PS: Did you know that Obama’s new bus bought with your money for HIS campaign was not made in America? That 2.5 million dollar bus was made in Canada…can you believe it?
PS: Did you know that Obama’s new bus bought with your money for HIS campaign was not made in America? That 2.5 million dollar bus was made in Canada…can you believe it?
If ever a bill needed a sundown clause this was it! Of course it may have been one of those ride ons snuck into a bill in the dead of night after receiving the presidents signature.
Insanity mounts up faster than these coins! The beast demands more for the insanity and the head of the beast has the cheek to say the rich has to bend over and pay up.
I think we should all do our part to help. We should request some of the bags of coins be sent to us every month, so we can introduce them into circulation. This would be like a mini-stimulus plan and a coin circulation plan. Who wants the first to help spend bags of free coins?
It was not one bus. If you look at the caravan, there are three. The administration justified the expense saying that they needed customization for security reasons. The premier customizer of Prevost busses is located in Oregon. The company’s name is Marathon.
I have a difficult time believing the US could not provide the security customization that was needed. It also is interesting that these busses arrive in time for the new election season. If I see this bus on a real campaign trail, I will cry foul.
Now, how I heard it is … the Secret Service commissioned two busses, one for Obama and one for the GOP Candidate, whoever that turns out to be.
And, if they could get a better deal work-wise and price-wise in Canada … whose fault is that?
The coins in the wearhouse should be put into circulation through the welfare and unemplyment programs. Ship them out to every local SS office and make people go pick them up.
Saves on printing cost and postage too. The salary paid to those making the coins would pay for those distributing them.
Once they are all given out, shut the machines down!!!
Cry foul all you want, that walking pile of crap does not care. He knows he will not be reelected so now it is time for him to double down on the pissing away of tax dollars.
One for the GOP candidate? Since when does the federal government pay for the candidates transportation?
Sorry Libby, you don’t get to have it both ways for the party you support. You support pushes wages up (creating a living wage) through union demand and extortion and by raising the minimum wage. You don’t support free trade agreements (to protect union workers). You believe in heavy taxes on corporations and business. You demand all kinds of useless stupid and costly regulation. You push for green alternative energy, a source that can’t meet energy demand while shutting down and restricting energy industries that can deliver a clean, inexpensive energy product. All of these drive costs up making it difficult for American companies to compete and then the leader and author of this moronic policy (that continues to cost us jobs and work) buys the shell from his bus in QUEBEC…the socialist province of the north? Are you kidding me?
I realize the President of the UNited States, particularly in these dangerous times, requires vehicles to keep him safe and that are fitted with necessary equipment in case of emergency, BUT, the President didn’t need to make this trip. It was a waste of time and money and it was an obvious political trip. He was not out attending to the business of the country.
This demostrates perfectly Obama’s incompetence to fill this position. Obama was not prepared to lead the country. Those who urged him to run, pushed him into the spotlight, those in the media who failed to properly vet him but instead became his cheerleaders, and those who could not see his lack of experience for the stars in their eyes and voted for him, are responsible.
Peggy! I like it! I don’t know if it would save anything since they still have to pay to ship them and since they already built the warehouses. (Which is another boneheaded thing…I’ve read the government has a lot of unoccupied buildings that they pay taxes and insurance premiums on year after year!)One things for sure…they need to stop the machines NOW!
Libby, the funny part is the government has this policy of hire Americans first. It’s a real policy with rules and mandates and only under the most unusual of circumstances can we make an exception. Government contracts almost exclusively are supposed to go to Americans.
Yeah, but I kind of like it that they go for the best. I don’t want to see the girls’ Daddy blown up.
You know you harbor crazies … you know you do.
Not even PETA is going to RPG Mitt … it just ain’t gonna happen. But he can have a pricy bus too.