- The danger to America is not Barack Obama, but the citizenry capable of entrusting a man like him with the Presidency.
- It will be far easier to limit and undo the follies of this man than to restore the necessary common sense and good judgment to our shallow electorate willing to have such a man for their president.
- The Republic can survive Barack Obama, It is less likely to survive the vast multitude that made him our president.
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Very sad but very true.
While there are mountains of evidence that the people who voted for and still support Obama are dumber than a bag of doorknobs, I still have faith in the basic intelligence of the electorate.
It is the job of DemocRATs and the left-wing elitist “intelligentsia” to sneer at the common man, not conservatives. Conservatives should know better, dammit.
Obama was an aberration. Anger at Bush, a badly conducted war, federal government RINO’s offering nothing more than DemocRAT Lite bleeding the system policy, and an establishment RINO presidential candidate all served to put Obama in office.
This stupid voter actually voted for Obama. Why?
1: In hopes the resulting four years of unbridled left wing lunacy would cause the DemocRatic party to self-destruct under its own weight and have a lasting effect.
2: In hope that Republicans would figure out who they are.
Maybe I was wrong. But maybe not.
In any case, this time around it will be different. The stupids (including myself) will not sway the next election.
Even in spite of the classic and overwhelming evidence of electorate stupidity (an example of which is linked to below) I still maintain optimism.
Thanks Pie, you’ve said what needed to be said and no doubt a lot of
Americans are nodding their heads because they voted for Obama for the very same reasons.
Pie, I wish I shared your optimism, but after all of the voter fraud that took place in 2008 I’m afraid our, “One person one vote.” is no longer true.
There was a really good Youtube video about all the voter fraud that took place in 2008 done by a democratic producer. Wish I could remember her name and find it again. I’ve tried several times, but it seems to have been scrubbed. She interviewed people from all over the US who told of the fraud they personally witnessed or participated in.
One individual was an eye doctor and in charge of a precinct in Texas. When she heard different numbers reported on the news that evening, giving Obama more votes then she reported, she called two precinct workers and they went down and got all of the ballots. The three of them worked every night for weeks and recounted all the ballots and came up with the same numbers she had turned in. The interview was of all three precinct workers who validated what the others said. Hard to not believe since the doctor said she was also a democrat.
I’m afraid our whole voting system has been compromised and with the current state and federal attorney generals we can’t expect a fair and impartial count. The above documentary had about a dozen different testimonies covering a wide variety of scenarios. Our system has been corrupted.
Voter fraud is a serious issue, especially in CA. What we need to combat it is a voter ID law in this state. Republicans have tried it in the legislature but democrats killed it for obvious reasons. The only way to pass voter ID in CA will be by initiative. It would be best if said initiative came from the TEA Party, and not from Republican ranks, but we’ll take what we can get.
In a democracy, voter fraud is among the very worst of crimes. The left knows this and they do it anyway. It shows who they really are.
Ever notice how, when the most abject stupids of the left have absolutely nothing to contribute they go on about Rush Limbaugh and Fox News?
Quentin, you much are better off (snip).
I am still extremely disappointed that Post Scripts chose to suppress Quentin’s version of “freedom of speech”. People need to know just how ridiculous and obscene the typical “progressive” lunatic of the left is.
Our readers should know that that “guy on the radio” reports that percentage on on his accuracy on points of fact. They should know that the assessment does not include his opinions.
The “guy on the radio” says the percentage is determined by the Sullivan Group. I don’t know if it’s a quarterly or yearly assessment but I do know the percentage does change slightly reporting to reporting.
Either this claim is true, or he has devised this claim just to pull the tightly wound chains of those who are intimidated or jealous of him and so resort to smears and labeling to try to discredit him and his audience. (What a stupid waste of time!)
Whether authentic or not…who cares? It’s a great schtick! Thinking people, his loyal listeners, are more interested in the issues and the future of the country. We are more interested in the well-being of each individual American and the overall health of the country. We are more interested in considering differing points of view so we can decide for ourselves what we think and the level of “that guys” accuracy.
Pie, I agree with you 110%, Occutard’s death threats to you and others should be posted front and center on this blog from now on. This blog should also have a running list of every time our “educated” president proves what a moron he truly is. That way when the “educated” Left tell us how stupid our candidates are we can just direct them to the ever growing list.
The ER’s policy is not to publish threats, until that changes we can’t do it either.
You work for Dan Logue. Is he working on a bill to change this and require ID to vote? How about LaMalfa, and the other republicans and democrats, if any are interested, working together on getting this bill passed? It needs to be fixed, so let’s fix it.
Students have to show ID to take the SAT and other types of test, all of us have had to show ID to cash a check or use our credit cards, etc., etc., etc., but we have nothing to require us to comply with our own voting laws. Insanity or intentional by design?
You may know someone in Nevada like I do that saw their vote change in the electronic voting booth from Sharron Angle to Harry Reid. Angle was 5% ahead of Reid in the polls before the election and after, but Reid won. How? According to a computer programmers testimony before a Florida (I believe) senate committee he not only designed a program to alter the votes and to hide the fact the votes had been changed, but that he had been hired to do so for a candidate.
Here is the video.
To see just how widespread voter fraud is just Google it. It is shocking and the reason for my concern.
I understand all that Jack, I was just showing support for Pie and at the same time reminding people how mentally unbalanced and dangerous the Occutards are. I came across the term Occutard today and I really cant use it enough. It sums them up perfectly.
I can think of only one reason anyone would object to having to show ID when voting. I wonder if the Occutards would back it? I think not, that would actually be something understandable and worthy of protesting for.
I have family in Nevada who know of some of that. I also have republican activist friends in the Fresno area who report rampart voter fraud by way of busing in people who claim to be voters. They use names of voters who haven’t voted in several elections and often no one challenges them. Without an ID system in place, they get away with it. My friends have seen this done and it is funded by the unions.
You may recall that Rick Keene authored a bill to fix this problem but the dems wouldn’t let it out of committee. Logue or Lamalfa would have the same luck I’m afraid. This one needs to come from the people.
Here are a couple of more videos on voter fraud to give you an idea of just how widespread it is.
I FOUND IT! Here is the documentary Ive been looking for. Its been broken into five parts and titled We Will Not Be Silenced.
Promo Clip
Part #1
Part #2
Part #3
Part #4
Yeah, you were okay in doing that too Toby. 99% of the Occutards are confused and dangerous.