by Tina Grazier
The President recently traveled to Brazil to try to broker an oil deal, offering loans and assistance in clean technology production in exchange for a deal to import oil to the US. Brazil has chosen to turn its back on Obama and has awarded the oil deal to China.
Many of you might remember that after the BP explosion President Obama placed a moratorium on drilling in the Gulf. This action sent a number of Gulf oil rigs to Brazil’s offshore Libra Field where a less hostile government would assure work for years to come. At the same time President Obama offered a $2 Billion loan to Petrobras, the state owned oil company of…you guessed it…Brazil!
Last week the President caved to extremist environmental zealots and nixed the Keystone Pipeline deal with Canada. He has been against offshore drilling on both coasts as well as in the Gulf and in Alaska. His diplomatic and strategic failures in the Middle East find Iran threatening to close the Straits of Hormuz. Economists are warning that we will experience gasoline prices over the summer that may be as high as $5.00 a gallon. This is sad news for Americans indeed. We are painfully aware that both Obama and his EPA have been threatening oil, gas and coal production in the U.S. at the same time that he has wasted millions in support of failing or failed green energy companies:
It’s estimated that 80% of green energy loan money went to companies owned by Obama donors and supporters.
This is a president who presents himself as friendly, warm and well meaning. But he often sits on the fence, as if sitting will please everybody. then instead of making wise energy choices for the country he offers favors (as bribes?) for approval, he picks winners and losers, he panders to special interest supporters for votes. This folksy executive style isn’t working…and why would it?!!!! Obama is just bad news for America when it comes to energy.
Americans are suffering and will suffer because of Obama’s energy policy incompetence…or is it all just part of that plan of his to “transform America”?
You decide…next November. It may be the most important decision of your life.
Yes, well, we’re not going to war with either Brazil or China over this.
You! you, are going to scrap the SUV and the 80-miles-an-hour.
And if you listened to good news, you would have heard about how our military has run a big boat from here to there on algae-diesel.
We are making progress, ignore it how you like.
War? Who said anything about war? Man you must be dipping into that old bottle of hippie wine again.
And how many times do I have to tell you…I drive an ’89 Honda and I have a three mile commute. I also stay within the speed limit.
Guess what…our military also has boats that run on nuclear power…have for some time. We could all starve hoping for the change that would let us run the nation on algae anytime soon…in the meantime some inexpensive fuel would make a lot of Americans happy. And by the way? In our free capitalist society that “progress” could go on quite nicely without government throwing millions of tax dollars down the drain. Private investors would support the things that have promise and decline to support the Solyndras.
The news I get is just fine, thank you. In your fervor to change the subject, and slam me, YOU managed to completely “ignore” every damning point. Somehow I don’t think it will help.
Q: “Could it be the dumb asses who say that partisanship–why this isn’t happening–is the only game in town?”
Partisanship is preventing the development of green algae as a major energy source? Please! Our readers need to know how you arrived at this conclusion.
“Could it be that any serious talk gets shot down with BS talk about Solyndra?”
If you have instances where discussion of green algae energy has been shot down with talk about solyndra you should share that too. But tell me…do you think that this investment and the others like it were a good investment of tax payer dollars or simply pay back for campaign support? Or was it Obama picking winners and losers?
“You’d rather talk [snip] than accomplish anything.”
And you are doing exactly what?
“You’d rather race-bait with talk about how this is all Obama’s fault.”
Race bate? Please tell me what race has to do with anything posted here> In what way am I race bating?
“Obama doesn’t own the oil companies–they own him!”
Oh really? Evidence please. What has he done that shows he has even the least bit of interest in aiding the oil industry?
Come on Quentin you can do better than this.
As I just pointed out to Harold Ey in another thread (and as I believe I have told you before), the claim that Obama was responsible for a $2 billion loan to Brazil is completely false. There is no truth to it whatsoever.
“Perrys claim is wrong in several ways. First, the number is wrong. Although there was an initial commitment for $2 billion, it ultimately became a $308 million loan guarantee. Second, Perry ignores that the Ex-Im Bank is an independent federal agency, and he is wrong to attribute its actions to Obama. The initial commitment came when it was controlled by Bush appointees. And although the Obama appointee voted for the $308 million loan guarantee, there is no evidence that it done at the behest of Obama.
We rate this statement Pants on Fire.”
Please correct the record for your readers.