OWS Violence – It Was Inevitable

by Jack Lee

You knew it was coming to this, sooner or later the OWS movement had to turn violent. Violence is the easiest ways to get noticed and at the same time to profit through vandalism that leads to looting…a win-win.

As you watch the video above you’ll notice the windows on the business under siege was tougher than the people trying to break them. And there just wasn’t quite enough people willing to attack the business and it’s one or two defenders. But, this is a classic example of how mob violence starts. One smashed window, some liquor or TV sets on the other side… it’s on baby!


Oakland is quickly turning into the battle ground of choice for the OWS people and any nut with an urge to go wild and do bad things. If you were a protest organizer it makes sense that it should be Oakland too. Many of the local minority citizens have a long list of grievances against the cops, mostly stems from crime, racial division and all the hate mongers that exploit such things. There are also a lot of local citizens living at or below the poverty level. A near perfect environment for mob action to start over nothing, but OWS isn’t nothing is it?

Now consider that we have a weak city government. It consists of the placating liberals on the city council who are prone to turn on the cops at the first hint of any possible wrong doing and very slow to acknowledge, let alone condemn, wrong doing by it’s own minority based citizenry.

The mayor of Oakland, Jean Quan is one of the worst of the enablers. By all accounts she would rather be out there with the OWS people protesting in the streets if she wasn’t obliged to be acting all mayoral for the media.

So, you see it’s natural that if any “Occupied” city was going to get into the business of violent protesting it had to be Oakland, it has all the ingredients…. its the setup for the perfect storm.

Right now the city government sees it only has two choices, keep on empathizing with the lawbreakers and hope they will calm down and go away or …crack down and confront them head on. The later is exactly what they have been trying to avoid, but by being far too tolerant and allowing illegal OWS activities to become entrenched they have [enabled] violence to gain the upper hand. The cops have been held back too long by the city council and placed in a re-active roles, where they are out numbered and often out maneuvered. (Where are the cops in this video?)

It would have been far better for the police to pick the time and place to get tough….not the OWS mob.

Before it is over many lessons will be learned, and unfortunately they mostly will be how [not] to handle angry mobs bent on destruction.

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19 Responses to OWS Violence – It Was Inevitable

  1. Toby says:

    This is from Foxnews.com,
    Officials with the revamped ACORN office in New York — operating as New York Communities for Change — have fired staff, shredded reams of documents and told workers to blame disgruntled ex-employees for leaking information in an effort to explain away a FoxNews.com report last week on the groups involvement in Occupy Wall Street protests, according to sources.

    NYCC also is installing surveillance cameras and recording devices at its Brooklyn offices, removing or packing away supplies bearing the name ACORN and handing out photos of Fox News staff with a stern warning not to talk to the media, the sources said.

    Theyre doing serious damage control right now, said an NYCC source.

    NYCC Executive Director Jon Kest has been calling a series of emergency meetings to discuss last weeks reportand taking extreme measures to identify the sources in their office and to prevent further damage, a source within NYCC told FoxNews.com.

    Two staffers were fired after NYCC officials suspected them as the source of the leaks, a source told FoxNews.com. One was fired the day the story came out, the other was fired on Friday. (NYCC senior staff) told everyone that they were fired because they talked to you, a source said.

    NYCC spokesman Scott Levenson denied that anyone was fired for talking to the press.

    FoxNews.coms report identified NYCC as a key organizing force behind the Occupy Wall Street protests. Sources within the group also told FoxNews.com NYCC was hiring people to carry signs and join the protests. NYCC — a nonprofit organization run almost entirely by former ACORN officials and employees –did not reply for comment prior to the publication of the initial article, but later posted a statement on its website dismissing the article and denying that it pays protesters.

    A source said that immediately following publication of the FoxNews.com report staff were called into the Brooklyn office for meetings headed by NYCCs organizing director, Jonathan Westin. Westin handed out copies of the article and went through it line-by-line, the source said.

    Staffers were also given copies of photos of Senior Fox News Correspondent Eric Shawn and three other Fox News staff members, including this reporter.

    They reminded us that we can get fired, sued, arrested for talking to the press, the source said. Then they went through the article point-by-point and said that the allegation that we pay people to protest isnt true.

    Thats the story that were sticking to, Westin said, according to the source.

    The source said staffers at the meeting contested Westins denial:

    It was pretty funny. Jonathan told staff they dont pay for protesters, but the people in the meeting who work there objected and said, Wait, you pay us to go to the protests every day? Then Jonathan said No, but thats your job, and staffers were like, Yeah, our job is to protest, and Westin said, No your job is to fight for economic and social justice. We just send you to protest.

    Staff said, Yes, you pay us to carry signs. Then Jonathan says, Thats your job. It went on like that back and forth for a while.

    During the meetings, NYCC Deputy Director Greg Basta provided Westin with the copied photos of Fox News reporters to hand out to staff members, the source said. Basta told staffers they might be asked about the article when out in communities working on campaigns or when calling people by phone, the source said.

    They told us if people bring up the article, were supposed to say the source and all the stuff in there came from a disgruntled ex-employee whos not working with us anymore.

    NYCC is also monitoring its staffs behavior, cracking down on phone use and socialization. Officials have ordered all papers — even scraps — to be shredded every night, the source said.

    And all the supplieseverything around the office that said ACORN — is now all in storage until this blows over, the source said. People literally have to cover up the cameras on the back of their cellphones in the office.

    Now theres no texting in the office, no phone calls in the office. They tell us to take our phone calls out into the waiting room where theres an intercom, and then they turn on the intercom to hear our conversations. Theyre installing new cameras and speakers around the building so they can hear everything.

    Its almost like working at Fort Knox.

    NYCC officials declined repeated requests to respond to specific questions about the organizations response to last weeks story. The group on Wednesday instead sent this statement, attributed to NYCC board member Jean Sassine:

    “New York Communities for Change participates in protests, direct action, social activism and campaigns that promote social and economic justice. We see FOX as the enemy to those efforts. For the record, this is consistent with Fox attacks on Van Jones, Shirley Sherrod, George Soros, Citizen Action, Planned Parenthood and all those who stand for social justice. Once again, FOX entertainment poses as FOX News. Once again, FOX makes a series of false, unsubstantiated claims and accusations which have no basis in fact. Once again, through a series of sources FOX structures a story which is nothing but a series of lies.”

    Westin did respond to some questions a day earlier, when approached by FoxNews.com at an NYCC event in Manhattan.

    When asked if a staff member was fired because people thought hed talked to the press, Westin said, I have no idea. When asked about handing out photos of Fox News employees, he said, I have been? No, I dont think I have been. That wasnt me.

    Westin did acknowledge NYCC staff have met to discuss last weeks report. People talked about it, he said. People are interested.

    He also deflected a question about the allegation that staffers were being told to blame the report on disgruntled staffers, telling this reporter to contact him later via email.

    Responding to reports of pushback from staffers who said they were being paid to go to the protests, and reports NYCC had recently hired people as canvassers or organizers and then sent them to the protests, Westin replied repeatedly We dont pay people to protest.

    Westin later did not reply to two emails asking for follow-up.

    Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/us/2011/11/03/acorn-officials-scramble-firing-workers-and-shredding-documents-after-exposed/#ixzz1cfI16FM5

  2. Toby says:

    Why do these people feel the need to hide behind masks? When did you ever see a Tea Party member do that? I am sick of these criminals being portrayed as legitimate as if they are anything but thugs. When they attacked the port, they should have been shot dead. That was an act of terrorism and should have been treated as such. What does a port have to do with their “protest”?

  3. Chris says:

    This is very depressing to me. Civil disobedience is one thing, but this kind of violence is never OK. I’ll have more to say later.

  4. Pie Guevara says:

    Occupy Whatever Dude has already demonstrated that it has an endless supply of idiots. This is just the logical next step.

  5. J Soden says:

    Anyone who has to wear a mask to air real or imagined greviances is immediately suspect. The occupy clowns will continue until some heads get broken, and then they’ll cry “police brutality.”

    Reminiscent of the 60’s. Too bad we don’t have someone like S.I. Hayakawa to stand up to these clowns.

    But with the revelation of ACORN’s involvement, now we know where to send the bill for the extra police and trash pickup . . . . . . .

  6. Pie Guevara says:

    This explains a lot. I think. Uh, maybe. Revolution!



    The vanguard of the revolution today will become the leaders of proletariat tomorrow.

  7. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, as you know the camping in Oakland was illegal from the start. So the occupation of Oakland was begun on an illegal footing and it got worse. Then add in the trash, the dope, and so on and it’s definitely trending to the wrong side of the law. But, you know that, you just want to excuse it because some of their agenda is your agenda, I get it.

  8. Toby says:

    Q you have said this a few times “When 4 out of 5 people reject the TEA party”, and I figured someone would call you out on it, I gotta ask you, what people? Name your source for these numbers. Was it you and the 4 bums in your tent? The one who agrees with the TP, is he the one you are getting rid of?
    Or is it 4 out of 5 people who came out of Planned Parenthood? Was it 4 out of 5 people coming out of a pot shop, maybe that 5th person was so stoned they didn’t understand your question. Come election day the numbers will be made clear if your numbers are correct, I will apologize to you on this blog and on your own blog. I think 4 out of 5 people do not think I will be wrong.

  9. Post Scripts says:

    Quentin, by now I figured you knew me on sight and we did shake hands and we stood there face to face talking. Before that you were protesting the Tea Party at the taxpayers rally in the plaza when I spoke to the crowd, did you forget? I also spoke to you at the city council meeting last year. I was also at the meeting at the Masonic Lodge and sat two seats away from you! Quentin, you really need to see about some glasses or something…lol

    I can sympathize with your homeless person intrusion dilemma, but lets be real, you had one of them on a loud speaker and you had another inside your tent playing the guitar and giving advise to people. Who’s to say if they are officials of OWS or not? And you picked the spot, didn’t you know this is their meeting place before they go looking for handouts?

    Q…the best I can do is go out and talk to people. Get a variety of news and commentary from as many sources as possible and then form my own opinion. My opinion is rather low of the OWS movement, as opposed to my rather high opinion of the Tea Party people who conduct themselves exemplary by comparison…yet they draw the wrath of Congress people like Maxine Waters? Where’s old Maxine on all the OWS chaos, I wonder, does she support pooping on cop cars, sex in public, rat infested garbage in the downtown? None of that came from any Tea Party events, but we did see several Congressmen lie about being spat on by a Tea Party guy.

  10. Post Scripts says:

    Good point Toby.

  11. Pie Guevara says:

    The fleabaggers are coming unglued. Look at how desperate local flea (free loading loser of America) Don Q is to get some attention.

    Violence and destruction will give way to resentment and indifference. Desperation leads to insults and name calling.

    You are a wonderful spokesflea, Don Q.

    Buy Tesla Coils!

  12. Pie Guevara says:

    You have to admit when it comes to hate speech, Quentin Colgan has few peers.

    Ol’ Don (Helter Skelter) Q has that on bold display in these pages nearly daily.

    There is no more rabid advocate of hate than Quentin being Quentin here in Post Scripts comments. Heck, he spends more time spewing his “mock and disdain” hate here than he does in his own blog.

    Why? Post Scripts has an audience size his pathetic and witless blog cannot even approximate. Mr. Colgan feeds on attention so, of course, he comes to Post Scripts to vent his diseased spleen. You can’t fault Quentin for that. He is only trying to reach the largest audience possible.

    May Don Q never stop being Don Q and may Post Scripts let him shine, unedited and unaltered (except for the usual surfeit snips of foul language) in the bright light of day!

  13. Libby says:

    “Desperation leads to insults and name calling.”

    As in: “spokesflea”?

    But I understand your distress. A movement that gathers up those bums (aka, the homeless), concentrates their presence and focuses their attention is very, very dangerous.

  14. Toby says:

    Q, you are the rebel without a clue, I will get back to that. What does starting fires, and forcing the closure of a port have to do with the first amendment? You said, “the exercise of the first amendment is always legal, any where, any time” No it is not, you have the reasoning abilities of a 3 year old if you believe that. Yell fire in a theater and see that happens to you.
    Ok, back to you being a clueless rebel. This whole splitting hairs thing is not going to wash. Your OWS crowd did it, it is all yours. You are like the punk wannabe who was driving the car when his punk wannabe buddies rob a convenience store. You are just as guilty as the rest of them.
    The other day you accused Jack of being a pussy REMF are you sure you were not looking in a mirror at the time you said that? From now on I am calling you PREMF, that will be just between you and me cupcake. You let that spin in that thing you call a mind and get back to me.

  15. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libbya’s:
    “Desperation leads to insults and name calling.”

    As in: “spokesflea”?

    But I understand your distress. A movement that gathers up those bums (aka, the homeless), concentrates their presence and focuses their attention is very, very dangerous.

    Actually, the title fits quite nicely. Don Q has anointed himself the local spokesman of the Flea party so spokesflea is perfectly appropriate. Besides, I am certainly not desperate nor under distress but the local spokesflea sure is. You should not be so presumptive, Libbya, people who don’t know you might take you for a mindless bigot.

    Every the spokesflea makes positively reeks with frustration, desperation, hate, and anger. He even questioned your sanity in a comment post not long ago.

    You don’t remember?

    Frankly I was shocked, you are one the best suck-ups he has in this forum.

    I understand your misunderstanding. You will never get it, Libbya. Quentin feeds on people like you.

    May I add to my accolades? May Libbya never stop being Libbya. The best answer to you is to let you be you. Hooray Post Scripts!

  16. Libby says:

    “Desperation leads to insults and name calling.”

    As in: “mindless bigot” and “suck-up”?

    But did you have anything to say about the proposition that a movement that harnesses the energies of the dispossessed is very dangerous?

    That is what’s holding the rest of us … tea partiers included … back. We still have jobs to go to. The more people who don’t, or don’t give a FF, the closer we come to some REAL social activism … and puttin’ them fat boys off their perch.

  17. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Libby’s “Desperation leads to insults and name calling.”

    As in: “mindless bigot” and “suck-up”?

    But did you have anything to say about the proposition that a movement that harnesses the energies of the dispossessed is very dangerous?

    That is what’s holding the rest of us … tea partiers included … back. We still have jobs to go to. The more people who don’t, or don’t give a FF, the closer we come to some REAL social activism … and puttin’ them fat boys off their perch.

    You mean to say there are not mindless bigots? You mean to say you are not a Quentin Colgan suck-up?

    Uh, OK. I’ll take your word for it.

    However, I truly doubt you speak for any member of the Tea party. I hold those people in high regard and suspect not one of them would let someone like you speak for them.

    How about that REAL social activism at the Occupy Oakland riots? Yep, that sure put “them fat boys off their perch”. Congratulations, Libby. Here comes your revolution.

    As for the potential dangers in harnessing the energies of the dispossessed, I haven’t said anything to the contrary. In fact, Occupy Oakland is testament to that.

    Moreover it has been widely reported that Occupy movements across the country have had huge problems with rape, theft, assault, sexual assault, and other crime from the dispossessed you speak of.

    Funny how that works, no? Evidently your dispossessed have spent more time attacking OWS protesters than rioting in the streets. Well, so far at least.

    I suspect, however, that when worse comes to worse, in the face of riots, arson, assault, vandalism, murder, rape, theft, looting, and mayhem the National Guard with orders to shoot to kill could calm the situation fairly quickly if it ever got so bad as to warrant it.

    Substantive reBUTTal? 😀

  18. Pie Guevara says:

    Speaking of Libby’s proposition that a movement that harnesses the energies of the dispossessed is very dangerous, did you see Quentin Colgan’s death threat in the “OWS Oakland – Update” blog thread, Libby?

    If you missed it, I’ll reproduce it for you here —

    Quentin Colgan | November 4, 2011 9:42 PM | Reply

    as for me?
    you mess with my country and I will kill you. It really IS just that simple. Just as millions of Americans before me.
    You got a problem with that? With all the treasonous bullshit you haters post here, I would have NO problem convincing a jury I was upholding the oath I took!
    Five out of six–that’s ten out of twelve jurors to you, Poe–believe the TEA Party is destroying America.
    The other two would acquit because I was putting you out of your stupidity induced suffering!

    Here are some questions for you Libby, if you care to address them —

    What do you think of Quentin Colgan putting me out of my stupidity induced suffering by an (evidently justifiable) act of homicide? Any thoughts, feelings, or reflections?

    Is Quentin Colgan one of the OWS movement’s dangerous “harnessed dispossessed” or is he part of the dangerous leadership doing the harnessing? In other words, is he the mule or the muleskinner, the puppet or the puppet master?

    Which do you think you are, Libby? What is your role? In the harness or holding the reigns? The puppet or the person who has a hand up the puppet’s patoot?

  19. Libby says:

    Pie, you have replied to my reply by offering something of Q’s … not of your own.

    Q is easily twenty and C most certainly 30 years younger that I … as is readily deduced from their posts … and on account of idealistic youth and progressive idealism, they are entirely unable to deal with such unabashed and moronic idiocy as our Pie repeatedly manifests.

    But you know, I am beginning to wonder if Pie is not some wildly deluded alter-ego of our Jack.

    I certainly hope not … but with every post he seems to be less and less … real.

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