by Jack
Normally the Chico public works dept. likes to pressure wash the sidewalks around the parks, but at the downtown park they can’t, because of these big ugly brown tents owned by the OWS movement that are talking up space.
I checked with the city and the city administrator’s office, and they assured me there is no public ordinance being broken by camping within the city limits on a public sidewalk! No kidding. I found this hard to believe. However, I was absolutely assured this was the case. I was told as long as there is at least a 6 foot clearance for people to use, their tents could stay up. Amazing isn’t it? The OWS movement is disrupting city workers and pedestrians and there’s nothing we can do about it?
According to the people I’ve talked to the Chico OWS movement has worn out their welcome. Their presence is angering citizens who must try to squeeze between their tents and barkers with megaphones on one side and the homeless bums siting a few feet away on the other side, with their dogs on ropes, shopping baskets full of aluminum cans and whatever else. It makes people not want to use that part of the public park downtown and that seems wrong.
I did a little research and I found some city codes that might be applicable and I wonder why the city isn’t trying to use at least one of them: 9.22.010 says it’s against the law to deposit foreign matter on public ways inside the city. Would putting up a tent on a public sidewalk be technically foreign matter? Read on….
How about this, Chico City Code….9.44.010 Congestion on sidewalks. “Except when authorized by a permit issued pursuant to Title 14 of this code, it shall be unlawful for any person to obstruct the free passage of traffic upon any sidewalk.
Authority is hereby given to the chief of police and designees, when there is any gathering or crowd upon the sidewalk which is obstructing the free and uninterrupted passage of pedestrians thereon, to direct such traffic, which authority shall exist during the entire time of such congestion. When crowds gather on the sidewalk in front of a theater or any other public place, the council is given authority to designate where such crowd shall stand, and may give notice thereof, by causing the erection of markers or other signs, and it shall be unlawful for any person in such crowd to disobey such markers and signs and also to disobey the directions given by the chief of police and designees. (Prior code 23.3 (Ord. 224 360. Ord. 532 48, Ord. 1871 l), Ord. 2268)”
There’s nothing here about a 6′ right-of-way the City Administrator’s office said made it legal. This ordinance just says obstructing… and those tents are definitely obstructing.
Here’s another Chico city ordinance that seems to be violated and its about the OWS banners. Check this out: “9.44.050 Banners notifying public of events in the Chico community – Permit.
A. It shall be unlawful for any person to hang or display or to permit to be hung,
displayed or maintained over or across any street, avenue or sidewalk within the city any banner or other similar device except by permit from the city manager which shall be
issued if the city manager finds:
l. That the event for which the banner is requested is of such a nature as to be of
interest to persons residing or passing through the city;
2. That the proposed message on the banner contains the following information only:
a. Name of the event,
b. Date(s) of the event,
c. Time(s) of the event (optional with permittee),
d. Location of the event (optional with permittee);
3. That the proposed banner is constructed in accordance with the specifications as
approved by the capital projects services director;
4. That any fees established by resolution of the city council for banner permits have
been paid;
5. That the person requesting the banner permit has made appropriate arrangements
with a private contractor authorized by the city to hang such banners, if said
banner is not to be hung by city personnel.
B. Permits shall be granted only upon the condition that the banner is to be hung by city
personnel or an authorized private contractor and only at a location(s) at which the
city maintains facilities for hanging banners.
C. The city manager is authorized to enter into agreements for the hanging of banners by private contractors, in a form approved by the city attorney.
D. In case more than one request for a permit to hang a banner at a particular location
during a particular time is received by the city, the permit shall be granted for the
banner which is of the greater general concern or interest to persons residing within or
passing through the city. If it cannot be determined which is of greater general
concern or interest, then the permit shall be granted to the first application received.
(Prior code 23.14 (Ord. 224 218, Ord. 684, Ord. 1111 45, Ord. 1338 1, Ord. 2364 101))
The OWS movement has no permit for their banners and signage! Betcha the Tea Party couldn’t get away with that.
And here are two more code sections that seem to apply: “9.48.010 Posting – Owner’s consent required. It shall be unlawful for any person to post, stick, stamp, paint or otherwise affix, or cause to be posted, stuck, stamped, painted or otherwise affixed any bill, poster, placard, notice or advertisement, to or upon any house or part thereof, wall, fence, gate, post, sidewalk, trees or boxes around trees, curb or curbstone, lamp post, hydrant or any post supporting electric wires or in any automobile or vehicle, in part of the city without first obtaining permission of the owner, agent or occupant of the premises or vehicle so to do. (Prior code 16.1 (Ord. 224 706))
9.48.020 Posting – Duty to remove.
It shall be unlawful for any person whose posters, notices, or advertisements are stamped, painted, or affixed to or upon, any house, wall, fence, gate, sidewalk, trees, or boxes around trees, poles, posts, or in a vehicle in the city, without first obtaining permission of the owner, agent, or occupant of the premises or vehicles so to do, to maintain same after request of the owner of the same, or the agent or occupant when such poster, notice, or advertisement may be stamped, painted, or affixed, to remove or cause to be removed, the same. (Prior code 16.2 (Ord. 224 707), Ord. 2268)
Why do we even have city codes if we are not going to enforce them? Letting OWS get away with their tent encampment on a public sidewalk is setting a real bad precedent for other radical groups to move in any time they feel like it and camp on our sidewalks.
I think the city better act fast because people are getting fed up with OWS and that includes this local bunch in Chico. If they don’t, do not be surprised if our voters don’t take some corrective action against our city council who are failing to do their duty.
Jack City councils and mayors in many of these cities have avoided their rsponsibility to the overall community…so what else is new? It’s easy to be firm with law abiding citizens. These people are either being allowed to trash public spaces indefinitely for political reasons or officials are just plain scared or both.
I just read that across the nation citizens are paying a pretty big price for this irresponsible behavior. A few bits of information from Commentary Magazine:
Jack I understand that you are nice and comfortable in the lifestyle that you live but have you taken a minute to consider that maybe not everybody had is as easy as you did? Why is it ok to bail out the banks but not the poor? The quality of life is going down not up. I guess you could care less because you got to enjoy this country before all our jobs got sent overseas. All your hate doesn’t really influence anybody. You should learn more before you go on a Fox News tirade against people that are just trying to unite people and promote peace and fairness.
Rex, you don’t understand anything about my lifestyle or you wouldn’t have made such a silly statement.
Here’s a fact to chew on, no amount of bailouts will ever eliminate the poor. It doesn’t work like that, it has never worked like that and it will never work like that. If you took down every billionaire and gave all their money away, all you will do is make us all a little poorer. Better look at history Rex, socialism and communism do not work. They take society down. Capitalism is the only system that has elevated society to new levels of wealth. Capitalism has led to extending life spans and quality of life, can socialism and communism say that?
Now lets get back to your OWS folks…who hate capitalism and embrace tearing down the system. You talk about peace and fairness, but we see the rape tents, lice, ring worm, rats and STD’s. We see marxists, we see bomb throwers, we see burn outs from the 60’s and trouble makers bent on tearing down America. Take off your blinders Rex! We don’t want that crap! Whatever good messages they may have had has been totally co-opted by radical loons.
Before you go ragging on me about hate, just remember I was the guy who reserved judgement on the Occupy Wall Street people. I wanted to give them a fair chance to state their case because like most of our audience we embrace the idea of free speech. I was the guy who made several trips to our own downtown OWS tent to ask questions and exchange ideas.
I wrote about some of the issues I felt we could agree on, but in the final analysis the OWS went too far because they were too infested with crazies and extremists and whatever value their more relevant issues were became washed over by a plethora of calls for anarchy and destruction. Those protesters did it all to themselves Rex, not me, I’ve only reported the truth about them. They made their choices to act irresponsibly, to engage in criminal behavior, to engage in acts of perversion, to shout down others as they stomp on the idea of free speech! They ruined OWS, they made it persona non grata by their actions, I only reported it.
We all know this was where it heading and given enough time they have arrived! 3 months later we see what gravitates to OWS, we don’t need somebody like you to try and spin it or sugar coat it. We all see it – it’s on television Rex, you can’t hide it, so don’t come here and tell lies and expect to get away with it, you won’t.
As for Michael Savage, I don’t listen to him…during his time I listen to NPR, and that shows you what you know about me.
I am not surprised at all the city council is doing nothing. I live two houses away from a woman that has burned trash and garbage in her fireplace for years. She wont pay for garbage pick-up. My neighbors, before I moved in, filled complaints with the city council and code enforcement.
Having my home fill with the rotten smell of burning garbage and toxic plastic fumes was more then I could take, so I took up the battle to get the code enforcement dept. and city council to remedy the problem and allow us to live and breath clean air in our own homes. (No one can smoke a cigarette down town or in a restaurant any more, but your own home is open to an even worse hazard.)
After letters and calls a code enforcement officer did come out and talk to her, but it didnt stop her. Another complaint resulted in being told to just call the fire dept. I thought, are you kidding. But, he was serious, so I passed the word to the neighbors. (My son is a firefighter in another city and know this was not the way to handle the problem.)
Coming home one night I was met with fire trucks in front of my home. Yup, the neighbors called 911. She refused to let them in the house to inspect, but apparently it was enough to scare her to cut way back on the burning. Now, she throws some of her garbage over the fence in to the irrigation ditch, which IS a code violation. None of us are willing to waste our time in another battle with those elected to represent us. Instead we actively get involved at election time. It worked last year and well be out there again next time.
Peggy, I’m sorry to hear about your neighbor, nobody should have to put up with a nut like that. However, you made good points why the intelligent people of this town need to galvanize their efforts and dump those on the council that have caused the lawsuits that cost us all millions and mispent until our city is broke. It’s time for the adults to take over.
The following is an excerpt from yesterday’s ER under the heading, Occupy has no leader:
Im grateful Jack McWherter took care to focus his letter on Quentin Colgan’s irrational statements regarding Occupy Chico rather than the movement itself. Contrary to your Nov. 11 headline “Best to avoid angry Occupy leader,” Colgan is not an Occupy leader.
This letter was written by Jill Lacefield of Chico, who is evidently one of the protesters. (Possibly one of the rare literate ones.) In her letter, Ms. Lacefield was able to explain the thinking behind the movement in a couple of paragraphs, something Quentin has been unable to do in his speech to the troops, his volumes of posts, his own blog, or his letters to the ER.
Dont expect me to be the one to laugh and point and make fun of Quentin, who has been passing himself off as spokesman for, and field commander of The Chico version of OWS.
I have already practiced a great deal of restraint in making relatively few jokes about how Quentin had to fend off a fellow traveler with a hammer until he could call 911 for backup. So dont look for me to make any jokes about Ms. Lacefields denunciation of poor old Quentin. Nor is it necessary to point out that Ms. Lacefield chose to use the word irrational regarding his published statements.
Instead of mocking Quentin, its usually best to let him respond for himself. Hes an expert at demonstrating his character and his level of intelligence without any help from others. As an example, the following is how Quentin responded to Ms. Lacefield:
If a college professor of English has trouble comprehending simple English, It’s no wonder the TEA Partiers cannot.
I weep for this woman’s students.
I will again show great restraint with the simple observation that Quentin seems most comfortable in making ad hominem attacks with no reference to facts. And I will definitely try to keep a straight face about his capitalization of Its while disparaging Ms. Lacefields comprehension of English.
Yes Jack, you are just JEALOUS!
That is why the Pee Wee Herman intellectual of progressives spends more time in Post Scripts than he does his own blog.
Go figure.
Re King Crosley’s: Jack I understand that you are nice and comfortable in the lifestyle that you live but have you taken a minute to consider that maybe not everybody had is as easy as you did?
How would you know anything about Jack’s life and lifestyle you pretentious dork? Another Pee Wee Herman intellectual.
(Thank you Cherokee Jack.)
Yep, King Crosley and Queen Colgan pretty much sum up Occupy Whatever, Dude.
Rex Crosley: “Why is it ok to bail out the banks but not the poor?”
Two things you should consider:
1. America has spent trillians of dollars to help the poor through government and trillians more through charritable organizations. Suggesting that Americans are unwilling to help the poor shows either gross ignorance or extreme prejudice.
Sept 2006
Sept 2009
March 2010
These programs help most people to barely subsist rather than lifting them out of poverty and helping them to become productive citizens able to care for themselves. Because of the way the laws are structured they discourage marriage and family, a stabilizing force in society and a better outcome for children. Do you really think this kind of help is a good deal for the poor or could we do better?
2. The banks you’re so worried about repaid their loans over two years ago with interest…America made a profit on the deal:
August 30, 2009
Can’t say the same for the money loaned to Solyndra or the money that “saved” union jobs but did nothing to “stimulate the economy” which was supposedly the goal of “stimulus spending”.
Rex Crosley: “I guess you could care less because you got to enjoy this country before all our jobs got sent overseas.”
Apparently you don’t care enough to discover what the actual causes are for this condition. A problem cannot be solved until it is accurately described and articulated.
Politicians that place higher tax rates and expensive regulations on business drive those businesses to countries that offer better conditions.
Union bosses who, for the sake of their own power, demand unreasonable compensation and benefits undermine companies and drive those companies to seek out friendlier conditions in other countries.
Life is competition, whether you want it to be or not. If the desire is for opportunities for American workers we have to be willing to compete with other nations for jobs…we also have to be willing to prepare ourselves through education, training, and good work habits.
Their are two sources of actual power in government. These are the two political parties that make up the majority of our representation in Congress. these parties have very different ideas about what creates jobs.
Democrats say it is their goal to raise corporate tax rates and inflict very harsh regulation through the EPA. these regulations will greatly impact energy costs for business.
Republicans say they want to lower corporate tax rates, simplify regulations, and create an energy policy that includes all sources of energy.
Which party is more likely to create the space for companies to create jobs in America?
It’s a no-brainer dude…but you have to be willing to tell the truth.
ROFLMAO! That has got to hurt. The true protestors are made up of perverts, criminals and other such scum and they want nothing to do with Q.
Jack you have made my day!
Personally I can see why OWS is uniting people. It really makes me mad to see that the prosecution of white collar crimes like Insider Trading is at an all time low right now after the banking disaster. The Obama DOJ is WORTHLESS!!! A total travesty.
As for Occupy Chico, I stay away from the plaza because of the riff raff down there all the time, sounds like Occupy Chico is just more of the same. Until it becomes illegal to sit with your pit bull and harrass everyone for change I’m staying away.
Re Cherokee Jack’s: So dont look for me to make any jokes about Ms. Lacefields denunciation of poor old Quentin. Nor is it necessary to point out that Ms. Lacefield chose to use the word irrational regarding his published statements.
OK. I’ll pick up the ball here.
Jill Lacefield wrote in her letter to the E-R —
“It is simply a “movement,” as in “I move to declare the gross inequity in the distribution of wealth in America to be unjust and un-American.” A meager nine sparked the movement on Wall Street on Sept. 17 and in less than eight weeks, it has captured the hearts of tens of thousands worldwide and given legs to this universal “motion” a rational, sane idea whose time has come.”
Let us work backwards. Rational and sane? Will someone please give me one or two examples of rational and sane ideas coming out of the “Occupy Whatever, Dude” movement? The 100% I have seen is neither rational nor sane, much less 99%.
The distribution of wealth in America is un-American? Since when was the acquisition of wealth ever un-American? It is certainly un-Communist but not un-American.
How about the gross inequity of the distribution of income between people who are employed by government and people who are not?
How about the gross inequity of pensions between the average Joe and those of single, double and triple dippers with golden government retirements?
How about the vast legions of six figure salaries for cushy, government created positions that essentially do nothing but perpetuate themselves?
I could go on for pages of specifics along these lines, but I think you may get my drift.
What solutions has Occupy Whatever, Dude brought to the table? Hey hey, ho ho, Bank of America has to go? Hey hey, ho ho, taking a dump in the street is a right, ya know?
The Occupy Whatever, Dude movement was first conceived on the blog of a radical left wing Canadian organization funded (indirectly) by George Soros. It has made a lot of noise, created a lot of problems, given soap boxes to a lot of loons, and has allowed the left to parade itself to itself and TV cameras (which was, evidently, the true purpose), but what it accomplished?
Where is it going?
I move to declare the Occupy Whatever, Dude dead under its own weight. All that remains is to pick up the corpses.
Q, one thing you and the true protestors have made clear is you are all for capitalism just so long as it is someone else’s capital. You are also all for “social justice” as long as others provide the “social” and you get the “justice”. You have provided us with all the proof we need that you are 100% full of crap.
When you got in that little dust up with your follower, the only justice I heard about were the three cops knocking him to the ground and you armed with a hammer ready to protect what is yours. So in that case you got to keep your stuff you got justice and the poor, trusting follower went to jail. By your own reasoning you were the problem in that whole mess. You are the 1% of the dung heap, Q you are lord of the dung beetles!
Hey I get it! The little parasite wanted more than you were willing to part with so you turned off the spigot of “social justice and fairness” and were ready to bury a hammer in the guys head to protect your propaganda.
From the keyboard of Quentin:
Jill Lacefield is proof not all the twits are in the TEA Party.Like your fractured TEA party, we are not all on the same page. Jill is on another book . . . .
Jack McWherter is proof that we’re winning! SOME day he will respond to the points raised, instead of focusing on capitalization errors. But then again, that’s all I gave him . . . .
Quentin is unsurpassed at providing straight lines. How about a contest? Who can provide the best needle to poke in the windbag in 25 words or less? Winner gets an all expense paid weekend (two bottles of Thunderbird and a sack of croissants) at OWS Chico. BYO hammer.
So that guy that got beat up was a follower of Quentin’s…. that had a falling out with him? lol Oh brother…I haven’t been following this story, but that is ironic. Thanks Toby. Here’s this poor guy trying to take from Quentin the rich guy and Quentin is forced to call for help! lol What a classic micro example of the class warfare Obama has caused.
Normally when I wake up it’s hard to get a chuckle out of me for awhile, but this morning you guys got me right into a belly laugh. Oh geez…BYO hammer….lol
Now, now, now folks. Don Q did write “Our only complaint is that we don’t want any capitalists buying Congress.”
Who can argue with that? I don’t want capitalists nor unionists, nor environmentalists, nor the AARP, nor Television Evangelists, nor The Girl Scouts, nor Christmas tree sellers buying Congress.
Perhaps we should be electing representatives who are not so easily bought? Perhaps we should be electing representatives who just might think, “Why should the government be involved in this?” Could it happen?
By the way, Jack McWherter IS proof that Quentin Colgan is winning. It is as plain as the nose on your face. Colgan has no point, Occupy Whatever, Dude has no point, and there is no reason for Don Q or any OWD to answer any point.
It is pointless. They are pointless. It is a total win by default.
“Rex, you don’t understand anything about my lifestyle or you wouldn’t have made such a silly statement.
Here’s a fact to chew on, no amount of bailouts will ever eliminate the poor.”
And Jack … is this how you justify refusing to part with just a little bit more in the way of tax dollars? After all, corporate and personal tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in 40 years.
You did give yourself away, rather, with the storage facility auction. Predatory, that was. And what’s a predator to do when the pickings are “junk”? We feel for you.
Tina: “Apparently you don’t care enough to discover what the actual causes are for this condition. A problem cannot be solved until it is accurately described and articulated.”
You then go on to list the reasons why you think businesses have been going overseas. But these reasons have been totally discredited.
From an Associate Press Fact Check:
“Labor Department data show that only a tiny percentage of companies that experience large layoffs cite government regulation as the reason. Since Barack Obama took office, just two-tenths of 1 percent of layoffs have been due to government regulation, the data show.
Businesses frequently complain about regulation, but there is little evidence that it is any worse now than in the past or that it is costing significant numbers of jobs. Most economists believe there is a simpler explanation: Companies arent hiring because there isnt enough consumer demand.”
Small business owners also say that regulation and taxes are not to blame for their troubles:
Also, Tina, did you receive the article I wrote and intended for publication yesterday, about the excessive police violence at UC Davis? I can understand if you don’t want to post the article, but the video is very important, and I think it should be posted here; it’s turned into a very big news story.
Chris: “Since Barack Obama took office, just two-tenths of 1 percent of layoffs have been due to government regulation, the data show.”
Oh really? Waht about hiring?
“Businesses frequently complain about regulation, but there is little evidence that it is any worse now than in the past or that it is costing significant numbers of jobs. Most economists believe there is a simpler explanation: Companies arent hiring because there isnt enough consumer demand.”
This is one opinion, ususally offered by those who have never run a business or made a payroll. The amount of regulation that Obama has added or threatens to add is staggering! Business people know this evewn if those intellectual pointy headed leftists don’t!
“Small business owners also say that regulation and taxes are not to blame for their troubles”
Oh brother…here is a “sample” response from of those they asked:
“Government regulations are not ‘choking’ our business, the hospitality business,” Bernard Wolfson, the president of Hospitality Operations in Miami, told The Miami Herald. “In order to do business in today’s environment, government regulations are necessary and we must deal with them. The health and safety of our guests depend on regulations. It is the government regulations that help keep things in order.”
A hospitality business in Miami hardly represents the small businesses most harmed by new taxes and regualtions…either that or he is too stupid to realize higher energy costs, for instance, could effect his bottom line in coming years. Most of the safety and health regs he’s talking about are necessary and have been in place for decades! Regulations requiring energy suppliers to reduce emissions in a short amount of time at great expense could effect his bottom line if he was doing hospitality in Maine!
Did they ask manufacturing, construction, and real estate? I doubt it. I’m amazed that you can see the unemployment rates and think that the concerns expressed by business people aren’t contributing to the lack of jobs and the sluggish economy.
I’m amazed that you can’t get the simple concept that government has spent too much and promised what they can’t deliver without putting our citizens in debt and tax hell. If it keeps up, Chris, ALL taxpayers will be asked to pay more and more of them will opt to become serfs dependent on government, a self defeating spiral.
“…did you receive the article I wrote and intended for publication yesterday…”
No, I didn’t get it. I think Jack was gone so he didn’t either as far as I know. We would have posted it had we gotten it.
Re Queen Grimhilde’s: “After all, corporate and personal tax rates are the lowest they’ve been in 40 years.”
And they should be lower. Much lower. And so should government spending. Much, much lower. I could easily come up with a dozen federal government departments that have been proven to be totally ineffective and could easily be eliminated saving trillions. But the left would scream bloody murder.
Until the usual gang of fools realize that corporations do not pay taxes, that people pay taxes, that corporations only collect taxes, they will always be screaming “Tax The Corporations!”
What chronically daft do not realize is that every time they scream “Tax The Corporations!” that they are actually screaming “Tax Me!”
This is Economics 101 kids.
But left-wing progressive idiots remain idiots.
Chris here are some stats, taken from link below, that support my opinion:
Unemployment was at 4.7 in November of 2007 and steadily climed as the housing/banking markets crashed to 7.3 by December 2008. It hit 9.9 by December 2009 and has remained above 9.0 (and higher in many areas/segments of the country) since then. This clearly demonstrates that policies adopted by this president have not created an atmosphere for recovery and job growth. Small business accounts for most of the jobs created in America and small business is responding by holding steady (by our fingernails) and hoping for better leadership in 2012.
Quentin…give me a better alternative to Wally Herger! We’ve been through this before…so far there hasn’t been a better candidate!
And I will take this opportunity, since I’m short on time right now, to say that almost every time you post a comment here you witness falsley about/against someone or some group…find a mirror man!
From the “You Just Can’t Make This Stuff Up” department.
OWS Philadelphia calls for affirmative action in the white dominated OWS movement.
(A fellow who frequents this blog and is prominent in Occupy Chico just might label OWS racist after reading this.)
Does Occupy Support People Who Arent White?
Come to think of it, does anyone know what color the disgruntled Q follower was? The one who had the nerve to assault Q’s propaganda rack. Q better hope the guy he got arrested was white that could get ugly fast. Q you may want to buy yourself a smaller hammer to keep in your sock, a back up, just in case.
Q: “…we need to spend more on education…”
Hmmm…we spend trillions on education and get an inferior result. I say it’s time to rid ourselves of greedy incompetent teachers and the union that represents them without demanding excellence!
Business people report that even college graduates are not prepared to work because they cannot write or do math…disgraceful!!
The U.S. Department of Education has spent hundreds of billions of dollars since its inception. What has it got us?
This department should be eliminated.
Ooops, I forgot to include this link in the above post on the Department Of Education.
Re Don Q’s Juicy: “Jill Lacefield is proof not all the twits are in the TEA Party.”
Oh, this is just too delicious. Jill Lacefield is another prominent Occupy Chico participant. Can you imagine what the leaderless Pow Wows must be like?
Occupy Chico
Act III Scene II
(At center left stage the leaderless Occupy Chico core group sits around a concrete chess table in City Plaza. Bongo drums are being played off stage right. Crowd murmurs and an occasional “Hey hey, ho ho” chant is heard, traffic noise and the occasional horn beep are heard in the distance.)
Quentin Colgan: Jill, you are a twit.
Jill Lacefield: Quentin, you are an irrational idiot.
(Voice off in the distance): Buy Tesla coils!
Enter stage left and proceeding to stage right a group with drummers drumming are carrying signs that read —
FIGHT FOR SOCIALISM ABOLISH CAPITALISM (With a Che Guevara Image on the sign and a t-shirt on sign carrier.)
The group is chanting “Banks got bailed out, we got sold out. As the group leaves the stage and the noise fades the conversation around the chess table continues.
Tammy Wichman: We need to reach a consensus. It is time to call a special General Assembly.
Quentin Colgan: Tammy, you are a twit.
(Bongo drumming increases in intensity and a prayer group enters from stage right, sits down cross legged with raised hands pressed together in prayer. They begin quietly chanting Hari Rama Hari Rama Rama Rama Hari Hari …”)
Jill Lacefield: We need a trained facilitator, has anyone contacted the Chico State Political Science Department yet?
Lawrence Butler: What do you think I am, chopped liver?
Quentin Colgan: Larry, you are a twit.
Megaphone Joe enters stage right giving a speech “skit”.
Quentin Colgan (stands up screaming): Shut up Joe, you twit!
If Jack really believes all the lies and propaganda that he is spreading about OWS then I’ve got a copy of Obama’s foreign birth certificate.
A man cannot get a job unless he has food, clothes and a roof over his head. With more and more families out on the streets you will only see the Occupy Movement grow. Giving billions of dollars to corporations has proved to not work because they just create jobs overseas and that is our fault, you say, because we want clean water. However if we put those billions into social programs that help the poor than more people would have an opportunity to make something out of their lives. Oh all the jobs are gone because we don’t want billionaires destroying our environment and paying us a poverty wage to do so. How terrible of us. There is plenty of untrashed land and plenty of exploitable slaves somewhere else. That is why you don’t have a job America!!! Must have been nice to make your fortune decades ago back when it was easy.
I got another news flash for ya Jacky boy. Our form of capitalism is only a few hundred years old (the very idea of capitalism is only a couple thousand and humans have been around way longer than that) and so far has become the most ineffective and oppressive systems around. Better ideas don’t get passed along, they get bought out and hidden. Price competition doesn’t happen, monopolies do. Prescription drugs exist for everything imaginable. Food gets thrown away, while people starve to death. Sure many forms of consumerism have been tried and failed however before that Anarchy and compassion ruled the earth and people lived peaceful, happy and sustainable lives. With what we know now and with a re evolution of the human thought process everyone could be fed, housed and working towards advancing our society instead of trashing it. Look at all the damage USA Capitalism has done to the earth and its people in such a short time! You have to be blind to see that a handful of ultra rich people are destroying this country and the world.
“Sure many forms of consumerism have been tried and failed however before that Anarchy and compassion ruled the earth and people lived peaceful, happy and sustainable lives.”
Well I don’t know about that, exactly. The phrase “nasty, brutish and short” pops into the head.
As a mechanism for a lively and diverse economy, and in theory, capitalism does surpass anything developed to date. In practice, however, you gotta keep a very close eye on those capitalists, or they’ll pollute the planet right out from under you.