Posted by Tina
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg will donate $50 million to the Sierra Club to support its nationwide campaign to eliminate coal-fired power plants. Sierra Club executive director Michael Brune described the gift from Bloomberg Philanthropies, which will be spread out over four years, as “a game-changer, from our perspective.” The group will devote the money to its “Beyond Coal” campaign, which has helped block the construction of 153 new coal-fired power plants across the country since 2002. – Washington Post
With an oppressive heat comes the immediate demand for relief — and Con Edison, the electrical utility for the New York City area, is the first one to hear those pleas from the humid masses. A sustained heat wave means the utility sees a marked spike in electricity usage from homes and businesses. With no relief in sight–Friday’s temperatures will feel worse than Thursdays–Con Edison officials are bracing for what is likely to be a series of outages around the city. – Wall Street Journal
New York Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg, I would hope he realizes that today Coal is still Americas largest source of energy. I would suspect this might be a tax write off and vote gathering gimmick and nothing else. If he was so concerned about the source of where his city gets its electricity from, why not donate the same amount of funding to actually create a different source of creating electricity. It is the votes he wants, and not so much the concern of the environment.
Harold you’re probably right about the political aspect to this gift. What caught my eye was the effort by the Sierra Club to successfully block the building of new (read clean) coal burning plants. Expensive energy bills, blackouts where citizens go without heating and cooling, and all because a few extremist enviro types weild power at the local planning board.
How many people have to die of the heat before a little outrage breaks out in New York? (Not holding my breath)
We have the technology to make coal energy much cleaner. New fascilities would accomplish both goals of reliable inexpensive energy and clean air. The Sierra Clu elites are invested in alternatives and are using lies and politic to block all competition. the people pay in expensive energy costs and shortages. Stupid!
Thanks Tina.
I just listened to Bloomberg on the news last night, asking his constituents to turn up their air conditioners to 79. First I thought, “79! That’s refrigeration! Get some ganas people!”
Then I realized, this guy has his nerve. He expects his constituents to put up with “a little discomfort.” But he flies a jet to his European villa every Friday afternoon. Just like Ann Schwab hits Hwy 32 for her mansion in Forest Ranch every weekend.
Our leaders are so out of touch, they can do whatever behooves them.
Meanwhile, PG&E is abandoning it’s years old hydraulic energy system to go with coal. They’re selling their facilities in the Feather River Canyon. Why? Because the environmentalists said it was bad for the river.
California used to be energy self-sufficient, now we get almost all our power from out of state – at this point, that means coal. But silly Californians are allowed to believe we’re all environmental and stuff.
We are being handled like mushrooms – kept in the dark, and fed bull puckey.
Juanita a lot of us aren’t even using air conditioning this year…budgets can’t handle it! You bet they are out of touch…and out of their minds!
thanks Tina, you got your finger on the pulse.