Economic Lessons from Sweden

Posted by Tina

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2 Responses to Economic Lessons from Sweden

  1. Post Scripts says:

    This is an outstanding video that should be mandatory viewing in every grade school civic’s class.

  2. Chris says:

    OK, so let’s accept her analysis that Sweden has less regulation and lower taxes than they had before, and is doing better for it.

    They still have much stricter regulation and higher taxes on the rich then the U.S. does, and their economy is doing much better than ours.

    So…I’m not entirely sure what this video is intended to prove. That sometimes, regulation and taxation can be too onerous, and that deregulation and lowering the tax burden can sometimes be necessary? Of course I agree with that; only a complete ideologue could believe that raising taxes and regulation is always the right thing to do, just as only a complete ideologue could believe that lowering taxes and regulation is always the right thing to do. Neither position is sensible.

    But this video doesn’t really make much of a case that regulation and taxation in the U.S. is too high.

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