by Jack

Hopefully, the Occupy Wall Street protesters will be in our downtown plaza today. I say hopefully because I have a mission for you!

Here’s what our PS readers are asked to do. Meet with the protesters. Be nice, but ask the hard questions. What are your specific issues and get the details? What is your end goal? How long do you think it will take to achieve your goal? Do you know your sponsors or who is funding your signs and helping with other costs of your protesting? Are you a student at CSUC? Where are you from? Etc., You probably know the questions better than I, so we need to ask. Then lets put up the answers here for everyone to read. You don’t have to use your name or real email, just make something up if you want to be anonymous.

We’re not trying to set anyone up with gotcha questions, we just want to know the issues and it would be really helpful to get your opinions of these folks as well. So why not give it a try? I would be there but, I have a second eye surgery scheduled for today.

Speaking of surgery…you know Tina is still off for very serious knee surgery. It’s been quite a painful struggle for her too. Your thoughts and prayers for her speedy recovery are much appreciated.

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10 Responses to SPECIAL REQUEST

  1. Tina says:

    I want to thank all of youfor the well wishes and prayers and I know Jack will be right as rain and seeing things even more clearly very soon!

    You, our special commenting friends have been doing a bang up job of keeping post scripts lively while Jack and I struggle with health issues…thanks to all.

    Recovery on my knee is going very well according to my doctor and therapist. My range of motion was exceptional from the start. Unfortunately, in the past four days I was sideswiped by a very nasty intestinal bug just to make things interesting. I’m on my feet today but pretty weak. But I should be back to my normal schedule within about a week.

    Have fun and keep up the great work…you guys are the best!

  2. Pie Guevara says:

    I wish I had time to go down to City Plaza and videotape the proceedings, especially at the “general assembly” meetings at 1 and 7 p.m. and the 5:30pm demonstrations on Tuesdays and Thursdays.

    I may get a chance later this week. If I do I will be focusing on trying to get reasonable people making reasoned arguments on tape, but if all I get is deranged, inarticulate, nut-case fruit-loops like Quentin Colgan, then all I get is deranged, inarticulate, nut-case fruit-loops like Quentin Colgan.

    Tina, GET WELL SOON!

  3. Toby says:

    Those people are not worth the gas to drive to talk to. Come over to my place and ask my dog your questions, he will give much more coherent answers and he smells better. Oh and he is not paid to be here or bark and unlike the rent a mob, my dog knows why he is here.
    While you guys at PS are covering this BS story, you are missing out on one boiling up. Obama’s head brown shirt is going to receive a subpoena. I know the Left feels that story would be a waste of time and you guys seem to really care what the Left thinks but I think some of your readers would like your take on it.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Toby, it may be a BS story, but it’s a pretty big BS story and so ts worth looking at who’s involved and what the issues are, that’s all. PS, what does your dog say about George Soros and his ties to this movement?

  5. Courtney R. says:

    @ previous commenters: I really can’t believe this is hard for anyone to understand–simply put: our government and financial sectors have become overgrown and corrupt and no longer serve the best interests of all people. This needs to be remedied immediately, as this corruption is causing mass suffering and poverty for billions of people on Earth, as well as causing the Earth itself to suffer. The issues are many, but they all have a very tangible common thread.

  6. Post Scripts says:

    Courtney, would you care to give us some examples?

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, who is the “we” that are winning? And what are you winning?

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, I try very hard to understand your side because your points are often the far left and this gives me an insight to what’s up in our country. Then you go into some bizarre rant that nobody understands, not even the left and you lose us. For instance, you start off your comment trying to make something out of the Kent State shooting 41 years ago linking it to some heroic struggle to overcome oppression in today’s protests? Wow, that is a real leap of logic and I believe it is a total false and irresponsible statement. Kent State was a very sad, unique and isolated incident from which we learned a great deal on how not to handle angry college protest crowds.

    What happened at Kent State has never been fully explained, but it has nothing to do with oppression or capitalism or today’s issues. However, if you are really interested in being fair, there is more to this story and further there is a video footage shows a student surrendering a .38 cal pistol shortly after 4 shots had been fired that guardsman claimed was fired first before some of them returned fire. Yeah Quentin, a trigger happy student could have caused what happened next. Imagine that?

    The 21-year-old law enforcement major and self-described “gung-ho” informant was the only civilian known to be carrying a gun — illegally, though with the tacit consent of campus police — when the volatile protest unfolded on May 4, 1970. Witnesses saw him with his pistol out around the time the Guardsmen fired.

    Though Norman denied shooting his weapon, and was never charged in connection with the four dead and nine wounded at Kent State, many people suspected he somehow triggered the soldiers’ deadly 13-second volley.

    In October, a Plain Dealer-commissioned exam of a long-forgotten audiotape from the protest focused new attention on Norman. Enhancement of the recording revealed a violent altercation and four gunshots, 70 seconds before the Guard’s fusillade. Forensic audio expert Stuart Allen said the shots are from a .38-caliber pistol, like the one police confiscated from Norman minutes after the Guard shootings.

    Want to read more? Follow this link, its gives a whole new perspective to what happened.


  9. juanita says:

    Sorry Jack, I guess Courtney’s solar powered computer made of recycled yogurt containers has gone off line and she is unable to contact you. Maybe her guinea pigs are out on strike.

  10. Tina says:

    I always knew, Quentin, that you had something to say. Thanks for sharing rather than simply playing attack man here on Post Scripts.

    It appears you believe that you ARE the truth, both historically and morally.

    I think that you, like the rest of us, look through a personal lens when you observe the events of history. In my opinion, you conveniently leave out a lot of facts and information that places your assessment squarely in the propaganda box rather than being a clear telling of past events as good historians do.

    If it’s true that you were once a history teacher, complete with visual aids, it is clear that your students were cheated if this is a sampling of your teaching agenda and style. It helps to explain the current attitudes of the young.

    There is no disputing your right to believe what you do, but clearly you bring a far left bias with your opinion of historical events. Fascist and corporatist are undesirables but communism is a cousin that is equally undesirable. So, if you’re fighting for communism, as it appears you are, you can expect a fight. The fight begins with signs and dialogue on the right but don’t pretend that the covert undermining of the republic hasn’t gone unnoticed and won’t provoke a stern response if required. It wouldn’t be born of anger but of a steely determination to live free.

    We are Americans. We have the means to change our leaders. We have the means to prosecute law breakers. If these systems are to work we need a well educated and moral society. In my opinion the far left has completely undermined and destroyed our society in this regard as is evident by the motley crew of Marxist, antisimetic, brain dead partyhearty FLEAs that make up the bulk of these protesters.

    To those students and young people that have a legitimate gripe about the corruption that created the terrible mess we find ourselves in I invite you to join the TEA Party.

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