One Guy’s Opinion about Occupy Wall Street

by Jack


For almost 4 weeks I’ve held my opinion about the Occupy Wall Street protest movement because I wanted to see how it evolved. There were questions that needed answering like, what’s the issues, where’s the money coming from, who are the affiliated organizations and who’re the key people who have risen to become the spokespeople? I had two goals in mind, first I wanted to be fair and second I wanted to get to the real truth and the latter takes some time.

Here’s my take on OWS: This is mostly an anti-establishment, anti-war, anti-capitalism, pro-socialist, pro-communist protest movement. 80% of the rhetoric and ideas come from old regurgitated socialist/communist cold war talking points that were so common in the 1960’s. 20% of less of the issues are about reforming or improving the system. It’s more about taking what isn’t there’s and never was. I know, I know..duh-uh? Okay, so you’ve know this from day one, but like I said, I wanted to be completely fair and see how it’s playing out. Now I know. You were right.

The 60’s protest leaders have been replaced with new faces. Gone are the Stokely Carmichaels, Angela Davis’, Tom Haydens or Eldrige Cleaver’s, but their anti-American, pro-commie hate speech is still kicking us around and beating up on our system. Ask anyone who has lived through those years, they’ve heard it all before. Different people – same old socialist/anarchist/communist… BS, only now it’s flavored with a few social and economic issues of the


day to make it more palpable and draw in more people.

The core of leadership that is now forming ranks behind a new wave of social unrest and protesting don’t want to reform anything, they want to tear it down. I mean in flames! For them its about a long desired people’s revolution and an end to capitalism and America as we know it.

What I see coming is mob violence that will be cloaked behind many names and many issues, but with a common thread of socialism. This movement is a polar opposite to the Tea Party movement. The Tea Party had and has legitimate gripes, some that are found within the OWS movement, but the Tea Party folks wanted to work within the system to fix it by lobbying Congress. More importantly, they respected the Constitution, legal authority and other people’s property. The OWS respects none of these things – they’re mostly trash talking gutter rabble.


(Here’s a guy taking a dump on a cop car!) Part of their protest is around a lack of jobs, but a good half of them look to me to be absolutely un-hireable for anything! Talk to them and they’re virtual mental cases, unstable, irrational, hostile, freakish and they literally stink! This is who they are by choice and by birth, not by recession and not because of Bush.

Tell me, what employer is looking to hire itinerant bridge trolls?

The people and groups at the top of this movement know exactly what they are doing because they’ve been preparing for this day for many years. They have a crystal clear socialist agenda and they’re ramping up, looking for a major fight, somewhere, anywhere, that will start a flash fire of nation-wide violence.

To get to that low point they’re willing to lie and manipulate the masses just as they’ve always done, but with more emotion and more cries for justice! The masses who buy it then become the useful fools.


Let me be blunt….this is only my opinion (but, its backed up by open source facts anyone can access), I think we’re closer to a social meltdown than most people realize. The violence may not materialize, and I hope it doesn’t, but if it doesn’t, it won’t be for a lack of trying by the far left. This is their big moment in the sun and the radicals among us are desperately trying to start trouble, to spread fear and panic. Once this happens, they have a plan to step in calling for a cease fire, they become the voice of reason, urging calm and then they use this new found power-by-acclimation to dramatically change America forever.

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19 Responses to One Guy’s Opinion about Occupy Wall Street

  1. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Jack’s: “80% of the rhetoric and ideas come from old regurgitated socialist/communist cold war talking points that were so common in the 1960’s.”

    I think your take is fairly accurate Jack. It is, for the most part, a freak show of half-baked, warmed over Marxist, hooey.

    What we have here is legions of potentially useful idiots seeking they know not what as long as it is wrapped in the rhetoric of the radical left. This is pretty much the capitalism-is-evil commie martyr high school crowd who make satire and parody not only impossible but completely unnecessary.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Pie you are a true wordsmith…couldn’t have said it better if I tried for another 50 years!

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Why thank you Jack. You make me blush!

    The OWS gatherings of useful idiots sure has Nazis and Communists scrambling to get their bait in the waters.

    Nazi Party & Communist Party Both Throw Their Support Behind Occupy Wall Street Movement


    FISH ON!

  4. Tina says:

    Your opinion is shared by many Americans, Jack. Those of us who witnessed the looney tunbes sixties radicals just have a special appreciation for just how nuts it is.

    Just as a good joke must have some truth to be funny this movement has just enough truth to make it sound reasonable to a bunch of know nothings with heart.

    As you noted this has been planned well in advance of the first day of OWS by the most radical elements that embrace the failed systems you noted. It’s also being implemented across the entire globe.

    If America falls to this insanity the entire world will fall into extreme poverty very quickly.

    KURT SCHLICHTER, WASHINGTON EXAMINER: “Protesters should try occupying reality for real change.”

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Another Guy’s Opinion About “Occupy Wherever, Dude”

    PRESENTING: The OCW yawk Trust Fund Poster Boy!

  6. Pie Guevara says:



  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Meet the Flea Party.

    “As a refresher: The Democratic National Committee called the tea partiers “angry mobs” and “rabid right-wing extremists.” ABC said they were a “mob.” CNN accused them of “rabble rousing.” Harry Reid called them “evil mongers.” Nancy Pelosi said they were “un-American.” CNN’s Anderson Cooper and every single host on MSNBC called the tea partiers a name that referred to an obscure gay sex act.”

    “At least [liberals are] embarrassed about what the OWS protesters really are: wingless, bloodsucking and parasitic. This is the flea party, not the tea party.

  8. Pie Guevara says:

    A Chico Affair Gets On the Occupy Chico Bandwagon. It’s a pretty slick production. (Well, sort of, once you get past the obligatory butt shot.)

  9. Pie Guevara says:

    People say I am a dreamer
    But I’m not the only one
    Who can’t remember the words
    To this song

    Something about the sky and brotherhood…
    and lawn clippings in a bong
    I hope someday you’ll join us
    so we won’t get the lyrics wrong

  10. Brian says:

    I interjected with a systematic series of emergency reforms that are geared towards creating jobs, helping set up inexpensive housing, improved logistix, and in general, getting our community into an actual community that works together. The protests are good for that purpose, to get the word out, sadly though, only a few people are able to grasp what I’ve proposed, most are just there to complain and be seen complaining, nothing more.

  11. Peggy says:

    You may be right Jack. This whole thing looks to be well coordinated reaching all over the world and that takes individuals with vision, power and money.

    Whether you dislike or disagree with Beck the facts are what they are. He did say two years ago wed have riots in our streets and theyd be funded by the unions and others. He’s now saying Van Jones will appear again as one of the primary leaders. Is he right again?

  12. Post Scripts says:

    Thanks Brian, this is important to know. People like yourself, who have good ideas and good intentions are being overwhelmed by the socialists and the rabble. That’s a shame, because this movement could be a force for good, but not when they keep edging towards radicalism and violence. Thanks for posting with us, hope you come back again.

  13. Peggy says:

    Is this a push for global Socialism? You be the judge.


    Based on a well-produced video circulating around the Internet, it appears that Occupy Wall Street is now officially part of a global push towards Socialism.

  14. Libby says:

    “I had two goals in mind, first I wanted to be fair and second I wanted to get to the real truth and the latter takes some time.”

    And the requisite amount of time hasn’t yet passed. You know that, even if you do have a blog to populate.

    It is mortifying to listen to them … the residents of Zuccotti Park … and their consensus driven what-have-you. And Peggy’s right, they are the very first word in socialism, which society at large is not quite ready for. Look at the fate of Jesus.

    But every day, more people join them, who are not consensus driven, are funded, and we shall see.

  15. Tina says:

    Libby: “…which society at large is not quite ready for. Look at the fate of Jesus.”

    Those who push socialism make a very big mistake in thinking it’s possible at all to create that utopian society…not without divine intervention.

    The “fate” of Jesus was pre-ordained. He was the ultimate sacrifice given by God for the sins of man. God knows we are flawed even if socialists don’t.

    The love of money above God is wrong as the Bible says. This is why honorable men have constructed the law and the means to prosecute those who break the law. When government creates the problem, as they did in the housing market, it’s difficult to prosecute those who did what they had to do to continue doing business and get toxic loans off the books.

    What is also true in this sinful world is that without freedom, capitalism, property rights and the rule of law people live under tyrannical governments where they suffer in poverty, have few, if any, rights, and often are murdered in huge numbers…that is the legacy of socialist attemts to make things fair. It’s not a good trade off.

  16. Post Scripts says:

    “God knows we are flawed even if socialists don’t. The love of money above God is wrong as the Bible says. This is why honorable men have constructed the law and the means to prosecute those who break the law”

    Thanks Tina, now we’re trackin!!!

  17. Nick F says:

    I think of all the Libby’s…economist Libby, legal Libby, war strategist Libby, historian Libby, etc. “Theologian Libby” has got to be my favorite. Because while her ignorance on the other fields of study are impressive, they simply don’t approach her ignorance on world religions in general and Christianity especially.

  18. Libby says:

    “The “fate” of Jesus was pre-ordained. He was the ultimate sacrifice given by God for the sins of man.”

    Well, that’s convenient, isnt’ it? Absolves you from all responsibility to live up the ideal you claim to venerate.

    You keep this up, the Muslims will sneer.

  19. Libby says:

    You ain’t heard nothin’ yet, sweetie.

    “The love of money above God is wrong as the Bible says. This is why honorable men have constructed the law and the means to prosecute those who break the law.”

    But this temporal law has not dealt (nor will it deal) with the clever fellows at Goldman Sachs who, according to Michael Lewis’s latest, fiddled the books so as to allowed Greece’s admission to the EU … when they were ALREADY up to their armpits in debt.

    So much for honorable men, and God’s law.


    Do you really believe that? I don’t think you really do. Which is why rubbing your noses in it is such ironic delight.

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