, it was WWII … this, in complete and total denial of the fact that the was when we REALLY started spending money we didn’t have, and put EVERYBODY to work.
I just don’t know what’s to be done with folk who will not learn.
Libby: “No, no, when I said snivelling, I meant putting a stop to the various stimulous spendings.”
Ohhhhh…well if stimulus was so great why is the unemployment rate still over 9% (16% in real terms)?
“People like Nick like to say that it wasn’t FDR’s works programs that put a stop to the depression, it was WWII … this, in complete and total denial of the fact…”
If spending ended the depression why was unemployment still hovering at 20% in 1938?
The government spent a bunch of money on a project or two, hirted workers for those projects temporarily and did nothing for the overall economy.
Nick is right!
that the was when we REALLY started spending money we didn’t have, and put EVERYBODY to work.
“but this renewed trade did.”
With whom, exactly? I’m sorry, but you are deluded. Europe was on life support well into the 50s. The Brits weren’t off rationing until well into the ’50s … cause they were feeding the rest of the continent.
Trade with whom, exactly?
We had a shot at getting out of the current debacle speedily, but you have scotched that. We could, in fact, have been fur enough along with a recovery to cushion the coming Greek default … but it’s all up now.
Again … congratulations.
“They may call it socialism, but National Health Care is just what we need!
–Winston Churchill”
Hee! That’s awesome, Quentin. Here’s the actual quote from Churchill:
“The discoveries of healing science must be the inheritance of all. That is clear. Disease must be attacked, whether it occurs in the poorest or the richest man or woman simply on the ground that it is the enemy; and it must be attacked just in the same way as the fire brigade will give its full assistance to the humblest cottage as readily as to the most important mansion. Our policy is to create a national health service in order to ensure that everybody in the country, irrespective of means, age, sex, or occupation, shall have equal opportunities to benefit from the best and most up-to-date medical and allied services available.”
Just goes to show that the rights’ constant accusations of “socialism” are completely devoid of meaning and historical context. Tina’s revisionist history on the New Deal is also a good example of this; in order to feed the fantasy that the greatest government-led economic recovery of all time never actually happened, fake historians have to ignore the fact that Roosevelt’s policies were working fine until he began compromising with the conservative congress in the late 30s. That’s when the economy started to tank again, and that lasted until WWII.
Libby: “With whom, exactly?”
Well Europe of course. They were rebuilding (with our help) so it was a struggle but that doesn’t mean people were sitting around waiting for a handout and government to the rescue. Also:
During World War II and immediately thereafter South America was the most important source of U.S. imports and the second most important market for U.S. exports. But in the late 1940s the South American share of U.S. trade began to decline steadily as Europe and Japan rapidly recovered from the devastation of the war and together with Canada became the major U.S. trading partners.
“We had a shot at getting out of the current debacle speedily, but you have scotched that.”
Chris: “Just goes to show that the rights’ constant accusations of “socialism” are completely devoid of meaning and historical context.”
another find and it turns everything else on its head? Please.
An elderly, war weary man can be forgiven for having a heart.
Since the progressive opinion of conservatives begins with “conservatives are heartless” this find would be astonishing to you. It doesn’t surprise me at all. Conservatives do think everyone should have access to affordable healthcare. Most of us just disagree that the progressive solution ends in disaster. History since Churchill bears this out. It is expensive, budget breaking and delivers inferior care to all…wow what a legacy!
“Tina’s revisionist history on the New Deal…”
You were once a student….now?
I would suggest you go to the link above and read the entire paper. Then I suggest you further expand your mind and read the three books that are suggested at the bottom of the paper. The man who wrote this paper is not a “fake historians”. He has degrees in econimics and history and has taught economics at a University in Michigan. Aren’t you being an bit of brat…an ignorant, arrogant, jerk…when you dismiss learned teachers just because they present an opinion you haven’t heard otherwise? Or are you one who is willingly led by the nose?
“Roosevelt’s policies were working fine until he began compromising with the conservative congress in the late 30s…”
No they weren’t working fine.
Yes the country built a few things…big projects like Hoover Dam…but most of the country remained in deep depression for a decade and everyone knows it! The romaticism that democrats hyave built around this era is amazing given the photographs, not to mention the stories we all heard from our parents, but indeed they myth that prosperity was “just around the corner” lives on.
“Since the progressive opinion of conservatives begins with “conservatives are heartless” this find would be astonishing to you. It doesn’t surprise me at all.”
It doesn’t surprise me either, Tina; it merely confirms my suspicion that today’s conservatives have moved so far to the right, even your most beloved icons would be considered “socialists” by your standards.
“Conservatives do think everyone should have access to affordable healthcare. Most of us just disagree that the progressive solution ends in disaster. History since Churchill bears this out. It is expensive, budget breaking and delivers inferior care to all…wow what a legacy!”
Tina, look at the polls. Canadians and Britons are far more satisfied with their healthcare systems than Americans. The NHS may have issues, but no one in Britain is considering getting rid of it and replacing it with an American-style system. Churchill’s basic idea of a nationalized healthcare system was right.
“Aren’t you being an bit of brat…an ignorant, arrogant, jerk…when you dismiss learned teachers just because they present an opinion you haven’t heard otherwise?”
I’ve heard the opinion that the New Deal failed many times. I’ve also seen it debunked over and over. I don’t have time to search for links at the moment, but for now I’ll just say that the evidence is on the New Deal’s side.
Chris: “it merely confirms my suspicion that today’s conservatives have moved so far to the right, even your most beloved icons would be considered “socialists” by your standards.”
I don’t consider my beloved icons as socialist. I don’t because I know that conservatives have a heart and can express compassion toward their fellow man and still hold concervative values. I consider them normal human beings.
This is where the left completely misses the boat…and misrepresents and fails to understand what motivates and inspires conservative thought. Take healthcare. We have been told Obamas plan will only cost $1 trillion over ten years (only). Critics say it will cost a lot more. See here:
But bringing up cost as a consideration is not allowed in progressive circles. Expressing concerns about the cost is not being a team member. Progressive ideas are not open to criticism or even question. anyone who dares is deemed “far right” and “cruel”…”all you care about is money” is a common accusation. Why is that? Why are progressives never concerned about the cost of things? Why are these questions not legitimate. You on the left are like chjildren. You think because you want it we shgould do it regardless the consequences in the future. this is how we got to the ploace where state governments are broke and entiltement programs are broke.
I can tell you Chris that one heck of a lot of Americans…not just conservatives…are very sick of the pages and pages of laws that place more and more debt on our backs, not to mention the taxes that take so much from our paychecks every year.
Gotta go…will continue later
Chris: “Canadians and Britons are far more satisfied with their healthcare systems than Americans.”
Polls…polls can be skewed to whatever end the pollster wishes. What I find more interesting are the investigative reports about the poor care in hospitals, the long wait times for things like knee replacement, the denial of certain treatments, the fact that people come to America for things they can’t get in their own countries, the reports by physicians that have worked under those systems and have seen that they don’t work. People who “love” those system are often people who haven’t really needed much in the way of treatment.
“…no one in Britain is considering getting rid of it and replacing it with an American-style system.”
Two reasons for this: 1. The Brits heritage is that of serfs living under the King…the mind set is different. 2. Our once great system has been compromised by government intrusion causing costs to rise. Medicare and Medicade are not paying their bills so doctors have to make up for those lost funds…they charge higher rates to everyone that isn’t on a gov’t plan. It’s so bad that some docs no longer accept those patients. Insurance regulations have benn created that limit or eliminate competition…that always causes rates to go up. So to the Brits our system doesn’t look like a good deal….buit when they get real sick the ones that can come to America (and freedom) where they can receive the care they need.
“Churchill’s basic idea of a nationalized healthcare system was right.”
Churchill too was a Brit, conditioned as a subject, and he didn’t have the benefit of history to see how and why it doesn’t work. (Calling on the words of a man that’s been dead for many years is a little low anyway…he has no way to explain or defend his position or change his mind if he would).
“…I’ll just say that the evidence is on the New Deal’s side.”
The only evidence worth a damn would show that most Americans were at work and thriving…you won’t find that. Just a lot of leftist story…fiction at that. My own parents told me about those years. My grandmother dies in her forties from a disease associated with poor nutrition. Instead of reading the political story (designed to garner votes and taught in our schools as propaganda) why don’t you read about the period in terms of hiow people were living and then evaluate the effectiveness of the new deal.
Libby couldn’t (apparently) answer the question, perhaps you’d like to give it a try:
If spending (the New Deal) ended the depression why was unemployment still hovering at 20% in 1938? (10 YEARS after the crash)
Hint: Big government expenditures on big projects only create temporary work; when the work is done the workers are once again without a job. What’s dumb is that it also creates a lot of debt. Government spending does nothing to create lasting jobs or a thriving overall economy. That’s why it didn’t work then and its why it isn’t working now.
Another excellent article on the current mess in America and a contrast to the recovery in Germany with a history lesson thrown in for good measure. Libby read it an learn how West Germany made a smashing recovery after giving up on those keynesian (socialist) policies and embracing freedom and the free market.