Cain Candidacy in Jeopardy

Breaking news: Republican presidential candidate Herman Cain told his staff today that he is reassessing his candidacy and will make the decision whether to remain in the race in “the next several days.”

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6 Responses to Cain Candidacy in Jeopardy

  1. Toby says:

    I would say it is dead in the water. I really wanted to see Obama run against him. That would have been fun to watch.

  2. Post Scripts says:

    Yeah, me too. Dangit!!! I really liked Cain, and he probably would have been a darn good VP or Pres following a term as VP. Well Newt will give B.O. a good run unless he implodes too.

  3. Toby says:

    Notice how the liberals have the balls to talk about Cain’s lack of intelligence while giving Obama and his obvious retardation a total pass. Fine they want a smarter candidate we will nuke their ass, bring on Newt!

  4. Tina says:

    Funny how some are willing to denigrate a black man, reducing him to an idiot pawn for their own, sometimes sick, cause. Whether smearing a single person or smearing an entire group of people without evidence this low political tactic is despicable.

    To those who like Cain and have supported him please remember that giving up on him solely on the basis of these unproved and spurious accusations is also giving in to an orchestrated bid to destroy the mans reputation as a means to a a political end.

    The opposition has nothing to run on, their record is lousy and that’s being kind, so they conive, they lie, and they play dirty.

    The day may soon come when there aren’t enough of us to stand against such injustices if we keep this up.

  5. Post Scripts says:

    That day may have arrived years ago, we just don’t know it yet.

  6. Toby says:

    Hey look the Occutard has been heard from. Please Mr. Occutard tell us how you come to the conclusion Tea Party members are racists by backing a black candidate, this should be good.

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