We’ve had several complaints that the video previously featured here that portrayed lucrative welfare benefits within the state of CA may have had some connection to a racist organization at some point. Out of an abundance of caution to avoid such places PS has decided to remove this video.
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Good call, guys. Thank you.
Chris is so gracious.
Me, I’m waiting for you, yourselves, to preempt the posting of such stuff … that so very baldly panders to your prejudices. Shouldn’t you know that such stuff is produced expressly for that purpose … and be suspicious?
I’m gonna have a long wait.
Libby, careful and don’t hurt yourself when you climb off your high horse. Look, I had no idea about the link until Chris and another person told me and I removed the video because of it. No prejudice is wanted here.
I traced the YouTube link provided by and then censored by Post Scripts too. But I also did further research.
True, the particular video link given in Post Scripts to “Parasites Are Devouring The Host” was a posted to YouTube by some racist, anti-Semitic crack-pot who copied the original.
The video itself was created as an adjunct to Rhythm and Blues artist Chapter’s recording/video single “It’s Free Swipe Yo EBT”. It just so happens that Post Scripts linked to the crack-pot upload, not Chapter’s own YouTube account. (Beware of “It’s Free Swipe Yo EBT”, it contains foul language.)
My only point is this. Noting the nod to Chris and the comment from Libby the left in here has, as is their want and practice, gone after this message based upon the particular messenger of the video, NOT THE MESSAGE ITSELF OR THE ARTIST WHO CREATED IT WHO HAPPENS TO BE BLACK.
This is typical of left wing behavior. Absolutely typical.
What we have here is suppression (in this case the advised suppression or complaint) of free expression based upon the character of a person who happened to disseminate the message. And to repeat, NOT ADDRESSING THE MESSAGE ITSELF OR THE PERSON WHO ACTUALLY CREATED IT.
Here is a link to the adjunct video “Parasites Are Devouring The Host” from the artist herself —
I understand Post Scripts deciding to can the video previously posted because of the racist overtones. They are, of course, free to run their blog anyway they like.
Please feel free to remove the link I have provided if you think it necessary, but I do wish you would post this comment even if not in its entirety.
If the link I have provided is removed by Post Scripts, and if anyone cares to see the video “Parasites Devouring The Host” as posted to YouTube by the original artist (and not some racist nut-case abusing it for his own purposes) just go to YouTube, do a search for chaptersworldtv and click on her account link.
“Noting the nod to Chris and the comment from Libby the left in here has, as is their want and practice, gone after this message based upon the particular messenger of the video, NOT THE MESSAGE ITSELF OR THE ARTIST WHO CREATED IT WHO HAPPENS TO BE BLACK.
This is typical of left wing behavior. Absolutely typical.”
Pie, I didn’t go after the message of the video, or even comment on it at all. In fact, I even asked that Post Scripts find the original source for the video and replace it, because I was aware that it didn’t originate from this white supremacist group. I only recommended taking the whole thing down if they couldn’t find a better link.
But unfounded accusations against me are pretty typical of you.
Perhaps I was unclear. In this case by going after the messenger I meant the pirate who posted the video to his own YouTube account.
Nevertheless going after the messengers (or news organizations, commentators, pundits, etc. OR the people who create the message) instead of the message is typical of a myriad of specious behaviors engaged in by the left wing.
It is a behavior that I have observed on many occasions for over thirty years, a behavior which continues to be repeated to this day, and a behavior that has been repeated here by Libby and whomever else may have complained. It is a behavior I have, reasonably, come to expect from the left.
(For example, have you EVER heard a left winger criticize a position held by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, or any other well known and hated conservative opiner by actually arguing the point? I haven’t. They always launch a personal attack. How is Fox News treated by the left? How about the Drudge Report?)
Post Scripts stated, “We’ve had several complaints that the video previously featured here that portrayed lucrative welfare benefits within the state of CA may have had some connection to a racist organization at some point.”
The complainers locked onto the messenger, not the message (a message which is valid imho), or its creator who appears to be an adept satirist even if her language (in the music video) leaves something to be desired.
So, the complainers got their way. The artist Chapter has effectively been dismissed and discredited by being associated (possibly mind you) with racists. By implication, she is either a racist herself (in some weird sort of way) or the stooge of racists.
It is unfortunate that Post Scripts used that particular link to Chapter’s video. If they had used a link to the video on her YouTube account none of the above would have occurred.
Chris did go after the messenger (by this do I mean the video pirate, not the artist, perhaps that was unclear). He focused on the messenger, not the message or the artist who created it.
He just did it in a manner different from what I surmised given his usual behavior in these environs. It appears his intent was to be helpful, but frankly, I don’t believe anything he posts and rarely waste my time reading him anymore. If was trying to be helpful, well then, good for him.
Had I contacted Post Scripts before they yanked the video, perhaps they could have changed the link to the legitimate creator of the video and avoided any further misplaced, badly aimed, and specious accusations of racism.
Pie, we’re more in sync on this issue then you think. I had no intention of discrediting Chapter. I need to look further into her work before I make any judgments about her, but I doubt she would like it if she knew that a white supremacist group was using her work in order to further their agenda. I did not mean to discredit her or her message.
“(For example, have you EVER heard a left winger criticize a position held by Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity, or any other well known and hated conservative opiner by actually arguing the point? I haven’t.”
Really? You’ve never heard anyone argue against Hannity or Limbaugh by simply stating the ways in which the two are wrong? I find that hard to believe.
But this is what I’m tellin’ ya … and you’re not hearing. The content of that video was entirely over the top, and sent Chris off in search of the source.
But it didn’t hit you that way, did it? Which is where the prejudice comes in.
If it’s too good to be true, it probably isn’t. And I expect you to consider that, next time.
Re Libby: “Which is where the prejudice comes in.”
So, the video artist Chapter is “prejudiced”? And, by extension so are the good folks at Post Scripts for posting her video?
You will have to expound on that one, Libby and explain. That should be easy for an English major.
Clearly Chapter is speaking from experience. Maybe not her own personal experience on welfare, but experience. She makes a legitimate point.
This makes her “prejudiced”? This make the good folks at Post Scripts “prejudiced”?
Baloney! You are always way over reaching Libby. Like Tina noted, get off your high horse.
It it quite evident to me from this and so many other of your comment posts that it is you who is the prejudging bigot, Libby. Not the wonderful people at Post Scripts and certainly not the video artist Chapter.
Libby, you should be thankful that Post Scripts is so gracious as to give voice to prejudiced bigots like you.
Suppressing the truth, as usual.