by Jack Lee, Detective Sergeant, Ret.
This time of year is when the predators really go to work, and that means it’s time for you to become more alert to avoid being a crime victim. Armed robberies, car break-in’s, home burglaries, purse snatchings, consumer scams, it’s all part of the season. However, the good part is with just a little effort and personal awareness you can keep the bad guys from getting too close.
In the military we were taught to always have “situational awareness”. Soldiers take nothing for granted and they are constantly assessing their situation trying to avoid enemy traps. The same goes for you because just being alert and aware of your surroundings makes you 50% less likely to become a victim. The other half is about using common sense, avoiding being in the wrong place at the wrong time or if it seems to good to be true it probably is!
You want to be aware of who is near you in the mall, in the parking lot or at the ATM. Watch your purse, your wallet and by all means, follow your instincts. If you feel you’re in danger, then take action to remove yourself from that situation. Most of all, never leave your purse/wallet unattended, even for a moment, in your shopping basket. It just takes a split second and it’s gone and so is your money. You sure don’t want the bad guys to have your ID, keys to your house or car do you?
Remember, the police are basically a reactive force, meaning, they respond after the crime. So, it’s your job to be proactive and help secure your personal safety as your first priority. Now here are some holiday tips that could keep you and yours out of harms way:
Avoid driving alone or at night.
Never run into the store, school, office and leave your car running. It’s an invitation to car theft, it’s stupid and its illegal.
Keep all car doors locked and windows closed while in or out of your car.
If you must shop at night, park in a well-lighted area.
Avoid parking next to vans, trucks with camper shells, or cars with tinted windows.
Do not leave packages on the seat of your car. This creates a temptation for thieves.
When approaching and leaving your vehicle be aware of your surroundings.
Do not approach your car alone if there are suspicious people in the area.
If you feel threatened, ask mall or store security for an escort before leaving your shopping location. This is why they have security guards!
Automated Teller Machine (ATM)
If you must use an ATM, choose one that is located inside a mall, or well-lighted location. Withdraw only the amount of cash you need.
Protect your PIN by shielding the ATM keypad from anyone who is standing near you.
Do not throw your ATM receipt away at the ATM location.
Dress casually and comfortably.
Avoid wearing expensive jewelry.
Do not carry a purse or wallet, if possible.
Always carry your California Driver License or Identification Card along with necessary cash, checks and/or a credit card you expect to use.
Even though you are rushed and thinking about a thousand things, stay alert of your surroundings.
Avoid carrying large amounts of cash.
Pay for purchases with a check or credit card when possible, but be aware of who might be listening to steal your identification information.
Keep cash in your front pocket.
Notify the credit card issuer immediately if your credit card is lost, stolen or misused.
Keep a record of all of your credit card numbers in a safe place at home.
Be extra careful if you do carry a wallet or purse. They are the prime targets of criminals in crowded shopping areas, transportation terminals, bus stops, on buses and other rapid transit.
Avoid overloading yourself with packages. It is important to have clear visibility and freedom of motion to avoid mishaps.
If possible, leave small children at home with a trusted babysitter.
Teach your child to go to a store clerk and ask for help in case your child is separated from you.
Teach children to stay close to you at all times while shopping.
Never allow children to make unaccompanied trips to the restroom.
Children should never be allowed to go to the car alone and they should never be left alone in the car.
Teach children their full name, address and telephone number to give to police officers or mall security. Teach children to immediately inform you if a stranger is bothering them.
At Home
Be extra cautious about locking doors and windows when you leave the house, even for a few minutes.
When leaving home for an extended time, have a neighbor or family member watch your house and pick up your newspapers and mail.
Indoor and outdoor lights should be on an automatic timer.
Leave a radio or television on so the house looks and sounds occupied.
Large displays of holiday gifts should not be visible through the windows and doors of your home.
When setting up a Christmas tree or other holiday display, make sure doors and passageways are clear inside your home.
Be sure your Christmas tree is mounted on a sturdy base so children, elderly persons or family pets cannot pull it over on themselves.
If you use lights on your Christmas tree ensure the wiring is not damaged or frayed. Frayed or damaged wiring can cause a fire.
Place your Christmas tree in water or wet sand to keep it green.
Never place wrapping paper in your fireplace.
Strangers at Your Door
Be aware that criminals sometimes pose as couriers delivering gifts.
It is not uncommon for criminals to take advantage of the generosity of people during the holiday season by soliciting donations door-to-door for charitable causes although no charity is involved.
Ask for their identification, and find out how the donated funds will be used.
If you are not satisfied, do not donate.
Donate to a recognized charitable organization.
Hosting a Party
Have non-alcoholic beverages available for party guests.
Find alternative transportation for intoxicated guests.
Arrange for an official designated driver for your party who will not drink at all.
Attending a Party
Have something to eat before consuming alcoholic beverages.
Eat high protein foods that will stay in your stomach longer and slow the absorption of alcohol into your system.
Remember only time will eliminate the alcohol from your body.
Know your safe limit.
Never drink and drive.
Great advice Jack…can I add, try to avoid contact with:
1. OWS protesters out to kill Christmas shopping fun by being little pains in the butt.
2. Rogue bands of flash mobsters!
3. Out of control shoppers who would use pepper spray just to beat you to a toaster…hoo baby, these folks have lost the spirit big time.
Great add! Thx Tina