Oil Prices Rising – Bad News All Around!


by Tina Grazier

I wonder if the President realizes just how much his green energy policies are hurting the American people…not to mention his chances for re-election.

When we think about rising oil prices the first thing that comes to mind is higher gasoline prices at the pump…groan!

But what is less obvious to the average consumer is the effect higher oil prices have on our overall economy and our own personal buying power. A report today signals the bad news…oil is on the rise again, and it won’t help our economy or buying power:

No one knows precisely at what point oil begins to substantially hinder consumer spending and slow commercial activity – but this much is known: every $1 per barrel rise in oil decreases U.S. GDP by about $100 billion per year and every 1 cent increase in gasoline decreases U.S. consumer disposable income by about $600 million per year.

How the President can possibly think his reckless, headstrong insistence on oppressing the oil industry while favoring green alternatives is smart. Taking a more balanced approach would still have helped those working on alternative energy sources, it would have been better for individual consumers, it would have aided in our recovery and helped the overall economy, it would have brought more gas tax revenues to government, and it would have made the president more successful as a leader. A balanced policy would have been better for everyone!

President Obama’s position just doesn’t make sense (unless it was his plan all along to destroy our economy).

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One Response to Oil Prices Rising – Bad News All Around!

  1. Laughing says:

    I agree.
    It was his plan to destroy the economy.
    Everybody knows this.

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