by Jack Lee
When Occupy Wall Street first started we all knew it was going to end badly, and we were right. However, because we believe in freedom of speech and giving people a chance to state their case we were obliged to take a wait and see attitude, despite the early and obvious socialist overtones.
That was almost three months ago and in the days and weeks that have followed the OWS movement has been struggling to define itself and what it wants. Their first effort was to identify their talking points, no easy task considering the rambling, babbling idiots that dominate their leadership. So the talking points were never consolidated and they ran the gamete between criticisms of the rich and corporate bailouts to why we should be socialists…and worse.
If there was ever a collection of more incoherent, brain addled morons to be found outside a drunk tank, this OWS group is it!
Eventually, we’ve come to know the OWS as a collective of hard core unemployed, drug addicts, alcoholics, tramps, crazy homeless people, criminals, perverts, anarchists, Marxists bomb throwers and many left over 60’s-70’s radicals still looking for a mob to incite.
This is the OWS identity they have crafted for themselves.
It didn’t take too long, just 3 months for the New York City encampment to be infested with rats, lice, ring worm and STD’s – the city feared the OWS area was serious health hazard and they finally had to drive the protesters out so they could clean it up.
During their (OWS) time in Zuccotti Park it became necessary to erect a “rape safe” tent for women, so they wouldn’t be raped in the night. (Sure doesn’t sound like any Tea Party event I’ve ever attended!) And it gets worse. The defecation on trees, shrubs and police cars has stunk up the place so much that once the protesters were evicted it was necessary to use fire hoses to flush the waste down the sewers.
The criminal behavior of OWS reflects exactly why they don’t have jobs and they aren’t, and will never be, part of the American dream! Rampant drug abuse was common place in Zuccotti park, as indicated by all those left over hypodermic needles and the constant strong smell of pot that hung in the air from day one. Urine, feces and garbage marked the spot where they camped; what a mess. The rape reports, the violence, vandalism, trespassing, arson, the obstructing and even the battery on police officers, this is their hallmark. Its all there in the OWS camps.
One look at these tattooed, mangy, stinkin’, crazy acting bums, with permanent brain damage from ingesting one too many illegal drugs and you can see that no matter how much wealth shifting takes place, these creepy people will always be on the bottom. Who’s going to hire them? They’re totally unemployable and for the most part they did it to themselves by the life choices they made.
OWS has been like a magnet for perverts. Perverts? Yes, what else can you call people who crap, copulate, run naked and masturbate in public as the hippies beat drums? They’re freaks and perverts! If the truth hurts, too bad.
Local small businesses that initially tried to support OWS and their socialist efforts wound up getting exactly what they deserved, a severe loss of income and a mob of crazy people nobody seems to know what to do with. The peak shopping season is only days away and the reality of what these businesses have done to themselves is sinking in and they don’t like it.
Who is too blame for allowing OWS to go out of control? Read on…
For starters, it goes right back to the protester-in-chief, Barrack Obama. He liked
the protesters attacking Wall Street, and from the very beginning he supported the OWS movement. He endorsed all their gripes and grievances, he encouraged them to carry on. They fit well with his socialist agenda for wealth shifting. Now he’s stuck with the results, just like these placating, condescending liberal mayors in every town across America where OWS put up a tent. (Oakland’s Mayor Jean Quan shown on right)
All these liberal bureaucrats have come to rue the day that OWS arrived on the scene and now they wish they would just go away. Ask Mayor Jean Quan in Oakland or Mayor Mike McGinnis of Seattle. They’re wringing their hands and unable to cope with the mess. The give confusing orders to the cops and they’ve back and forth on evict – don’t evict…ect., but isn’t that just what you would expect liberals to do when they’re cornered with a problem of their own creation? Their tolerance towards these lawbreakers let the problem grow, fester and go totally out of control.
There’s a lot of blame to go around and it’s all traceable right back to the radical liberal democrats – they help create OWS.
With every police confrontation the OWS loses support from the general public. The latest polling shows only 29% of us now support them, despite the fact that 48% of us are upset because we think the “dream” is dead. If you work hard, you’ll get ahead…remember that dream? It’s the dream where we’re supposed to be better off than our parents. But, that was 4 trillion dollars ago and the country is a whole lot different now…under Obama.
The worst recession in history – handled by the worst president in our history – has created millions of disillusioned and frustrated people. The housing implosion, banking debacle, bailouts, rising costs of college tuition, higher state and local taxes, high unemployment, all this and more, has contributed to a national despair and pent-up anger.
OWS had an audience ripe for exploiting and they totally blew it. Tearing down institutions and America’s rich is not an answer to anything. Sure, it might appeal to the mob mentality, but once people sober up a majority of them see it as a real bad idea… this is why OWS is on the wane.
It’s time to tell the bums the party is over, tear down your stinkin’ tents or we’ll do it for you! You’re breaking the law and we are demanding our police enforce the law!!!
We didn’t go looking for trouble, trouble came to us – in the form of OWS. So, now we’ve seen what happens when you leave liberals to their own devices. OWS is the perfect example and bankrupt California is another. The proof is everywhere… when liberals run the show we’ve got trouble. Enough is enough!
James Taranto of the Wall Street Journal calls OWS encampments “Obamaville” and he is exactly right. Obama, Liberals and the Democrats own OWS. They created and feed the mindset while the liberal media cheers them on.
The Brain-Dead Left
Obamaville’s incoherence is a symptom of intellectual exhaustion.
‘Follow Those Kids!’
Media lefties keep cheering as “protests” become more depraved.
Great minds think alike in this case, Jack. Both you and Taranto nail it.
You just know actual real life oppressed people around the world are yelling “WTF?” “WTF are those people protesting?” “”They live in the United States!” “How much more could they possibly ask for?”
Q, your mother should have taught you to be grateful for what you have. You live in Chico California and you are protesting. Even you have to know how stupid that is. Honestly are you protesting something or are you looking to cause trouble? If you are angry at your bank, change banks. If you are angry at elected officials do not vote for them. I honest to god do not get it. For some reason PS bypassed the story about you getting in a dust up with one of your own and I have something to say about that. From the story I saw it took three cops to take that clown down and I guess he went for one of their guns in the struggle. Had someone gotten shot during that, it would have been partially your fault, have you given that any thought at all? What if the cops had not been near by? I saw you were armed with a hammer, were you ready to use it? If he didn’t have a weapon and you hit him with it, they would have taken you away. I am just trying to figure out this thing you have going on in Chico. You do not have to answer me, its cool. Anyway keep dry, looks like it is going to be a wet and cold one (that was sincerity btw).
Toby you just make too much sense.
Do you suppose these folks will ever learn to object to actual criminals and their criminal activity instead of demonizing groups for a “cause”…geesh…I’m so sick of the never ending stream of liberal progressive “cause movements”.
How about they take care of their own miserable shortcomings and selves first? (Simply bathing regularly would be an excellent first move for many of them).
I’d like to know what makes these nuts believe that in America the 1% are not equal with the 99%!
If Quentin is to be believed:
The OWS squaters think anyone who makes more than $1.1 million a year is a crook who bribes Congress and therefore deserves to lose his money and be thrown in jail. Some of them are also antisemitic believing that “Jews run the world” by buying influence and controlling the media.
This is justice in America?
This bunch is so used to group think and the “magic” of the collective that they fail to distinguish between an honest citizens and a crook. (Their leaders know what their doing and use asuating as a leftist political tactic)
Many of these same people labeled the Tea Party “racist” without any real evidence. They continued to excoriate the overall Tea Party rather than naming an actual guilty person or persons!
I repeat, is this how we serve up justice in America?
That is what you get, however, if you accept and embrace progressive collective thought!
It’s one thing to be for free markets and fair taxation and quite another to demonize and mischaracterize groups of people unjustly.
The OWS does not represent the 99% because the OWS is a collective mob that spits in the face of both equality and justice.
Refarding bribery, public officials are held to a higher standard because of their position and responsibility to the public.
Bribery by/of a Public Official
These penalties suggest it is the politician who bears the heaviest responsibility and should receive the bulk of the blame.
We all have the right to attempt to influence policy; bribery is another story. But notice that instead of seeking out punishment of individuals who might be guilty OWS andf their Democrat cheer leaders seek to punish a thing…Wall Street.
Notice that this is happening at a time when actual cases of possible illegal influence (bribery or collusion) are being investigated by our Congress…and in an election year when the incumbant has a failed record.
I stopped reading when I realized that the writer does nothing but regurgitate quotes from the Savage Nation. It takes a special kind of moron to harbor so much hatred towards your fellow American.
Re King Crosley’s: “I stopped reading when I realized that the writer does nothing but regurgitate quotes from the Savage Nation. It takes a special kind of moron to harbor so much hatred towards your fellow American.”
Yet here is Ol’ King Troll back again in Post Scripts. Imagine that! (He doesn’t ever read, he just posts comments I guess.)
Yet I’ll keep reading Crosely’s comments precisely because he regurgitates the very same mindless, sophomoric, left-wing drivel that every single progressive caller to the Savage Nation does. (Well, at least whenever I have ever listened to that radio show.)
Moreover, every time I have tuned in Savage there has been an Ol’ King Troll on the line. Pin headed progressive morons must be at least 1/2 his audience. It can make for some great entertainment. Admittedly not much more that low brow comedy slapstick, but heck, I admit to having a love for The Three Stooges too.
It does not take “a special kind of moron” to flame Post Scripts while at the same time claiming to have stopped reading. Just an average moron does quite nicely. Thank you Rex.
I bet you have stopped listening to Michael Savage too, eh Rex? 😀
Tina: “It’s one thing to be for free markets and fair taxation and quite another to demonize and mischaracterize groups of people unjustly.
The OWS does not represent the 99% because the OWS is a collective mob that spits in the face of both equality and justice.”
These two sentences put together are so hilariously hypocritical, they call to mind that old joke:
“There are only two things I hate in this world: Those who are intolerant of other people’s cultures…and the Dutch.”
You’re not really against demonizing and mischaracterizing groups of people unjustly. You’re against this when it’s done to you, but you routinely do it to others.
“I think if Toby pays 15% in inome taxes, then EVERYbody should pay 15%.”
~Quentin C.
So… The occupiers are flat taxers now? This is the kind of statement that illustrates why no one seems to know what your movement is about. What happened to soaking the rich?