by Tina Grazier
I’m watching the election process with a combination of optimism, skepticism, anticipation and dread.
Every day brings a different story. My mood changes hour by hour because I realize that the decisions we will make over the next year are vitally important and ultimately will decide the fate of America…and there is no clear picture developing. (I wonder if that is by design)
Unless the process changes, which is doubtful, the primaries will continue to give us a window into the minds of the voters. Much can be learned as we observe what the candidates, all types of media, the opposition party and President Obama have to say during early primaries. We are charged with finding meaning in the clutter and punditry, the posturing and promises. We must look for truth and honesty in a game that seldom features a plethora of either. It’s a daunting task; I’m glad we’re all in this together.
A recent poll by Bloomberg News had Romney winning with a 40% edge in New Hampshire. But according to this poll, Romney and Gingrich are in a close race with the third contender, Ron Paul, a good 10-12 points behind.
So what’s the real scoop? Who knows. The polls don’t really matter…the process does!
The New Hampshire Union Leader has chosen to endorse Newt Gingrich. The paper makes an important point:
America is at a crucial crossroads. It is not going to be enough to merely replace Barack Obama next year. We are in critical need of the innovative, forward-looking strategy and positive leadership that Gingrich has shown he is capable of providing.
He did so with the Contract with America. He did it in bringing in the first Republican House in 40 years and by forging balanced budgets and even a surplus despite the political challenge of dealing with a Democratic President. A lot of candidates say they’re going to improve Washington. Newt Gingrich has actually done that, and in this race he offers the best shot of doing it again.
Gingrich is currently rising in popularity nationwide. Two recent polls in Iowa also tipped toward Gingrich:
The Rasmussen poll resulted in a 32% to 19% lead over Romney.
A poll of likely Republican caucus goers by the American Research Group positions them at 27% for Gingrich over Romney at 20% .
So far watching the polls has been like a long roller coaster ride. The rise and fall of candidates in the Republican primaries show that the vetting process is in full swing and working. The challenge for voters is how best to sift through the mass of information, misinformation, and opinion being tossed into the mix. Republican candidates that surge become the targets of the left smear machine. We must ignore these distractions and attacks and concentrate on the abilities and experience that each candidate brings to the table. We must consider the many problems that plague our nation and find the candidate that can best guide us toward renewed strength and prosperity.
In less than one year, by next Thanksgiving, we will know the name of our next president.
For better or worse we will have chosen the person who will be responsible for making decisions on our behalf going forward. There is much to be concerned about. We are still a country at war. It is a very different type of war but it is a war none the less and it is a war that must be waged. Our military and intelligence communities must be supported and given confidence that we have their backs as we face enemies that threaten to destroy our very way of life. We have enormous financial challenges made even more dire and difficult by a growing number of unemployed citizens and the stream of baby boomers queuing up to retire. Policies that have discouraged growth and dashed hopes for the future must be replaced with policies that will encourage self improvement, savings, investment, risk, and the entrepreneurial spirit. Spending must be brought under control and will require changes to healthcare and retirement programs. Education is in need of overhaul; a good first step would be to give power (money) back to states and local education boards. We are spending too many dollars on bureaucracy and not enough in the classroom. We are wasting too much energy on frivolous, opinion based, ideology rather than basics that will prepare students to innovate and compete in the adult world. Our borders must be secured and we must revise our immigration policy. Yes there is much to do to make America the land of freedom and opportunity once again.
One choice next November would mean we continue down the road of growing national debt, lost personal wealth and opportunity, and a compromised standing in the world. It would mean we have chosen big government control, redistribution, and ever increasing mountain of debt:
The alternative to that choice resides in ANY Republican candidate.
ANY REPUBLICAN candidate would renew the spirit of individual responsibility and effort supported by limited government and the rule of law. Every single one of the Republican candidates would inspire a vast improvement over the disaster given us by the current administration. Each of our candidates would lead to an improved result in the economy, energy resources, the war and diplomatic relations, tax structures, immigration and the border, the justice department, and education…particularly if we also make changes that are needed in Congress.
Vote wisely, Pilgrims, this may be the most important vote we ever cast.
Gingrich will have to battle the lame stream media which is already gearing up to campaign for Obama and focusing on destroying any likely Republican candidate.
For instance, the Washington Post is not hiding the fact they are looking for dirt on Gingrich —
First targeted was Cain. Now it is Gingrich.