Cain’s Alledged 13 Year Affair

by Jack Lee


To the chagrin of many ardent supporters, the Cain Train has derailed.

Just when Cain was starting to distance himself from sexual harassment accusations from several women, another woman has stepped up. This time the woman claims it was a 13 year affair where Cain hinted that his marriage would eventually unravel and she would be next in line.

You can say what you want about the other women who have accused Cain of womanizing, but this time the evidence looks pretty compelling. Allegedly, the affair came to a sudden halt just before he decided to run for president.

His accuser, Ginger White, is an unemployed single mother and said the alleged affair had been “fun”, taking her out of her humdrum life. She claimed she had some evidence to support her claim, including over 60 text messages, many sent late at night.

In addition to being a rich and powerful business man, Cain is also an ordained Baptist minister and therefore many on the right, especially on the Christian right, will hold him to a higher standard of personal conduct. The obvious argument is, if a man can’t be trusted to keep his vows with God how can he be trusted with an oath in office? We said that about democrats Gary Hart, John Edwards, Bill Clinton and others, so there’s no way Cain is getting a pass on this one.

Lying to your wife is not a crime, but when it involves lying to public and doing it repeatedly, it might as well be, especially if you are a candidate for the nations highest office. This latest revelation now adds more credibility to his other accusers and is sure to mortally damage Cain, a man many conservatives wanted to see in a face off against President Obama.

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17 Responses to Cain’s Alledged 13 Year Affair

  1. Harriet says:

    I am one of those people who wanted to see a debate between Herman Cain and Barack Obama.

    I believe this woman coming forward now is highly suspect, why now? was she paid? If I had a 12 year relationship with a married man I would be too embarrased to admit it to anyone, much less the country.
    Allred once again did her job.

    Clinton and a few others did much worse and they were not ruined in fact the press protected them by saying it is private business.

  2. Chris says:

    Harriet: “I am one of those people who wanted to see a debate between Herman Cain and Barack Obama.”

    While Cain will never be chosen as the Republican candidate for president–and I am glad about that, because if it happened, I would have to lose all faith in the intelligence of my fellow Americans–I would like to see a Cain/Obama debate, too. Can we schedule one just for the laughs?

  3. Toby says:

    Harriet the big difference, Cain is a republican. Cain does not own State Troopers to keep things like this from getting out. Cain does not have the friendly backing of MSM to turn a blind eye to any and all info of any kind about him. If democrat candidates had to deal with the MSM the way republicans do we would see far less democrats elected to any office. That is just how it is. I really like Cain and would vote for him but I do not think he will survive that long.
    Newt is next, the MSM is kinda screwed with Newt because we pretty much know his dirty laundry and most of us on the Right do not care or his poll number wouldn’t be what they are. I have no idea what will be dug up but the MSM wont be happy until it is Romney on top.

  4. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet, most likely this woman came forward because she was dumped just before the election, just so Cain could hide his dirty laundry and look better. “Hell hath no more fury than a woman scorned.”

    You’re right about the philandering dems being treated differently by the media than republicans. However, I would expect conservatives to have a much higher standard than our MSM or democrat candidates.

    This woman allegedly allowed herself to stay in a 13 year relationship with a married man…that was pretty dumb and says a lot about her morals. But, for the sum of evidence now in all pointing in one direction … it looks really bad for Cain.

    I’m fairly sure he has been lying to us all along. One reason I say that is I have more info of a similar nature on this man than what’s been printed to date, but I can not reveal what I know because (one) it was hearsay and (two) it was given in confidence, but maybe some day I will. If I get permission from the source.

  5. Harriet says:

    All of you have made good points. My problem with Cain is his ineptness in foreign Affairs even to a small degree, his so called “brain freeze” to me was more alarming than the so called affair.
    I agree Newt will be next, but what is left to say?
    Frankly I am not delighted with any of the candidates, the further along we go the more convinced I am Obama will be re- elected.

    I cannot stand Romney, he is my least favorite of the bunch.
    Basically I think we are screwed.
    I do admit the thought of a debate between Obama and Cain would be good, Maybe I too, was blind sided by his uniqness.

  6. Chris says:

    Harriet: “My problem with Cain is his ineptness in foreign Affairs even to a small degree, his so called “brain freeze” to me was more alarming than the so called affair.”

    I have to agree, in general, that Cain’s ineptitude is much more of a pressing issue than the alleged affairs. I don’t think his long-term political chances were ever good, and they wouldn’t have been even without these accusations. He just doesn’t have the intelligence or the desire to learn that is required for the job.

  7. Pie Guevara says:

    What more evidence does one need to show the left wing lame stream media has it in for Herman Cain and seeks to destroy him?

    Think JFK or Clinton. The lame stream did their best to suppress both. With JFK it worked, with Clinton it did not. Going after Cain may be sheer resentment over being outed for hypocrisy and bias over Clinton.

    Poor Herman, he walked off the Democrat plantation and is paying for it. What could be a more strong, distinct message to all black conservatives, men or women. The left, and the left wing media, will do anything they can to destroy them.

    Cain could walk all over President Fool in a debate. Obama teleprompter versus Cain honest practicality? Cain was the real deal. Now he is dead meat.

    The always jeering, snotty left must be quite relieved at this point. Evidence? To the point saying about a potential debate, “Can we schedule one just for the laughs?”

    I doubt Obama would ever rise to that challenge unless he actually was forced to debate Cain.

  8. Post Scripts says:

    Harriet….I agree with you. Realistically Cain was on his way down in the polls before the latest bimbo attack. His knowledge on foreign affairs was a serious drag on his campaign. A lot of people are wondering if Cain really intended to be a serious candidate. His campaign began as a book signing tour and he seemed to get swept up into a front runner because of his unique qualities and the very popular GOP debates.

    Given those debates, their massive public attention, the media and the internet, it may have been enough to get him launched without a traditional campaign and it may have taken him further faster than he ever anticipated.

  9. Princess says:

    People, Jon Huntsman is still in the game and he is a brilliant, articulate, experienced candidate. He is the obvious choice and the MSM knows it and refuses to treat him seriously. Newt is better than anyone but Huntsman but he seems a little old to me. Isn’t he 70? That is the age most people are retired and we would want him for two terms. I really wish Republicans would wake up and see how badly Huntsman is getting hosed. The rise of Gingrich gives me hope for Huntsman because I think after the primary Huntsman would have a real chance at beating Obama.

    I have to say I am disappointed in the comments about the morals of a woman engaged in an affair with a married man. It doesn’t say anything more about her morals than it says about his. Shame on both of them. Equally.

  10. Chris says:

    Pie: “What more evidence does one need to show the left wing lame stream media has it in for Herman Cain and seeks to destroy him?”

    Actual evidence, maybe?

    “The left, and the left wing media, will do anything they can to destroy them.”

    Pie…the left wing doesn’t need to destroy Herman Cain. Herman Cain is an idiot. He destroys himself every time he opens his mouth and reveals his stunning ignorance of world affairs, or says something that totally contradicts whatever he said the day before. I am not saying this because I am a left winger, I am saying it because it is true. Many right wingers came to the same conclusion when they saw that Cain could not articulate a coherent position on abortion.

    “Cain could walk all over President Fool in a debate.”

    Seriously? The guy that didn’t know China had nuclear capabilities? The guy that says he will delegate all foreign policy decisions to his advisors? The guy that first said he had no knowledge of the sexual harassment allegations, then acknowledged that he did know about them the next day?

    Come on, Pie. The guy is not well-spoken, he is never mentally prepared, and whenever he is called out for his inconsistent and/or false statements, he blames everyone else. Cain just…sucks.

  11. Toby says:

    I wonder which one of our 57 states China will target first? Chris do you have a guess?

  12. Tina says:

    Chris: “Actual evidence, maybe?”

    If they have it why are they holding it? Why not stick in the knife and turn it?

    “…the left wing doesn’t need to destroy Herman Cain.”

    But they have set out to do just that? Where is the skepticism? Where is the defense. Why are his accusers not being attacked for trying to destroy a black man?

    “Herman Cain is an idiot.”

    That’s a very broad assessment of a man that has a wide background of education, experience and achievement. And from someone who voted for Obama, a man that had who knows what level of acheivement in college/law school since he won’t release his records. A man with a failed record of helping the poor in Chicago (wasting tax dollars in the process). A man with a nonexistant record of achievemnet in both the state and federal legislatures. A man with zero executive experience. A man that was given Joe Biden as a running mate to prop up in foreign affairs legitimacy because he knew nothing. And last but not least a man that needed a vacuous slogan and a teleprompter to sound smart. And finally a guy that knew he would NEVER face the kind of scrutiny and attack that republican candidates must endure and in fact, could count on the media to be his cheerleadersm aiders and abetters!

    For a person claiming to hold such high standards this is one area that you totally miss the boat.

    “The guy that says he will delegate all foreign policy decisions to his advisors?”

    NO! The guy that acknowledged a weak area (all candidates and presidents have them) and said he would rely on foreign policy advisors…not “delegate” foreign policy decisions.

    Cain has a record of successful executive decision making. Obama the candidate did not and Obama the president doesn’t bother to take advice he is given even when he constructs the advisory board for that purpose. His decisions have all been determined by his Marxist ideology, advice he took from the mentors of his upbringing and college years.

  13. Pie Guevara says:

    Re Some Sneering, Snotty Left Wing Jerk’s Comment: “Come on, Pie on. The guy is not well-spoken, he is never mentally prepared, and whenever he is called out for his inconsistent and/or false statements, he blames everyone else. Cain just…sucks.”


  14. Pie Guevara says:

    I think Chris has some distinct emotional issues here. But then, that is what the left is all about, no? Once they decide that any black person of import wanders off the progressive plantation no calumny, nor sneer, nor insult is over the top.

    Congrats, Chris. You have shown your soul — and the soul of the left — again.

    Enjoy your “victory”.

    Who needs any more evidence that progressives are scum? Thanks bud!

  15. Chris says:

    Toby, there is a difference between a misstatement and a lack of knowledge. Obama never genuinely believed that there were 57 states. You must know that, deep down. But did Herman Cain really know that China was a nuclear power? The differing explanations for the gaffe put out by Cain and his chief campaign manager indicate that he may really not have known this.

    Tina: “If they have it why are they holding it?”

    I think you misunderstood my comment; Pie asked “What more evidence does one need to show the left wing lame stream media has it in for Herman Cain and seeks to destroy him?” I was saying that there is not yet evidence that this is the case.

    “But they have set out to do just that? Where is the skepticism? Where is the defense.”

    I’ve seen many liberals express skepticism over the accusations. In fact, I’ve seen many liberals express even more skepticism than some conservatives. But maybe those people aren’t indicative of “the left.” What leftists are you referring to that you think have gone after this issue unfairly?

    Why are his accusers not being attacked for trying to destroy a black man?

  16. Pie Guevara says:

    If you were wondering just how desperate the left is, how about the NYT’s Kevin Boyle’s facile attempt to stick the KKK to the Tea Party? Go look it up yourself, I won’t link to that “progressive” DemocRat scum. I’ll let Chris and other find this hero all by themselves.

  17. Toby says:

    I believe whole heartedly that Obama has a room temperature I.Q. That makes him a double threat, a stupid person with power. Chris how does that $#it sandwich taste? Obama keeps putting it out and you just keep wolfing it down.

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