Balanced Budget Amendment (Short form)

by Jack Lee

In case you don’t have time to read the full article below, here’s the short form.

In 2001 if we had merely passed a balanced budget amendment instead of creating a new bureaucracy (Homeland Security) we would have been infinitely better off.

It would have been easier to pass a Constitutional Amendment and it would have been far more rational too. If there was ever a need for another federal agency, then I think it should have been something like, oh, say the “Dept. of Internal Auditing”, an agency created to protect us citizens against government waste, fraud and abuse.

Imagine what such a watchdog group could dig up! And think of all the wonderful indictments they could file against corrupt officials (Nancy Pelosi, Harry Reid, etc.). Wouldn’t you love to see that? I sure would. I betcha that could have done a 1000 times more to improve our national security than anything this idiotic Homeland Security has ever done!

The real threat to this nation is not coming from outside our borders, it’s those wasteful, corrupt spendaholics in Washington, D.C.

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One Response to Balanced Budget Amendment (Short form)

  1. Post Scripts says:

    Q…I was not for it, not from day one.

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