Posted by Tina
Anti-Semitism is definitely part of the Democrat Party supported Occupy Wall Street-We are the 99% protest movement.
As the source article noted we can only hope this woman isn’t teaching.
Has anyone read or seen references to these blatant expressions of hate and bigotry?
This movement does not represent American values, it does not respect the rights of fellow Americans or the law, and it should be roundly discredited and rebuked.
Source: Israel Today
Last week when I was collecting links to Occupy Whatever Street videos there were only a few I found that featured Antisemitism. So I didn’t make much of them because, well, there are evil people everywhere who will attach themselves to anything that will give them some attention.
Now there are dozens of such videos associated with OWS.
Of course this trend goes hand in hand with the left wing agenda of supporting Palestinian terrorism and roundly condemning Israel. Hating Israel is not far removed from hating Jews.
It is no coincidence that OWS demonstrations attract both Communists and Nazis. Socialism, be it Nationalist or Marxist has a long history of suppressing, oppressing, marginalizing and murdering Jews wholesale for political convenience.
Just imagine if the members of the TEA party had engaged in the same vile behavior and evils that the left engages in. They would have been completely discredited and dismissed.
There is a a world of difference between the TEA Party and the Flea Party. And thank God for that.
Pie, you said, “Hating Israel is not far removed from hating Jews.” That’s what I believe -there is more antisemitism in this country than most would care to believe and it’s basically coming from the left!
Again, I must say it: you are such fools.
You don’t have to say it Libs but, you want to say it and that’s different.
1) The majority of Republicans (about 70%) want the US to cut our foreign aid.
2) The majority of our foreign aid goes to Israel.
3) The Occupy Wall Street people are not affiliated with the Democratic party, any more than the Tea Party is affiliated with the Republican Party. Locally I know Republicans who support the Occupy movement.
Jim, thanks for your opinion. Here is a link to clarify what you said:
Regarding your analogy, the Tea Party is non-partisan, however it is 100% fiscally conservative. This is their agenda and only the agenda and they want to work withing the system to reform waste, fraud and abuse in economic policy.
The composition of TP members is therefore overwhelmingly republican, despite the fact it is open to anyone of any party. There just isn’t a reason for many democrats to sign on with the Tea Party. Their agenda is not the Tea Party’s.
Now lets look at the Occupy Wall Street movement. Unlike the TP it is made up of many agendas from greens to anarchy and a few issues do overlap into the territory of the Tea Party. Thats about the end of the similarity, there is NO nexus here.
OWS is largely bent on destruction of the system, not reforming it. They are coming at the problems besetting us from the perspective of the hardcore left socialists, if not outright communists who want to tear down our republic. (I wonder if that difference even worth making?) The OWS movement is headed towards violence. Hardly anything like the Tea Party movement, you might as well be comparing Libertarians to Democrats.
Remember that Christian teacher from Florida? His job was put at risk for his Christian values. The School Board wanted a total review of his teaching style because they had to PC about what he says in front of his kids. What do you want to bet that black female talking trash about Zionists won’t even be noticed by the LA School Board? Talk about a double standard….
Re Jim’s:
1) The majority of Republicans (about 70%) want the US to cut our foreign aid.
2) The majority of our foreign aid goes to Israel.
3) The Occupy Wall Street people are not affiliated with the Democratic party, any more than the Tea Party is affiliated with the Republican Party. Locally I know Republicans who support the Occupy movement.
1) Baloney. You made that up. While I am sure many Republicans would like to see cuts in foreign aid, certainly a majority do not want to eliminate foreign aid. I would not be surprised if a majority of Democrats would like to see cuts in foreign aid — especially to Israel — if not eliminate aid to Israel entirely.
2) Horsefeathers. You made that up too. Are you a Jew hating Antisemitic bigot? Historically Israel has been a top receiver of foreign aid, but Israel does not receive the majority of foreign aid dollars.
3) While I am a conservative first and a Republican second, I support Occupy This Or That with great enthusiasm. I have always supported the radical left in their concerted efforts to make complete asses out of themselves. Democrats are not only pandering to but are embracing OWS, and has become a significant contributing participant.
Yo, why don’t y’all come down here, and meet us? We’re not about destruction of the system, except to replace it with something.
Our goals are to bring economic and social equality and fairness for all. We welcome all opinions, regardless of political party or biases.
Sure, many of us are liberal thinkers, however I would hope that conservative thinkers also bring their ideas to the table, after all, we are the 99% together. If we plan to reform this system, or create a new system, we need EVERYONE to be involved.
The people here are some of the most loving, accepting individuals I’ve ever met, and we don’t censor anyone. We’re a people of solutions though, and manage to counter most negative material that appears, a solution was created for the “F0ck the System” sign that was held by someone on the protest line, we created another sign to hold adjacent, “…so let’s change it!”
We are a loving, nonviolent, non-partisan assembly of individuals discussing the problems behind, and solutions to, the financial disparity present in today’s society. We welcome, and encourage all input!
Stop relying on mainstream media that is biased in favor of it’s investors! Come down, meet us and find out for yourself, who we are and what we are about.
We are the 99%, and you are too! We’re fighting for, and discussing your future, as well as ours, because we are all one people, the American People.
I once again invite, and welcome you to come down, and participate in our peaceful discussions, and get to know some of the other people dealing with the trials of today’s economy.
Love, peace, respect, unity,
Good point. I doubt that despicable Jew hating black woman, Patricia McAlister, will be chastised by the Los Angles Unified School District.
We’ve been down there Kyle and I personally went way out of my way to be fair and balanced. You must understand, your message may be one thing, however there are others that are representing your movement and they are coming across as anything but respectful or peaceful. They are angry, hateful, bigoted voices preaching anarchy and destruction. They hate capitalism, they hate our republic, they are often anti-jewish, they think all bankers are gangsters so they call them banksters. Kyle there is a long list here of vicious, mean spirited things that just ain’t so and they’re being spouted by some real anti-American people!
Okay, so I’ll give y-o-u the benefit of the doubt and we’ll say you are not one of those types, you are a patriotic, law abiding guy…so, let me start by asking you some questions about OWS:
First, why are you saying you represent 99%? That implies you are representing a lot of millionaires and billionaires, CEO’s, corporate managers, etc., I kinda don’t think that’s the case – care to elaborate? Who are the 99%?
Do you support capitalism, if not what do you support?
What is your idea of financial disparity and how do you propose to change it?
How do you define wealthy and how much tax should they pay to be fair?
What is a liveable wage, in your opinion? Give me a dollar amount if you will.
Do you have any idea how much debt the Obama Administration has run up in two years?
Do you know who will eventually have to pay for that debt? Are you concerned about it?
Love, peace, respect and unity -J
I whole-heartedly reject the anti-Semitic comments from these ignorant protesters. While I do not believe their beliefs are widely shared among the movement, I do think it is important for all of us to stand up and say that this kind of behavior is unacceptable. The Occupy Wall Street movement is supposed to represent the interests of a diverse group of people who feel marginalized by the system. Putting down a historically persecuted group such as the Jews, especially by playing on irrational and paranoid stereotypes, cannot possibly help this goal. It’s disgusting and wrong.
That said, I would like to turn your attention to a similar but far more important matter. On October 14, Rush Limbaugh accused President Obama of “targeting Christians” in Uganda by sending in troops to oppose the Lord’s Resistance Army, a guerrilla group of mass murderers who have been responsible for numerous atrocities in Uganda. Here is the link to the transcript, which is headlined, “Obama Invades Uganda, Targets Christians:”
Limbaugh admitted to being unfamiliar with the LRA, but that didn’t stop him from implying that the President’s decision to send troops was based on anti-Christian, pro-Muslim sentiment. At one point, Rush even read off of a list of the LRA’s goals in a show of support for the terrorist group.
Rush also falsely accused Obama of supporting violence against Coptic Christians by Muslims in Egypt:
“So that’s a new war, a hundred troops to wipe out Christians in Sudan, Uganda, and — (interruption) no, I’m not kidding. Jacob Tapper just reported it. Now, are we gonna help the Egyptians wipe out the Christians? Wouldn’t you say that we are? I mean the Coptic Christians are being wiped out, but it wasn’t just Obama that supported that.”
Rush’s statements were disgusting and bigoted. His goal was clearly to demonize the president and pit Muslims and Christians against each other in our own country by portraying Obama as anti-Christian and pro-Muslim. He was so intent on this goal that he didn’t even bother to do five seconds of research to find out why our government had decided to send troops to the area to oppose this enemy.
Let me emphasize this: Rush Limbaugh is so intent on attacking our president, that he was willing to side with a brutal enemy in order to do so. He would rather side with a brutal enemy of the United States than our own president.
At the end, Limbaugh said he had just been informed that the LRA “is being accused of really bad stuff,” but he did not apologize, admit error, or withdraw his support for the LRA.
While both the protesters in the videos above and Limbaugh are guilty of perpetuating bigoted, ignorant, irresponsible lies, Limbaugh’s statement is more disturbing due to the fact that he has a far larger audience. He is not just one out of a million protesters; he is hugely influential over both the Republican party and the Tea Party, and reaches an audience of millions. A fan of Rush’s show who did not know anything about the LRA would have come away from that show with the impression that our president is “targeting Christians” in Uganda for no apparent reason.
I expect Rush’s fans on this website to whole-heartedly condemn his vile attack on our president and his support for a radical guerrilla group which our military is currently opposing, just as I have condemned the bigoted statements of these protesters.
“First, why are you saying you represent 99%? That implies you are representing a lot of millionaires and billionaires, CEO’s, corporate managers, etc., I kinda don’t think that’s the case – care to elaborate? Who are the 99%??”
Who the hell has parroted this nonsense? Tina or Jack? I heard this from some Heritage flunky on the News Hour today, and I just about spit on my monitor.
It is specious, literalist horseshit, and you know it! And you use this logical fallacy to avoid gettin’ down to the nitty-gritty.
Cause we’ve all spent 20 years collecting evidence, from our own lives, and we are done taking it.
Ten years ago … a nice, white shirt law firm in SF, whereat, one day, I had the great misfortune to come across the partnership distribution for 199-something, just laid out there on the conference room table … unattended.
Us staff we don’t have dental insurance. We don’t have dental insurance, so’s the partners can take $525K, rather than an piddling $500 out of the partnership.
Our relationship deteriorated.
2009 … the economy is dead in the water … AIG has been bailed, but we’re waiting for the other shoe. Money is moving nowhere.
It is that this point that another law firm … I really should name names, but my audience is not trustworthy … decides to revamp our paid time off … halving it, in fact. I spent a whole year waiting for them to realize what a shitty thing this was to do … but they never did. It got so I couldn’t look the managing partner in the face, my loathing at that point being right banked up and irrepressible.
The place I’m temping now, they’re gonna make me an offer. They had the agency run a background check. Shall I run you the litany of their abuses … and I’m not even a real employee? I am so looking forward to telling them to bugger bloody off, and pitch my tent at the Civic Center.
We are done … we are seriously done.