Heads Up- Gingrich & Cain Debate on C-Span Today


Posted by Tina

Newt Gingrich and Herman Cain will engage in a Lincoln/Douglas style debate at 6:30 PM EDT (3:30 Pacific) 5:00 pm our time on C-Span.

According to Canada Free Press:

This debate will be divided into three parts, with each part focusing on one entitlement program–Medicare, Medicaid and Social Security–with no moderator. This format changes the “debates” from something between the “Wheel of Fortune” and “Jeopardy” game-show “got-cha” debates we have become accustomed to; to a more productive format whereby, we might actually learn some constructive things about our Republican Presidential candidates.

Sorry I didn’t get this up earlier…it should provide a much better format for our candidates. I understand there will be more of these debates featuring other candidates. I certainly hope so.

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2 Responses to Heads Up- Gingrich & Cain Debate on C-Span Today

  1. Peggy says:

    I watched the debate and agree with the below article that it was more of a discussion between to like-minded candidates than a debate of rivals.

    I liked it and found it informative. Newt came out the “winner” because of his ability to answer all questions, while Cain often deferred from responding first.


  2. Tina says:

    I’m glad you had thr chance to watch the discussion. I agree it was more discussion than debate. But it was interesting to watch the two candidates to see how they handled themselves. I would back either of them if they became the candidate. As Newt said Obama (and his failed policies) is the man to discredit and defeat.

    I hope we see a lot more of this type of discussion involving all of the candidates. It allows Republicans to view the candidates as they respond on issues while avoiding the distractions of media looking for soundbites. It also might allow us to pick our own candidate for a change.

    Although I agree with much of what the article you posted said I have to say that Cain deferring to Newt does not show lack of leadership ability, just the opposite.

    No man, not even Newt with his vast experience and historical knowledge, is prepared for this job. One of the problems many presidents have is ego that will not defer and will not seek advice. Cain has leadership abilities and he has humility in his grounding. This is a man I would trust to listen to the many opinions of his advisors and make decisions based on Constitutional principles and what he believes to be the best course for America. A leader need not be the most informed and educated man in the room but he had better be willing to seek the good council of others who are and apply not only knowledge but wisdom when making decisions. Cain strikes me as that sort of person.

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