HHS Shuts Down “Class” Entitlement in Obamacare

Posted by Tina

Good for Kathleen Sebelius!

On Friday HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius acknowledged that the program for long term elderly care known as “Class” would be dropped from the AFC. The program, sold as a deficit reducer, has been found to be a fraud of accounting trickery. The Wall Street Journal explains:

Democrats engineered the program known by the acronym Class with front-loaded premiums and back-loaded benefits so that on paper it threw off a lot of revenue early on but then bankrupted itself later. This design made it possible for the Congressional Budget Office to score the program as a money-raiser during its first decade and thus make ObamaCare look like it reduced the deficit.

Americans are tired of smoke and mirrors approaches to solving problems. We are fed up with lies about the price tag of proposed entitlement programs.

The ultimate truth is that government is incapable of delivering a good product at a reasonable price. It’s time to look for better ways to solve our problems.

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5 Responses to HHS Shuts Down “Class” Entitlement in Obamacare

  1. Libby says:

    Wait. If Kathleen blew the smoke and smashed the mirrors, do you have anything to complain about?

    Would that Mr. Thompson or Mr. Leavitt had been so diligent.

    And we’ll see how much longer Obama let’s her keep her job.

    Women who do real work don’t fare well under his administration.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Well Libby, what can I say, this time you are right. I’m afraid women in his administration are held to a different standard than the men.

  3. Tina says:

    Libby: “Wait. If Kathleen blew the smoke and smashed the mirrors, do you have anything to complain about?”

    Absolutely not, which is why I soluted her right off the bat: “Good for Kathleen Sebelius!”

    “Would that Mr. Thompson or Mr. Leavitt had been so diligent.”

    Would that ANYONE in this administration, not to mention Pelosi Reid, Dodd, & Frank been so diligent.

    “Women who do real work don’t fare well under his administration.”

    And yet I hear they fair very well for the most part in Republican circles…how to explain that?

  4. J Soden says:

    Like the rest of Obamacare, the numbers were fudged.

    And when was the last time gubmint did anything efficiently and with cost-effectiveness?

  5. Pie Guevara says:

    Remember who said, “But we have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it”?

    By the way Obama is back pedaling on the CLASS Act.

    “Over the weekend, The Hill has learned, an administration official called advocates of the Community Living Assistance Services and Supports (CLASS) Act to reassure them that Obama is still committed to making the program work. That official also told advocates that widespread media reports on the program’s demise were wrong, leaving advocates scratching their heads.”

    This is exactly the opposite Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius wrote in Friday in the Puffington Host where she wrote that the administration did not see a way to make the program sustainable.


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