Posted by Tina
Americans have been fortunate. We have enjoyed freedoms that make personal choices and an abundance of choices a remarkable reality. But in the last sixty or seventy years government interventions have been squeezing the choice out of life, the latest being Obamacare.
Most healthcare plans will be required to cover birth control without charging co-pays or deductibles starting Aug. 1, the Obama administration announced Friday.
The final regulation retains the approach federal health officials proposed last summer, despite the deluge of complaints from religious groups and congressional Republicans that has poured in since then. Churches, synagogues and other houses of worship are exempt from the requirement, but religious-affiliated hospitals and universities only get a one-year delay and must comply by Aug. 1, 2013.
“This decision was made after very careful consideration, including the important concerns some have raised about religious liberty,” Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius said in a statement. “I believe this proposal strikes the appropriate balance between respecting religious freedom and increasing access to important preventive services.”
Isn’t it the left that constantly screams about separation of religion and state? I guess it’s okay when government stomps on religious practices but it’s not okay if a citizen wishes to say a prayer at graduation ceremony.
We are losing the country, freedom and choice, to Marxist progressive power hungry ***H***S! We need to stop them…now! Well…next November.