Best to Avoid Oakland on Wednesday

Posted by Jack


Occupy Oakland has big plans for its general strike Wednesday, hoping to completely shut down the city for the day with anti-capitalist rallies and a march to the Port of Oakland.

Calling for people to “occupy everywhere,” Oakland demonstration organizers are calling for students to walk out of school, employees to leave work, and banks and other corporations to shut down for the day to show the nation’s wealthiest that the people can shut down a major American city.

“The wealth of the 1 percent is produced by the work of the 99 percent,” Occupy Oakland organizer Louise Michel said during a news conference at Broadway and Telegraph Avenue in downtown Oakland. “The people are awake and don’t want to allow the chokehold capitalism has on our lives anymore.”

The general strike is scheduled to begin at 9 a.m., and it would be the first time in 75 years that a mass gathering of labor forces stood together for change. The last general strike in the U.S. was in Oakland in 1946.

Read more at the San Francisco Examiner:

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7 Responses to Best to Avoid Oakland on Wednesday

  1. Tina says:

    Occupy Oakland organizer Louise Michel: “The wealth of the 1 percent is produced by the work of the 99 percent”

    That would be the 99% that made an agreement to work for a specific salary and benefits when they joined the company and invested exactly NOTHING in either time, money, or sacrifice to establish the company!

    That would be the 99% that is free to seek employment elsewhere if they are not satisfied.

    That would be the 99% that have not taken the extra steps necessary to make a higher salary or bonus, usually comprising of an investment in higher education and years of working extra hours and seeking and winning promotions on the merit of their work.

    “The people are awake and don’t want to allow the chokehold capitalism has on our lives anymore.”

    Good! Don’t buy any more products!

    Better yet, quit your job and start your own company! Structure it however you want! Share all of the profits with all of your workers equally if that’s what floats your boat. GIVE YOUR PRODUCTS OR SERVICES AWAY FOR FREE…YIPEE! Rely on contributions.

    Be proactive, for heavens sake, instead of being a complaining whiner! See if you can prove to everyone once and for all that “sharing” works better!

    Just a little advice…before you hand out all those profits make sure you don’t forget to file all the government reports, pay all of the taxes and fees, keep up with the rent and utility bills, keep enough in the company so you will still be able to expand, buy new equipment, or hire new employees so you can stay in business next year.

    Here’s another tip…watch out for sabotaging complaints from those who may work extra hours or do the majority of the work while still being given the same amount of compensation as those who spend all of their time drinking coffee, gossiping, making personal phone calls and making excessive trips to the bathroom…not to mention continually calling in sick. These folks can really cause trouble…don’t they get it! EVERYONE deserves to share the profits equally…no matter what!

    Good luck!

  2. Toby says:

    If Oakland were to come to a standstill how would we know? Should police, EMT’s, doctors, nurses, walk off the job as well?

  3. Pie Guevara says:

    Perhaps Gertrude Stein said it best about Oakland, “There is no there there.”

    Which reminds me of a Hemingway quote, “A rose is a rose is an onion.”

    Which brings me to The Onion —,26239/,26347/

    And now for some satire that isn’t —


    Yep, you read that right buckaroos. The Occupy Wall legal group has applied for a trademark so they can sell everything from tote-bags, to t-shirts, from periodicals to newsletters, from buttons to bumper stickers and web site names to (no doubt) “intellectual property”.

    Can you say Occupy Barbie?

    But they are not the only ones applying. At last count Fer-Eng Investments, LLC, of Arizona also applied.

    Occupy Whatever Dude is doing some serious damage to satire.

    Whatever you do, be sure to buy officially sanctioned Occupy goods, that stuff on the street is a rip-off, man.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Toby’s : If Oakland were to come to a standstill how would we know? Should police, EMT’s, doctors, nurses, walk off the job as well?

    Excellent question Toby. Note how your question has drawn no response from Libbya, Chris, Don Q, or Joe Shaw.

    I am certain you already know what my answer is, even without being explicit.

  5. Tina says:

    Perhaps because you cover for the failures of the progressives that created the mess we’re in. You offer a distraction for the failures of the current administration. You are a one note accuser…get over it he’s gone. You are not believable, have an overblown opinion of yourself and a creepy hostility toward others.

    Now run along…you have so many important things to do!

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Don Q’s:”This shows just how freakin’ stupid you (snip) are! We LOVE capitalism.”

    What, no “fellatio” exhortation this time, Mr. Colgan? You are slipping.

    The anti-capitalist views of the Occupy Wall Street movement are well documented. One has to wonder just what sort of ignoramus (fool?) would try claim otherwise.

    Peppering comments with foul language that need to be excised somehow doesn’t seem to met the criteria of intellectual, be it honest or dishonest.

    Now, go hawk some T-shirts and start paying for your use of City Plaza, free loader.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Don Q’s:”This shows just how freakin’ stupid you (snip) are! We LOVE capitalism.”

    What, no “fellatio” exhortation this time, Mr. Colgan? You are slipping.

    The anti-capitalist views of the Occupy Wall Street movement are well documented. One has to wonder just what sort of ignoramus (fool?) would try claim otherwise.

    Peppering comments with foul language that need to be excised somehow doesn’t seem to met the criteria of intellectual, be it honest or dishonest.

    Now, go hawk some T-shirts and start paying for your use of City Plaza, free loader.

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