Posted by Tina
Friday’s doc dump reveals an important bit of info on the Fast and Furious investigation:
Scandal: The Justice Department has formally withdrawn a letter to Congress denying it sanctioned or allowed guns to be transferred to Mexico because it contained “inaccuracies.” That’s one way of putting it.
Back in February, Assistant Attorney General Ron Welch, in response to the investigations by Rep. Darrell Issa and Sen. Chuck Grassley of the Fast and Furious gun “walking” program run out of ATF’s Phoenix office, wrote a letter stating that the “allegation that ATF ‘sanctioned’ or otherwise knowingly allowed the sale of assault weapons is false.”
The Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives, Welch contended, “makes every effort to interdict weapons that have been purchased illegally and prevent their transportation to Mexico.” Another Friday document dump has confirmed what agent testimony and other information have already shown — this letter, and almost everything in it, was a complete fabrication.
Coincidentally on Friday, Deputy Attorney General James Cole, in another letter to Congress, wrote: “Facts have come to light during the course of this investigation that indicate the Feb. 4 letter contains inaccuracies.” In other words, the Department of Justice lied to Congress.
If media were covering this the way they covered Scooter Libby…but we know why they don’t.
Which reminds me!
Does anyone else remember the endless stream of homeless stories in the 1980’s? The homeless were a part of every news cycles and on every front page. Entire specials were dedicated to the homeless. Rock groups held concerts…we are the world…we are the children.
So in this crisis where is the bleeding heart media on the growing number of the poor, the jobless, the homeless, and those who need food stamps?
Where, oh where, is the bloody outrage?
I’m sorry…I know, in fact we ALL know, exactly why they don’t repeat this Obama damning news over and over again, day in and day out, week after bloody week!
The usual suspects will be lights out on this as well. If Obama were a republican the impeachment would be over by now and he would be gone.
There can be no outrage if people don’t know about it.
I just checked Yahoo News, CNN, MSNBC, ABC, CBS, and FOX. The most recent article on CNN is 12/2, nothing came up for MSNBC, ABC has a very short article about Romney asking for Holder’s resignation on 12/3, and CBS has coverage of a new legal gun sales program with Mexico.
You can find out what Gingrich, Cain, Trump are up to or you can read about the promises the GOP candidates can’t keep, but little to nothing, except for Fox, about the lies and cover-up.
I did this search at 8am on Tuesday. Hopefully, coverage will be added.
I thought the Bush DOJ was the worst in history until Obama’s took over. They have failed to investigate the most obvious financial crimes. Remember in the 80s and 90s when insider trading was a problem? They actually arrested people? Now they are complicit in the crimes.
Eric Holder should resign in disgrace.
Forgot to mention the new legal program reported by CBS is called, “Direct Commercial Sales.” Thousands of AR 15s are being sold by US manufactures to the Mexican military, but hundreds are ending up in the hands of drug cartels.;lst;9
Do you have a reliable source confirming the “lies” allegedly told by the Justice Department?
I ask because the last time a commenter linked to Investors Business Daily, the story turned out to be false. That article claimed that the Obama administration had planned on apologizing to the Japanese for the atrocities committed at Hiroshima. This was based on a (possibly willful) misinterpretation of some memos in which the Japanese requested that Obama not apologize for the event, but the stated reason for this request was speculation within the country; nowhere did the memos cite any stated intent by the Obama administration to apologize.
I suspect that misinterpretation might be at work here as well. That is probably why, Peggy, the mainstream media has not reported on this issue.
“Does anyone else remember the endless stream of homeless stories in the 1980’s? The homeless were a part of every news cycles and on every front page. Entire specials were dedicated to the homeless.”
I remember it like it was yesterday…oh, wait. It was.
“So in this crisis where is the bleeding heart media on the growing number of the poor, the jobless, the homeless, and those who need food stamps?”
If you don’t think these issues are commonly reported in the mainstream media, then you haven’t been watching the mainstream media.
Chris: “Do you have a reliable source confirming the “lies” allegedly told by the Justice Department?”
The source cited in the article was material released by the Justice Department that corroborated quoted testimony given earlier in the investigation.
Do you have any information that would show their reporting is flawed?
“This was based on a (possibly willful) misinterpretation…”
Do you have anything that would back up the assumed willfulness? A pattern perhaps? One error in one story does not make much of a case and in today’s instant reporting the possibility to err is greater than ever before.
“I remember it like it was yesterday…oh, wait. It was.”
Thank you so much Chris for reminding me how young, and lacking in historical experience, some of our readers might be!
I typed homeless food stamps Obama into a search engine and I had to go to page four before a main stream publication came up. The New York Times first paragraph:
Isnt that nice? Such a positive spin for the big government guy!
Not a single posting from ABC, CBS, or NBC. If this was indeed something being reported on a regular basis articles & video should be available.
Accuracy in media also noticed the media absence in reminding the American people of the terrible plight so many citizens face under this administration.
See it isnt just that they dont report the statistics with pounding repetition as they did in the eighties, its that they do not bludgeon Obama with sob stories about people hurting under his watch!!!
What I want and expect from the fourth estate is that they don’t take sides. If they had integrity as news outlets they would give us the who what when where and why and leave the cheerleading and booing out of it.
It doesn’t matter as much today because we have alternative media but it should matter to all Americans that so many of those who claim to be journalists are in fact sympathetic campaigners for the Democrat party.
More information on this growing scandal from Fox and Senator Gressley:
Also from Powerline and Sharyl Attkisson of CBS
Rush had it nailed back when this criminal activity came out. Rush said this whole F&F thing is nothing but a way for Obama to screw with the second amendment. Obama got at least on American murdered so he could stomp on the constitution.