Herding the Sheep

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8 Responses to Herding the Sheep

  1. Toby says:

    To put that picture in perfect context it should have Obama hanging from the ass of Soros. Oh and some of those sheep should be labeled terrorist, socialist, communist and Obama should be holding bags of tax payer cash to spread upon his fecal matter I mean flock.

  2. Libby says:

    Again … you are clueless. What do you think “Occupy Wall Street” is about? Our shepherd has been found wanting.

  3. Patriot says:

    This is offensive and the comment that was allowed to post is awful. The worst thing is the ER chose to promote this on their home page. What a shame.

  4. RG says:

    Um, you might want to pay attention but Democratic voters are unhappy with Obama because he is a Republican. The Democratic Party however loves him, because they are just like Republicans. We have been hearing about Marxism for 3 years now. Where is my Socialist America? Where is this Marxism? What is different under Obama than Bush? He kept the same people in charge, he appointed Republicans to his cabinets. He is the same.

    If you want to talk about sheep, why not ask why Republican voters are so willing to repeat every talking point without any evidence? There is the saddest website out there right now called The 53%. People who supposedly are “Real Americans” are posting their great stories and bragging that they are living the American Dream and don’t whine about it. It is really, really sad that they have been convinced by a guy whose 3 jobs are media pundit at CNN and blogger that they should be happy with working 70 hours a week with no benefits.

    Democratic voters and politicians are never unified. Yet Republicans can 100% be counted on to vote together. So who are the sheep?

  5. Post Scripts says:

    RG so you are saying the Democratic Party is NOT representative of the opinion of the majority of democrat members? Hmmm…okay, I’ll have to cogitate on that one for awhile and do some research. I’m not an expert on Democrat affairs.

    You said, “We have been hearing about Marxism for 3 years now. Where is my Socialist America? Where is this Marxism?” Only 3 years? Nah, it’s more like 30 years. How old are you anyway? I’m 66 and this has been a background noise since the heyday of Angela Davis in Berkeley. She was an avowed communist teacher. There were many communists professors, teachers and associates in our educational system teaching the upside of socialism and communism as they opposed capitalism and denigrated the values and idealism as express by our founders and virtually every American hero we ever had. That form of Communism was from coast to coast and it is thoroughly entrenched within our college system. How in the world did you miss that blatant example?

    RG, every perk or safety net provided by the government that is not by Constitutional authority is a form of socialism. When government that takes the money away from the people and them gives them back some of it and they are supposed to be grateful, that’s the essence of socialism. So as the mission of government expands and we embark on universal healthcare, extremely disproportionate taxation on the wealthy, that leads to stifling, job killing, rules and regulations on business and wealth shifting from those who created it to those who didn’t even work for it…. is a key element of socialism.

    RG, the definition of Marxism is: The political, economic, and social principles and policies advocated by Marx; especially: a theory and practice of socialism including the labor theory of value, dialectical materialism, the class struggle, and dictatorship of the proletariat until the establishment of a classless society. Any of this ring a bell? Class struggle, class warfare, up with labor – down with corprotists and banksters! You can hear this stuff at the Occupy Wall Street movement in any city their in. I could cite hundreds of small examples where socialism and Marxist philosophy exist in our society, but either you get it or you don’t.

    Now ask me again… “We have been hearing about Marxism for 3 years now. Where is my Socialist America? Where is this Marxism?” Doesn’t make you sound too well informed does it? Not trying to be overly hard on you, just trying to be real and educate you in a very short time and space.

  6. Toby says:

    President Obama has been wrecking our Country for 1001 days and this is what you are pissed off about? I was going to have Obama hanging from another part of Soros but I figured that was going too far.
    Libby you want us to believe the scum vagrants are protesting Obama? You should serve drinks before you try selling that one.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    “Yet Republicans can 100% be counted on to vote together.” Ah, were only so! RG…it might surprise you to know how disorganized and fractionalized the republicans really are. I know because I’ve been to the conventions, I’ve been a party leader and organizer and I’ve seen it all first hand. You ask, “So who are the sheep?” I think that should be pretty clear. It’s the people that know so much that is wrong.


  8. RG says:

    Um, you might want to pay attention but Democratic voters are unhappy with Obama because he is a Republican. The Democratic Party however loves him, because they are just like Republicans. We have been hearing about Marxism for 3 years now. Where is my Socialist America? Where is this Marxism? What is different under Obama than Bush? He kept the same people in charge, he appointed Republicans to his cabinets. He is the same.

    If you want to talk about sheep, why not ask why Republican voters are so willing to repeat every talking point without any evidence? There is the saddest website out there right now called The 53%. People who supposedly are “Real Americans” are posting their great stories and bragging that they are living the American Dream and don’t whine about it. It is really, really sad that they have been convinced by a guy whose 3 jobs are media pundit at CNN and blogger that they should be happy with working 70 hours a week with no benefits.

    Democratic voters and politicians are never unified. Yet Republicans can 100% be counted on to vote together. So who are the sheep?

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