“Fast and Furious” Update

Posted by Tina

A post by Human Events from their print edition brings to light additional information on the ATF operation known as “Fast and Furious” and calls for the removal of Attorney General Eric Holder:

…The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) videotaped the sale of the gun that killed Border Patrol agent and military veteran Brian Terry. Weapons waltzed into Mexico under its “Operation Fast and Furious” have begun turning up in American cities. A second program called “Operation Castaway” has been discovered, walking guns into Honduras. MS-13, the most dangerous gang in the world, has strong ties to Honduras. (emphasis mine)

Operation Fast and Furious was run out of Phoenix. Operation Castaway bubbled forth from the Tampa office of the ATF. Some of the ostensible gunrunning “targets” of these operations turned out to be paid FBI informants. The programs enjoyed funding from the Obama “stimulus” package. These factors combine to make regional ATF supervisors, or acting ATF Director Ken Melson, unsuitable as fall guys

The media may be ignoring this story and the current occupants of the Justice Department may successfully be avoiding full disclosure for now, but the truth will eventually come out; it’s only a matter of time.

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5 Responses to “Fast and Furious” Update

  1. Toby says:

    And yet again, just imagine if Obama were a republican. Seems like I say that a lot.

  2. Libby says:

    I’ll tell you why nobody’s grousing. Because you are completely mischaracterizing (isn’t that a polite term?) the program, and everybody knows this.

    The cartels were ALREADY coming over the border to buy weapons, and AMERICAN dealers were ALREADY HAPPILY selling them anything they wanted. This was an attempt to track what they those wicked drug runners were ALREADY intent on purchasing … and, well ….

    Murphy’s law strikes again.

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Re: I’ll tell you why nobody’s grousing. Because you are completely mischaracterizing (isn’t that a polite term?) the program, and everybody knows this.

    The cartels were ALREADY coming over the border to buy weapons, and AMERICAN dealers were ALREADY HAPPILY selling them anything they wanted. This was an attempt to track what they those wicked drug runners were ALREADY intent on purchasing … and, well ….

    Murphy’s law strikes again.

    It is one thing for “happy” criminals in the US to illegally sell weapons to Mexican drug cartels.

    It is an entirely different matter for the US government to be doing the same.

    Get real.

  4. Tina says:

    “Happy”…Libs you’re a caution!

    The progressive media wants to ignore this story but it has legs and it’s not going away.

    “This was an attempt to track what they those wicked drug runners were ALREADY intent on purchasing…”

    The US government told gun sellers to break the law and sell dangerous weapons to “straw buyers”…and that’s a-okay with you? What happy horse hockey will you try to sell us next? You’d never let this pass if the “shrub” ordered it and you know it.

  5. Toby says:

    Libby that was weak to the extreme. I know why you do it, its commendable but your loyalty to Obama is making you look stupid. I would say the same about the other one but he was a lost cause before Obama came along.
    Enjoy your sandwich.

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